Innocent Little Kid With Rockstar Daddy

Coco or Brownie?

"Okay boys can we please make this meeting a fast one. I've got things to do." Brian told us as he entered the room. Frank being the shit starter asked why. "Because I've stuff planned."

"And what do you have planned?" Frank asked knowing he was pushing his limits. Brian just ignored him and started the meeting without Bob.

Mikey grinned. "I know what he has planned." Everyone went 'oh' including Brian.

"Well tell us woman! TELL US!!" Frank yelled.

"Him and Clare are going out on their first date since Paul. And they're going to a hotel afterwards."

Paul was Brian's youngest; he was only about twelve weeks old. He had another kid Kelly who was three, Lena got on great with her. Brian was now blushing violently." Thanks Mikey." He muttered. Ray, Frank and Worm flung a few condoms at his head just as Bob walked in.

"What's going on in here?" he asked.

"Brian is gonna have sex with Clare tonight!" Frank informed while he got the dirtiest look ever off Brian.

"Well in that case-" Bob dug into his hoody pocket and threw a small purple box at his head. "Remember stay safe!" He grinned taking a seat between Worm and Cortez. Frank, Mikey and a few of the techs doubled over laughing, while the rest of us tried hiding it behind our hands. But that attempt failed. Eventually the meeting started after we calmed down.

Just as we were about to get off our seats Frank stopped everyone. "Guys remember Halloween night, my mom's house. Par-Tay time!" he shouted and did a little dance. We all stared at him as though he was a kid who just got to much sugar, which he was. "And bring the family and PRESENTS!" he ran out with Brian right behind him.

I got up along with Mikey. "I'll see you all at Frank's 'par-tay'. Have a good weekend." As we walked down the bright orange hall Mikey suggested we go for a coffee and I agreed.

We sat down with our two free Starbuck's out side and I lit up. "So Mikes how is life at home with Ali and the animals?"

He smiled as he sipped the latte. "Great. The cats are getting on great with the puppy and Alicia and the babies are doing brilliant. What about you?"

"Pretty good. Lena is getting on great in school no more problems with the medi-" I stopped mid sentence as I realized he said Alicia and the babies or did he say babies? "Babies? You mean you and Alicia are having twins?"

The smile on his face grew wider. "No triplets."

I leaned across the table knocking my coffee down in the process and hugged him. "Dude three babies!" he was still smiling when I sat down.

"I know. I can't wait. Im so freaking excited. We were planning on telling everyone but I had to tell someone before I exploded!"

"Dude ma and dad are gonna flip five grandkids in less than one year. And the guys. Dude." I was so stoked, I was gonna be an uncle three time within the one birth. Mikey was obviously overjoyed you could see it in his face. I suppose the three babies would explain why Alicia's stomach was twice the size of Elle's stomach.

"I know. Anyway enough about me and the fam. What time are you going over at tomorrow?" he asked as he signed one the staff's piece of paper.

I waited until the girl left before I answered Mikey. "I think half six in the morning. We're flying over with Stacey; she said she has a good chance of getting out within the next six months."

We continued talking until Mikey received a phone call from Alicia telling him to bring home a couple of tubs of chocolate ice cream. So we made are way back to the apartment and went are separate ways.

I was greeted by Lena who was jumping around the place 'cause she was excited to be going home. Jamia had come by earlier and packed Lena's things for her. So all i had to do was pack my bag. Elle watched me as I attempted packing. Most of the time ma or Elle or person I was seeing would pack for me because apparently I was as useful as 'a hole in the head'.

"Honey you need three boxers,three tops, pajamas, two jeans, ONE jacket not three and three pairs of socks." Elle told me as she read her magazine. I walked over and kissed her lips.

"I love you." I said before turning away.

She smacked my butt. "I know you do." I looked back at her and she winked. I laughed and grabbed a small case.

"Are you going to Frank's bash Linda and Jamia have organized?" I asked trying to remember what she told me to pack.

"Who is going?"

"The guys, Frank's family, Brian, Cortez, Worm, Hambone and a few of his friends from Skeleton and the Leather Mouth guys."

"I don't think I will. Plus I'm not allowed do physical activities and according to you 'that includes walking'." She air quoted me.

I smiled "Stop air quoting me woman! And you can do physical activities but not to many. You have to go poor little Frank will miss you terribly."

"Don't you even think your getting any tonight." She said seriously. "Clare is going isn't she? So I'm not going its simple, I'm not going. "

Eliza and Clare had never gotten on and to say they hated each other's guts was an understatement. No one knew why, so none of us forced them into doing things together." Baby you have to stop fighting with her. I'll probably be in My Chem for a long time and Brian will still be managing us."

She put down her magazine. "Honey does it honestly look like I'm to say sorry to that bitch for spreading fucking rumors about me?"

I sighed. "Fine don't go. But me and Lena are going." There was an uneasy silence so I left the room and went to get coffee.


"Yes Lenie?" I turned to see her drawing pictures at the table.

"Do you have any ta-too's?"

"None why?"

She glanced up at me. "Because mommy has some. Why don't you have them?"

"I'm afraid of needles."

She giggled. "But that's silly! Daddy's is not meant to be afraid of anything!"

I smiled. "Don't worry I'm only afraid of needles... and Detroit."

She scrunched up her face. "What's De-Twot?"

"It's a city. You'll probably learn about it in school."

"I like school. I have a friend his name is Dylin. My teacher says that I'm good at art. I like drawing pictures with Dylin because he is my friend. Did you and uncle Mikey like school?"

"Nah I hated it. Your uncle Mikey liked it though." I paused as she continued drawing. "You excited about tomorrow?"

"Yes I am so excited I will not sleep!" she squeaked. "Will Kelly be at uncle Fwankie's party?" I nodded. "Yay I like Kelly. She is my friend. " she yawned.

"Are you tired?" I asked putting sugar into my coffee.

"No" she yawned again. The kid was defiantly related to me the lies were pouring out of her.


Our encounter with Jam had been a good one. She seemed pleased with what Stacy had to say. She looked like shit though. Something that I said to Stacy and she told me that she has looked like that for quite a while now. Lena still didn't cry when we left Jam, man the kid was weird.

"Are we there yet?"

I looked in the mirror. "Just five more minutes. How is Frank's present?" Lena was in the back seat with Frank's present resting in her arms. I think she only picked out the thing because she liked it.

"It okay." She smiled playing with it.

She was wearing a cute little out fit that she got recently. It was a long blood red dress with a black ribbon around the waist. Ma had bought her a long black coat to go with it. Lou had given me a quick lesson this morning on how to dress a kid without fucking it up. And hell it worked. She would make a great mom someday, I thought pulling up to Linda's house.

"Okay we are here." I stepped out of the car and opened Lena's door. "Would you like me carry Frank's present?"

"Please." I took it and locked the car. Lena had her arms out stretched." Me too."

"Lazy daisy!" I laughed as I picked her up. Jamia opened the door before we reached the door.

"Jesus Gerard you didn't buy him another one did you?" she asked as I set Lena down.

"You mean someone got him one already?"

"No but he has four already! He doesn't need another one. I swear someday you will pay!" I knew she was joking but she didnt let it show. "Frank. Lena and Gerard are here."

He immediately appeared and smiled wickedly as he saw his present. "Dude." He grabbed he present. "A puppy. Aren't you gorgeous?"

I sniffed. "Well I do try my best."

He hit me. "Not you dip shit the puppy." Jamia rolled her eyes and walked off. I walked into the room to find all the guys talking about studio engineering. So that left the kitchen for the ladies...and the food.

"Hello ladies." I got hello's and hi's back. "Any food for me?"

"Honestly Gerard you are getting as bad as Frank!" Linda exclaimed as she handed me a sandwich. I took a bite and mumbled I know. Alicia and Clare were in the corner chatting away to one and another. Walking over I realized they were probably doting over Paul.

"Hey Al, hey Clare." Paul was snuggled into his mother's chest.

"Eh Gerard?" Alicia started. "She's breast feeding." Brilliant I was looking at my mangers wife's boob, that's just fucking great. I put my hand over my eyes and they giggled.

"I'm sorry. I think I'll be leaving right now." I briskly walked away to join Frank, Lena and Kelly's conversation.

"Gerard what name do you think is better Coco or Brownie?" Frank asked as I sat down between him and Lena.

"I like the name Coco. She is more of a chocolaty color."

"We tolded you Coco is a betta nay-am dan Bwownie." Kelly smiled as Frank pouted.

"Well she's my puppy so I can name her what I want!"

"But uncle Fwankie!" they said in unison. I laughed as they gave him the look, which he fell for.

"Fine but your not naming my next dog! 'Cause that's my job not yours!" the girls screamed with delight. We then started talking about Frank's other dogs. I left after a while to call Eliza. She didn't answer until the last ring.

"Hello?" she answered breathlessly.

I raised an eyebrow and took a seat in the kitchen. "You okay?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah I couldn't find the phone."

"Did I not leave it in our bathroom?"

There was only silence to be heard down the line." it was in the kitchen."

"Oh sorry baby. Anyway I just called to let you know Frank loved his present and we'll be back before midnight so don't wait up."

She laughed, "I wasn't on planning to. I'm really tired so I think I'll go back to sleep. I love you."

"I love you to." The second I put my phone down Chris was placed into my arms.

"Gerard can you hold him for a sec while I get his seat out of the car." Clare walked away not waiting for a reply.

I was about to protest but stopped myself knowing I would have one like this soon enough. He was so small and light. It was weird holding him, I'd never held a baby before in my entire life and I had to admit it was weird. Chris was kicking away like a mad thing, I didn't know whether it was because he didn't like me or he just liked kicking air.

"You better give that baby back or you'll have to deal with Kelly." Brian said as he took a beer out of the fridge.

"Damn I was hoping to keep the little kicker!" I smiled.

"Daddy. Bwian. Uncle Fwankie keeps chasing us!" Lena cried out as she ran around Krista and Linda holding Kelly's hand. Frank ran in wearing a purple monster mask and making the strangest noises I've ever heard. Brian and I laughed at them.

"This is great I have a three year old and Jamia is marrying one." Brian chuckled as he knocked back his beer.

Jamia threw us a deathly look, which made us stop laughing. She pointed to me." It's not my fault you introduced him to coffee!" she said as she caught Frank's belt. He made faces and stuck out his tongue. Kelly and Lena tried copying.

"Enough all three of you, or there will be no fireworks!" Linda ordered and they pouted.

"They started it." Frank mumbled as Jamia pulled him onto her lap. The room was filled with laughter. Frank really new how to be a child.