Sequel: Gorgeous Nightmare
Status: Active.

Ugly Duckling

chapter eight;

Just my luck, I fell in a mud puddle on the way to school.

I could've rode with Jesse. She has a car, a nice one.

But if I don't like the girl, why should I cram inside of her mustang and listen to that awful rap shit that she called music if I had two working feet?

Exactly, I shouldn't
wouldn't couldn't won't

It'd been raining on and offf for about a week.

The rain didn't mix well with the dirt, apparently.

Because there was definitely a huge ass puddle right in the middle of the sidewalk just a block from the school building.

Fuck me.

So I had to walk into homeroom covered in mud
dirty gross nasty


It was already an embarrassment enough when I wasn't slimed up.

Add shitty water and you have yourself a fucking masterpiece.

Her name is Brogan Marie Kassarian.

But you can just call her the Ugly Duckling.
♠ ♠ ♠
