Sequel: Gorgeous Nightmare
Status: Active.

Ugly Duckling

chapter twenty-nine;

"He is a senior, he goes to Veront like Jesse's boyfriend Conner. You know Conner, right?"

I nodded quickly, hoping she would drop the subject of Conner soon.

Luckily, she did just that.

"Anyway, he's real sweet. Totally charming―at least that's what Leia said―and she also said he is hot. It's totally gross, but whatever. You in for it?"

"In for what?"

"Noah, B. I already told him you'd go out with him and me and Vince on Friday night. That's alright, isn't it?"

"I guess..."

"Good, 'cause he's pretty stoked."


"Yeah, you know, like, excited," She laughed, shaking her head at me, "Damn, B. I didn't realize how much work I've got on my plate with you."

Even though I had no idea what she meant, I forced a smile and shoved a carrot in my mouth.

Deep inside, although I was petrified to tell Nora the truth, I was scared.

Scared of what Noah Roberts would think of someone like me.

Scared of what Jesse would say if or when she found out I had a date with an actual boy.

Scared of screwing up my life, once again.

Help me.
♠ ♠ ♠
