Black and Vegas Gold


*Max has started a BBM chat


Marc - Yeah, feel better Melanie! :)

Kris - Hope you're doing good Mellark.

Sid - You're taking me shopping tomorrow.. Oh! And feel better ;)

Jord - Get better Mel-Bear, I miss seeing your gorgeous face.

Mel - Thanks guys ! And what are we shopping for Sid..?

Max - Oh shucks, your welcome hot stuff.

Sid - I had decided to switch over to PS3 from X-Box.

Marc - SAY IT AIN'T SO?!?!?!?! :O

Jord - Shit son, what finally made you change your stubborn mind?

Sid - Well... Kath used her spare key, got into my house, and stole that along with a couple other things..

Mel - ... Sidney, that's illegal.

Max - But she had a key.. She's golden!

Marc - Max, SHUT UP.

Kris - Mon ami... No bueno.

Jord - You realize nothing in your last post was English?

Sid - When did you start speaking Spanish Tanger?

Kris - Oh, I don't.. That's like, the only Spanish I know.

*Jon requests to join the chat*

Max - Is that.. Jonathan Toews?

Marc - Someone care to explain.. *Looks at Sidney*

Mel - *Raises hand slowly* We kind of have a.. Thing?

Jord - Really? Jonathan Toews?

*Jon has joined the chat

Jon - Mel, why did you want me to join this..?

Sid - Yeah, Melanie. Enlighten us.

Mel - I just wanted to inform the guys that we are dating..

Max - DATING?! Do I need to give you 'The Talk'?

Marc - Young lady, no dating until you are 30!

Jord - I thought you had a 'Thing'? Now your dating?

Jon - Um, yeah.. We're dating. I have practice though, so bye Mel, nice talking to you guys!

*Jon has left the chat

Marc has created the group "WTF Mel?"

*Max has joined "WTF Mel?"

*Sid has joined "WTF Mel?"

*Jord has joined "WTF Mel?"

*Kris has joined "WTF Mel?"

*Geno has joined "WTF Mel?"


Geno - I here entire time..

Marc - Really?

Max - I don't know man..

Geno - We eating lunch together..

Kris - LMFAO. Max, you dumb ass.

Sid - Mel, how are feeling?

Mel - Uh, fine.

Jord - Sid can you call me?

*Jord has left the chat

Sid - Then we are going shopping in and hour. I'll pick you up at 2

*Sid has left the chat

*Mel has left the chat

Geno - Max *Head shake*

*Geno has ended the chat*
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I have my top three celebrity crushes (No hockey players):

+ Alex Pettyfer <3
+Garret Hedlund
+Callan McAuliffe

Why did I tell you this? I have spent the last teeny bits of free-time watching all of their movies... :$. I consider watching Beastly (Alex Pettyfer) the first chance you get.. Besides the fact that they open with him being shirtless (I almost died in the movie theatre)

I apologize, but school is killing me, and I missed this entire week of it because I have an 'Extreme Throat Inflammation'... Yeah :/ Big ass pills ..

Comment please :)
Comments equal updates.. ;) <3