Sequel: Gorgeous Nightmare
Status: Active.

Ugly Duckling

chapter twenty-six;

Second day of family counseling went alright.

If alright was even a word able to describe my life.

Jesse cried about how she'd been feeling fat when around her friends.

I had no idea she was insecure about her body.

Honestly, why would she be?

Jesse was in one word: gorgeous

Then Bill started talking about his lack of sleep lately. He was uncertain of the reason, but felt like he was being a downer on the family with his rare bad moods.

Again, I had no idea Bill had a sleeping problem.

When it was my turn to state my troubles, I simply bit my lip and shrugged.

No way could I tell them the truth.

No fucking way.

But deep inside, as I felt a sudden burn in my hundreds of scars and fresh cuts along my body, I knew that I'd have to tell them sometime.

Sometime being soon.
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