Sequel: Gorgeous Nightmare
Status: Active.

Ugly Duckling

chapter twelve;

I hadn't been to see a counselor since I was ten years old.

And I was hoping I would never have to again.

But apparently threatening the lives of the entire student body is frowned upon by higher societies.

Mom is angry
upset mortified embarassed

My step-father is just sitting their with his arms crossed, a strange look on my face.

Jesse wasn't aloud in the room, although I knew it was a major goal of hers to get in and here the gossip.

As for me?

Well, even though I knew it would probably get me in even more trouble, I couldn't stop laughing.

"Miss Kassarian, what on earth is so funny?"

"This is no laughing matter, Brogan."

"Miss Kassarian, please calm down and answer my questions."

No matter what I try to do, I can't stop my giggles.

And to be honest, I had absolutely no fucking idea why I was even laughing in the first place.

The counselor bitch was getting mad
frustrated heated pissed

But for some odd reason...

It just made me laugh harder.
♠ ♠ ♠
