Sequel: Gorgeous Nightmare
Status: Active.

Ugly Duckling

chapter thirty-eight;

I wrote my number on Noah's hand with a Sharpie marker

because he asked me too.

I promised to "stay just as cute" for the next time we hung out

because he said I was adorable.

I told him I would definitely call him the next day

because for once, I was confident in myself.

I went back to Nora's house smiling.

I blushed when Noah asked if I cared if he and Vince stayed over for a while.

I didn't deny the truth when Nora asked me if I liked Noah as more than a friend.

I never pushed away when Noah kissed me in the dark of Nora's living room.

I didn't call him stupid when he whispered in my ear, "Brogan, you're beautiful."

I never felt the need to cut myself as I held onto Noah's hand during the movie we watched.

I did feel special when his other hand rested on my thigh, but didn't go any further.

Because he was too much of a gentleman to go any farther then I pleased.

When Noah said "I'll see you when I see you, beautiful" as he and Vince climbed into the car to leave, I waved and blew him a kiss goodbye.

And when Nora followed me back inside, wanting to know if I had fun, I didn't even bother to lie.

Because truthfully, I think I've had a pretty good damn night.

So far.
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