Innocent Little Kid With Rockstar Daddy

Buzznet, E! and Youtube

Eliza's POV

I looked over at Alicia. She stayed with me so I wouldn't get out of bed. Her stomach was like twice the size of mine. I didn't know who that was possible 'cause she was only ten weeks gone and I was sixteen gone.

I slowly crept out of the bed and went for the kitchen. For the past week all I've wanted to eat was pickles and peanut butter in sandwich. I made myself three before walking back down the hall.

I checked in on Lena to see was she awake yet. She was the cutest kid ever. It was unbelievable how much she looked like G when she slept. According to the guys she defiantly had her mothers eyes. They were a gorgeous ocean blue color, while mine were navy. I never meet Lena's mom but I spoke to her on the phone a couple of times and she seems lovely. She didn't seem like the kind of person that would murder but hey what did I know?

All of a sudden my phone went off. I rushed to answer it before it woke Ali up. "Hello?" I whispered, walking into the kitchen again.

"Hey babe" Jeffree Star, pink haired bitch but I love her. "We so totally have to have a get together sometime soon. Last time was August! I know your married but come on girl! "

"Jeffree did Chris not tel-"

"Tell me what babe?"

"That I'm pregnant, so is Alicia." I took a nice big bite out of the sandwich 'cause Jeffree likes to talk a lot.

"I knew Ali was! But oh my god you? I thought you only got married a couple of weeks ago?" she yelled hysterically down the phone.

"Yes I did. I did have sex before we got married you know?" I paused "What time is it in LA?"

I could hear loud music blaring. Jeffree was probably at some night with her gang. "It is like half one in the morning- " she continued on talking but I blanked her out. I could hear Ali in the bathroom.

"Listen Jeffree I have to go. I'll IM you later k? Bye." I hung up and snuck back into the warm bed. Ali exited the toilets; luckily she didn't notice me gone.

"Good morning Mrs. Way." She yawned.

I smiled "Good morning to you to Mrs. Way."

She started giggling. "I feel like a we are a pregnant married lesbian couple now." She got under the covers still giggling.

"Who said we aint?" I laughed. We could go on for hours like this. But thankfully Jamia had entered with Lena on her back.

"Hello everyone. Thought I'd drop by to see you lazy bums before I see clothes for Skeleton." We chatted for a while longer before she went.

"Hey why don't you come over tonight? We could catch a movie and gossip over our men." I suggested.

"Yeah sure. I'll be over at about eight, any movies you want me to bring?"

I opened my mouth to speak but Ali beat me to it. "Shrek! I haven't seen it and I'd love to!"

"I don't have any Shrek DVD's or videos." Jamia replied.

"I know but that child you have does!"

"He is not a child! He is just very, very, very slightly immature." Ali and me burst out laughing. "And yes he does have them on DVD so what? It's a movie he enjoys. Bye now!" Jamia called leaving the room. We continued laughing.

Ali looked at the clocked and jumped out of bed." Helena Grace Way its time to get you dressed fro school!" Lena ran out of the room. Gerard hadn't changed her last name yet but nearly everyone except the school called her Way not Murray. "Anything you need while I'm out and about milady?" she yelled from the wardrobe.

I thought about it. "Maybe some snacks for the movie later? I don't think we have any in the kitchen."

"Okay. I'll be back in a little while." She leaned over and hugged. "Don't leave this bed while I'm gone."

I laughed. "You sound like Gerard when he's gone to get a co-"

"Sh! My ears don't want to here about my husband's brother thank very much! Now I'll see you to later! "

"See ya chicks!" I grabbed my laptop and logged on to Buzznet and myspace. As usual there was hate mail from teens about me marrying Gerard and ruining his life. It wasn't unusual I started after Ger had announced the engagement. I got used to it along time ago. There was one from Jeffree; /omg babe look @ this vid of u & Al!!/. There was a link so I clicked on it.

It was the guys leaving. I couldn't believe someone would tape this and put it on the internet. Bob was holding Lena while G and I were hugging. Then Gerard was holding Lena talking to her while the rest of them got into the van. The person who had taped it wasn't close enough to get sound but you could clearly make out that Lena was saying 'daddy'. I read through some of the comments while I rang Gerard. There was a load of bitching and 'how's the girl Bob, Gee and Alicia hold?'. I rang Gerard three more times before giving up and ringing Brian. His phone was off so I tried his offices.

"Hello Riot Squad. How can I help you?"

"Can I speak to Brian Schecter please?"

"I'm afraid he is a meeting at the moment. Can I take a message for him?"

I was seriously getting impatient. "Well this is about My Chem so I suggest you get him now." I said with a big attitude.

"Can I get your name please?"

"Its Eliza, Eliza Way."

I heard scribbling. "I'll put you on hold while I get him."

"NO! Don't-" but it was to late I heard shity jazz music. Its not that I didn't like jazz just this damn song. "Put me on hold." I grumbled. I didn't care about the fact that it was me and Gerard or the guys, it was Lena I was worried about. She was really young and didn't understand that Gerard was famous. I put the link on e-mail to Brian and Gerard. I wish he would hurry the hell up.

"Hey Eliza. What's up? Are the guys ok?" speak of the devil it was Brian.

"Yes there great. Go check your mail and tell me what your gonna do about the video please." I probably confusing the shit out of him but I didn't care as long as he stopped the video from spreading.

"I'll sort it out don't worry 'bout a thing. Thanks Eliza. Bye"

"See ya!" he hung up. God we really have to more careful in future. That means G won't be able to walk Lenie to school anymore. Thank god he was coming home in two days. I heard Taking Back Sunday going off. I smiled as I answered the call. "Hi ya baby."

"Hey Elle. Sorry I didn't answer earlier I was in the shower." I could hear the guys yelling at each other in the background. "How are you today?"

I smiled "I'm great. What about you? Did you check your mail yet?"

"I'm grand. No I didn't check my mail." He put on his infamous French accent. "Am I expecting something sexy?"

I giggled "No! Well not from me anyway."

He laughed and asked Bob to check his mail. "Eliza your husband is trying to give me a lap dance!" Bob yelled.

"Who said I had to try? I just happen to be sitting on his knee!"

"Ha that's not what you were saying earlier." Frank laughed. I heard Frank then yell ouch, poor kid got the shit kicked of him by the guys at times.

"Teach you to tell people what goes on in bathroom between us! Anyway I'm looking at the video what am I meant to see?" he asked but I didn't need to answer him. "Fucking hell what mother fucker took this? I'll kill the fucker. I gotta call Brian. Stupid fu-"

"G baby calm down. I called Brian he's dealing with it right now."

He took a couple of deep breaths before saying anything again.

"Well that's a fucking bitseach!" Lou said. Bob, Gerard and I all said what at the same time. "Ops my Irish slipped out. Bitseach means bitch in Irish." She laughed.

"Teach Lena that and I'll kill you!" Gerard joked. Worm started talking. "Baby Worm just told us we have a interview in five, call me when Lena gets home okay? I love you baby."

"Bye honey I love you to." I hung up and checked the rest of my mail before turning on the TV. There was nothing on so I decided to get some sleep. Just as I was getting comfortable the doorbell rang. I unwillingly got up and answered it." I Donna what are you doing here?" I asked gesturing her into the apartment.

"I was trying to get a hold of either you but you must have been talking to Gerard on the phone. I was wondering did you see E! News this morning?"

I shock my head. "No I don't think I have, why?"

"Well maybe you can catch it now." I led her into the kitchen and flicked onto E!.

The first thing that came on was two pictures one of Bob and Lena the other of Gerard and Lena. The caption above the picture was; 'Bob Bryar or Gerard Way of MCR have a daughter?'. I watched the rest of the clip before ringing Brian, again.

"Thanks for Donna. I'll call G later and tell him."

"No problem pet. I'll just get started on a bit of cleaning while I'm here." She said turning to leave the room.

"Shit I forgot to ring you earlier. Alicia and Jamia are coming over tonight. I'm really sorry." I had an apologetic look on my face. "You can stay the night if you want, save you the hassle of driving back to Belleville."

"Oh its okay. I'll drive through the city for a bit of shopping before I head back home." She smiled. "Now you better get back into bed to bed. Don't worry about the door I'll lock it." She kissed my check. "Goodbye pet. Take care of yourself and my grandson."

"I will you to. Bye Donna." With that I retreated back to bed.

"Okay so do we have everything?" Jamia asked. We all nodded our heads. "Good 'cause I'm not getting up 'til I put the next DVD in."

"Nestor! Hurry the fuck up, I'm not even kidding!" Alicia said impatiently.

Lena was shocked at what Ali just said. "Auntie Alicia you are not loud says the f wod!" Jamia and I started giggling. It was quite funny watching a twenty-two year old get given out to by a five year old.

"Sorry Lenie." She replied hanging her head. Jamia doubled over laughing and started the movie.


Gerard's POV

I opened the door and placed my suitcases on the ground. We managed to get home a day early. A gas leak in the concert hall had caused the concert to be cancelled. In away it was a bummer, but the advantage was family time. I smiled as I walked into my room. Well I'll be damned, four girls in my bed. My phone went off. "Hello?"

"S'up. Have you seen Ali 'cause she aint at Jamia's neither is Jamia. Do you know were they are?" Mikey rambled down the phone.

I laughed. "Dude they are both sleeping in my bed. Come down and check it out for yourself! Bring a camera while your at it!" I said taking my own out.

"Ok I'll call Frank. Bye."

I turned the flash off and took a few snaps. Eliza and Alicia's legs were tangled up together while Jamia had her head on Alicia's breast. Lena was lying at the end of the bed. If they were drinking I would have understood why they were the way they were, but they weren't so it was funny.

Mikey came up behind me and burst out laughing. Frank arrived minutes later with a camcorder. Lena woke up first but she stayed quite. It would be funny to see the pictures and the looks on their faces when they woke up.