Innocent Little Kid With Rockstar Daddy

Dylin's Uncle Robert..

This morning was a race against the clock for Eliza and me. I had a meeting and she wanted to hit the shops early. While I wanted her to sat home, but she refused as I quote, ‘fucking useless at Christmas shopping.’ My defense was that everyone loves black tee shirts.

I kept tugging at her and she batted me off. “Away, away neither of us have the time this morning.”

“But we never do it in the mornings anymore.” I said quite sadly hoping she’d fall for it.

“Only weirdo’s, like hot-shots with their trophy wives or their plastic whores. And the girls only do it ‘cause they both like having access to his credit card. And the hot-shot only does it as he has too much testosterone. If he doesn’t get any ass he would have to invade a country or something.”

“Yes but..”

“Come on now,” she chivvied at me. “Its not like we’re living in the ‘Joy Of Sex’ video.”

“What happens in the ‘Joy Of Sex’ video?” I asked watching her get dressed.

“You know. Spontaneity.” She whizzed the zip on the side of her skirt. “You’d be ready for a very important meeting, like you are right now, and I’d be in the Jacuzzi -”

“We don’t have a Jacuzzi.”

“Don’t ruin it! Anyway I’d be pointing my toes out in the air while luxuriously lathering my shins with soap. You’d lean over to kiss me goodbye-”

“Oh I get it now. You’d pull me into the bath by my shirt-”

“Exactly. Into the bath.”

“Wow wild!” I said sarcastically.

“Not wild. You’d go fucking mad! You’d shout ‘fucking hell this is my motherfucking good shirt and jeans. Now what the fuck am I gonna wear?’” she said looking in our closet for more of her clothes.

“Look!” I pointed down to my crotch. But she ignored me and continued her story.

“You’d then give out about Mr. Downstairs and how he will come up here and demand money to pay to have his ceiling and half his furniture repaired.” Her eyes then looked to my crotch and smiled. “I’ve to go shopping early and you have a meeting!”

“No!” I said unsnapping her bra open.

“Gerard no.” she attempted to put it back on, she failed.

“But if you love me you’ll do it.” Gently I bit her neck. “And I need you baaad. Feel.” I grabbed her hand and placed it on the bump in my denim jeans. Under her touch it got harder.

She then made one last attempt to put me off. “I’m wearing my big pants.”

Big pants my ass, they were her abnormally huge granny panties. I fucking highly detested them with a passion!

“I don’t care.” I said, “Just get them off. Like now.”

I wrestled her onto the bed, hooked up her skirt, hooked my index fingers into the waistband of her panties, whizzed them right down to her ankles. I quickly pulled down my jeans and jocks allowing my cock to be free. Elle put her hands on my chest and threw me onto the bed. She smirked evilly and slid herself onto me. Holding onto the bed board she began rocking up and down. Her breasts were swinging in my face I nipped them, my hands on her hips moving her up and down my shaft.

Ten minutes later we walked out of our bedroom hand in hand with grins plastered onto our faces. “I think someone else liked that too.” Elle said grabbing a bowl of cereal for her and Lena.

“Who?..Wait ewww. That child is nasty.”

"Just like his daddy so."She giggled at me and sat at the small table.“Lenie do you want to ask your friend Dylin to come over sometime this week?” Elle asked her.

“Weally? Ova here? So we can play?”

“Yeah. Your dad will collect you from school and talk to his parents. That good with you?”

She nodded and took a bit of her cereal. “When do we put up the Chwistmas twee?”

“Pretty soon. What are you gonna ask Santa for this year?” I asked. She no longer hated ‘Geward’. Which I was really thankful for.

She shrugged her shoulders. “A bwats dolly, a teddy beea and my mommy.”

Well now I know I’m fucked for Christmas. Elle gave the sad look; she knew what I was thinking. “Well we’ll see what he brings you okay? Do you want anything else?”

“No.” she replied in a small voice.

“Sweetie if you’ve finished you can go brush your teeth and finish getting ready for school.” Lena jumped down and left the room. Elle turned to my before leaving the room herself. “We’re so screwed at Christmas.”


I was being dragged by to five years olds to a woman in her in her early forties. She looked the average American soccer mom. “Hi. I’m Gerard, Lena’s dad.”

A warm smile popped onto her face and she held out her hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Lauren. I’ve heard loads about your daughter.”

“Same here. Well about Dylin not Lena obviously.” Note to self: hello your married, stop flirting! “Ahem well anyway. Lena was wondering would Dylin be able to come over to our house sometime.”

“Oh I’m sue he’d love to go. What today?”

“Um today if possible?” I asked hoping and praying she would say yes. ‘Cause the guys and my family would be coming over due to the holidays.

“Yes that would good. It would suit me down to the ground. My parents are coming here from Utah tomorrow for the holidays so you know. Would I be able to get a contact number off you?”

I gave her my cell number and she gave me directions to her house. Dylin was a tall for his age dusty blond hair brown eyed kid. Him and Lena never shut up the whole time we were out. Lena was gonna be such a little heart breaker when she grew up. Already she had boys wrapped around her finger, Bob and me included.
I glanced at them in the rear view mirror and I could have sworn I saw Dylin make a face like someone I knew. I shook my head “Hey do you guys want to go to McDonald's?” I got a reply of ‘yay’ and ‘yes’. I pulled into the first McD’s and would you look at that a Starbucks in front of the place. I ran in there before I ordered their food.

After food, the park, a few toy shops and $200 later we brought Dylin home. We walked to the front the front door, shit this family must be rich; two Merc’s, an SUV and a Toyota. All brand spanking new. Lena rang the doorbell as I thought ‘bout their richness.

The door was answered by, I assume, Dylin’s older brother. “Your that fag Gerard Way aren’t you? My sister thinks you’re the fucking shit.”

Talk about an awkward moment. “Erm, just tell your mom I said thanks.”

“No need she told me to tell you wait in the sitting room. Squirt show them were it is I’m gonna go football practice.” He walked off to the silver Merc.

Dylin showed us to the sitting room were he and Lena played with their new toys I got them earlier. That’s probably the way Kris and the triplets will they’re older. Playing without a care in the world.

“Sorry Gerard, I’ll be back in a sec. Younger brother to deal with in the kitchen.” Lauren smiled.

“No problem. Can I use your toilet?”

“Up the stairs third door on the right.”

I walked up the stairs and was meet by a chick wearing a bullets tee shirt. “Ohmigod! Gerard Arthur Way in my house? Is this for real?”

“Er hi?”

“I’m Danni. I’m like one of your biggest fans ever! Would you sign some stuff for me please?” I smiled at her like I did every other fan. It wasn’t a cheesy smile; it was the one I used when I loved people. And I loved our fans.

“Yeah sure.” I followed her and I looked into her room. It had more My Chem posters than a poster shop! “I guess your nothing like brother than.” I said signing literally everything she could find.

“Jason.” She said with venom. “He’s the biggest ass ever and the biggest jock in school.” She paused for a minute. “He called you a fag didn’t he?”

“Kinda but that doesn’t matter.” She then went on to mumble something under her breath about murder and knives. “I better go back down and wait for your mom.”

“Okay I’ll interrupt her and Rob.” Danni raced out of the room in front me. I was still on the stairs when Lauren and some peroxide dude sprinted towards the door.

“Robert get back here now!” Lauren demanded. He turned around to face her.

“No. she kicked me out when I was 15. she was never bothered to contact me. She’s meant to be a /MOM/. And you expect me to talk to her? I’m not fucking doing it-” he paused as he looked up at me. “Gerard?”

Oh fuck no, not, “Bert.”

“What the FUCK are YOU doing here? Lauren what are you tryna get me to talk to people I haven’t spoken to in ages?”

She looked from me to Bert. “You two know each other?” she asked as Lena and Dylin exited to the hall as well.

“Unfortunately…” Bert snarled.

“Shut up.” I spat back.

“Whatever. Bye Squirt. Danni I’ll bring more cds next time. Bye Laur. Gerard.”
