Innocent Little Kid With Rockstar Daddy

Her Dad

I watched my little five-year-old open her birthday presents.

"Mommy what does this say?" Helena* asked handing me a card.

"It says; To Lena** my little sweetie pie. Have a brilliant day. Lots of love Eime xxx" Eime was my best friend, college and Helena's godmother.

"Can we visit Eime later? I misses her very much." I couldn't help but laugh at her. "Mommy why is you laughing at me?" she scowled. At times I swore she wasn't related to me.

"You saw Eime two days ago! How can you miss her already?!"

"'Cause I do," she said matter-of-factly.

I giggled and told her to get ready for school. Being a single mom at 24 was hard but somehow I'd managed to get through it. Lena looked nothing like me except for her eyes. We both had blue eyes. She got the dark brown hair and slightly pale skin from her father.

April 9th

"Mommy come on, I is to buy colors with my money!" ordered Lena me. I giggled.

"Yes boss " When we reached St. Stephens Green shopping center our fist stop was the teddy shop. Lena had picked out a Cookie Monster while I got a small panda bear. She was over the moon with the teddy. We raced up to the second floor and walked through the small art gallery. One thing Lena had in common with her dad and me was art.

"Honey Mommy was thinking about getting another tattoo today, what do you think?"

She beamed "Can I ick it out and watch?"

"Oh of coarse you can. What do you think I should get?"

She thought for a few minutes. "I know! A wed wose"

"Yeah lets go see if James can fit me first." James did fit me in and Lena watched him in awe as he tattooed me. She looked so interested in what he was doing and for a kid her age she was asking pretty intelligent questions. I studied Lena's face and she looked really confused.

"Honey you ok?" she looked at me then back to the tattoo.

"Why is James putting my in name under wose?"

I smiled "Because you picked the rose out and I thought it would be nice to get my baby's name underneath it." She simply nodded and went back to watching James.

Walking home I rang Eime twice but she didn't answer. She was either with John or in the shower.. with John .Lena bought her colors and paper, I tried buying them for her but she refused point blank.

As soon as we got to our apartment Lena went to test her new colors and came out of her room with a perfectly drawn bunch of daisies and 'Mommy' underneath them. She was such a good drawer. It came naturally to her while me on the other hand forced it out. I had worked in a cartoon company in New York City for a while before the 9/11 it had helped me loads but being six months pregnant and doing collage was hard so I dropped out and became a photographer in The Sunday Times. I walked into Lena's room to see if she was ok, I found her sleeping on her Bratz bed. The child was nothing like me or her father; we were more into the dark side of life and music while Lena loved Bratz and princess things.


I woke up to the sound of Bullet For My Valentine Room 409 blasting out of my phone. It was 7.30am so I got up checked my messages and there was still no reply from Eime. It wasn't like her, usually she would text me if she had a missed call on her phone from me. I woke Lena up and started making her breakfast while I made myself much needed tea. It was my day off and Eime's day off too so I decided I would stop by after I brought Lena to school.

I tried ringing her to warn her that I was coming over to hers but she still wasn't answering my texts or calls. I rang the doorbell three times before threatening her to use the spare key and see her messy apartment, still no reply. I opened the door to find her living room more messy than usual and I dropped my handbag on the sofa. I noticed hair and a red stain on the carpet beside her newly bought glass table.

"Eime stop fucking around and get your ass out here right now!" I yelled getting freaked out. This was officially getting creepy. I opened her bedroom door.

"Holy shit " I whispered. Eime lay on the ground face down. I rolled her over and screamed. Her once tanned face was now paper white. Dry blood had formed around her mouth and the big wound on her forehead. A rope that was wrapped around her neck was completely covered in dry blood as well. She had no pulse and she wasn't breathing. I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from screaming again. I ran to the kitchen and called the police. They questioned me for a while but I couldn't take anymore so I went to collect Lena from school.

Later that evening I sat down watching Sponge Bob Square Pant's with Lena when the doorbell rang. Who the hell would be calling to me so late? I opened the door to see two police officers standing there.

"Oh hello officers. Can I help you with anything?"

"Jenevieve {{Jen-nah-veeve}} Anne Murray? " asked the tallest officer.

I was confused. "Yeah, why?"

"We are placing you under arrest on suspicion of murdering Eimear Marie Gabriel-"

I shook my head as if to say no.

"You do not have to say anything. Anything you do say may be given as evidence in court. Do you understand?"

I nodded. Lena came running up behind me. "Mommy what going on?"

"Please let her come with me, " I whispered only loud enough for the officers to hear. I turned to Lena. "Honey gets your coat and small blanket. We get to go in a police car." I forced a little smile. Lena grabbed my right hand while my left hand was cuffed to the smaller officer.

"You may want to ring your family to collect her" one of them said.

"I have no family" I spat

At the station I was questioned for two hours straight before a female officer interrupted "Sorry Sergeant. I just need to ask Ms Murray something."

"Go ahead Sarah." He replied

"Ms Murray do you have any living relative or friend I could contact for your daughter? "

I knew her dad was alive and well. Somewhere in the big world touring with his friends. “Her dad. His name is on the birth cert. I don’t know whether he will be able to take her or not. He’s in a band.”

Sarah left the room and contacted social services. After another couple of hours of questioning I lay in the call with Lena asleep in my arms. All I could do was cry. I cried in fear of losing Lena, losing my best friend and worst of all being accused of murdering my best friend. I cried myself to sleep not knowing what would happen next.

I woke up late in the day and went to hug Lena. But she wasn't there; I panicked "Lena. Lena was are you honey? Lena. LENA!" Sarah ran down to my cell.

"Ms Murray are you ok?"

"Where's my baby? What have you done with her?" I started having a panic attack and I dropped to the ground due to lake of air. Sarah ran in and picked me up off the ground.

"It's ok calm down. Helena is with a social worker." My breathing went slowly back to normal.

"Can I see her please?" Sarah nodded and brought me to Lena. I entered the small room; the social worker came up to me.

"I've contacted her father." He began "I didn't tell him about Helena I told him you needed to talk with him. He said the earliest he can come over is in three weeks. In the mean time Helena will have to go into care."

I nodded and walked slowly over to Lena. I had to explain to her that I was going on a little holiday and she would be staying with a nice family. She was too young to understand that I probably wouldn't be coming home with her for a while.

As she left the station I held back my tears until I was brought back to my cell. Oh how I was going to miss my baby.