Innocent Little Kid With Rockstar Daddy

Siblings. Aren't They Just Great?

"Ha ha your daughter is best friends with your enemies." Mikey thought
Dylin being related to Bert was the funniest thing ever. Even four months
after the incident.

"Shut up Mikey." he continued laughing.

Danni had told Lauren everything, every little detail, on what happened
between Bert and me. Pictures, interviews, videos everything!

"I can't!" he giggled. Yeah he giggles like a damn woman.

I lept off his sofa onto my younger annoying little shit of a brother and
attacked him very violently. I being the oldest and the coolest was winning
until Mikey managed to get his hands on a pair of scissors.

"Stay away from me or..or..or " the biggest most evil grin appeared across
his face. "I'll cut your hair."

Taking a few steps forward i knew he wasn't serious. "Bring it on."

He walked up to me and cut a massive chunk of hair from my fringe and waited
and watched for a reaction.

"You cut my hair."

"No I didn't." he replied quickly whilst walking away.

"Yes you did." I said following his steps.

"N-no I-" he didn't even bother to finish the sentence instead he ran.

Catching up with him I tried a football tackle Lou used on him once. It
worked and the violence began yet again.

"G NO I'M SORRY!" Mikey cried in pain. "I TAKE IT BACK I SWEAR."

"MIKEY. GERARD." Alicia screamed at us.

We instantly stopped kicking each others asses. "What?" we asked in unison.

"Get into the kitchen NOW."

Getting up off the ground we looked a each other. "We didn't break anything
did we?"

"No, no. Coarse not Mikes." With terrified looks on our faces we slowly
crept into the kitchen.

I've only ever been afraid of four women in my lifetime. My grandma, my mom
angry, Eliza pregnant and Alicia pregnant. Elle and Alicia were standing by
the sink with their backs turned to us.

"Whatever is broke Gerard did it." Mikey ratted me out. It was like high
school all over again. i nudged him hard in the ribs and he mouthed 'what'.

"You broke what? Oh never mind. Gerard she's in labor."

I rushed to Eliza's side and i could tell by the look on her face that she
was being crippled by pain.

"Mikey their bag is just as the door in their apartment, door is open.
I'll call your parents and the guys. Gerard bring her down to the car.”
Alicia order us.

"What about -?" I began as Ali pressed the phone to her ear.

"Why do you think I'm calling the guys? Now go before she has the child

Elle wrapped her slender fingers around my wrist trying to stop the blood
flow. She screamed with pain from the contraction, which seemed to scare Ali
a little. As we got into Mikey's car she screamed at him."Go.Now.Mikey."

Alicia jumped into the car in the passengers seat and had looked scared
maybe the thought of her going into labor with triplets scared her more
‘cause Elle's screams would put the devil out of his job.

Poor Mikey was never good under pressure and started sweating. A lot.

In a matter of minutes we reached the hospital and Elle's screaming was
becoming louder. A few nurses in the emergency came rushing over when they
heard her.

"Honey, take a couple of deep breathes and we'll get you inside." Said the
nurse assisting her into a wheelchair. "Sir you need to fill out some

"No I need to be with my wife." I looked from the nurse to Alicia to Elle
being rushed down the hall into a room. Several other women were screaming.
Man was nine months ago breeding season?


"Fuck off. I'm staying in the car." she replied walking off quickly.

I cursed at her under my breath as I scribbled down answers as fast as

I followed the nurse down to Elle's room. I found her laying in the birthing
position just as the nurse left I walked in.

"Gerard. I want drugs. I need them. Tell them please." She cried in pain.
The same nurse walked back in with a couple of items in her hands.

"I want drugs." she whimpered. "An epidural. I want an EPIDURAL! It's my

"Mrs. Way your not dilated enough. I'll be back in a minute."

When the nurse left, Eliza had two more very painful contractions. Who knew
her little body could squeeze the living shit out of both my hands. She
turned to me.

"It's your fault. I. Hate. You." she screamed.

The time passed nightmarishly slow and my hands were feeling the full effect
of her pain.

A midwife appeared and began doing whatever she does.

"Oh lovely, beautiful, pretty nurse, please oh please can I get my epidural
now? Please?" Elle begged. The nurse had a quick feel and shook her head.

"Sorry lovie but its too late. "

"WHAT?!" she yelled at her.

"For the love of God. Give her the fucking epidural." I also begged.

"Don't think your niceness will work. I'm never having sex again. "

"Mrs. Way I need you to push now." the midwife urged. "Push"

She screamed again and squeezed tighter.

"Come an another few big pushes like that and it will be all over."

She pushed four more times before breaking down crying. "I can't do it
anymore it hurts to much. I don't want a baby anymore."

"Baby it’s nearly over. Do it for us."

"Okay."she replied and I kissed her hand.

"I need one last huge push now." with that final push the room was filled
with a small cry.Elle clasped back on the bed from exhaustion and completely let go of my fragile hand. I looked at the small bloody covered body in the midwifes hold.

"Congratulations kids its a healthy baby boy." the midwife announced as she handed Elle the bundle.

"Hello gorgeous. I'm your mommy. Aren't you a cute little thing?" she whispered. All the pain she had endured had gone as she looked on with joy of the little baby laying in her arms. I leaned in and kissed her head gingerly,proud to have a little son to show off. "Go tell them."

I rushed out to the very full hall to see everyone just starting. "It's a healthy baby boy. 7 ounces!" I knew they all knew the sex of the baby months ago but I just thought I'd remind them.

After hugging both my parents and Elle's mom they rushed in to see their little grandchild. I hugged everyone but Jamia, Alicia, Mikey and Lena. Mikey, Jamia and Lena turned the corner and Lena jumped into my arms,

"Did she have him yet?" Jamia asked greeting Frank. I nodded happily. Just as I went to hug Mikey he turned his head away and shouted.

"Ali she had him. No more screaming now." Alicia shuffled slowly don to us, probably hoping we weren't messing. As four of the others went into Kris and Elle , I turned to Alicia.

"Just think in a few weeks you'll be giving birth to triplets. Three times more pain. Three births in one." tears welded up in her eyes. "But hey at least you'll get to scream three times at Mikey." i laughed.

She got up off her chair and boxed me so hard on my arm it went dead straight away. "Fuck you Gerard. I'll come looking for you on that day And I swear I'll hurt you so bad. so FUCK YOU ASS HOLE!"

Three am, any second now the apartment would be filled with Kris's cries wanting food. I was already up working on this new drawing I started two weeks ago when I got board. In a few hours we were having a meeting with Reprise and Warner for another album. In a way I was fucking dreading it. It was gonna have to be some hell of an album to beat the Black Parade.Hopefully the fans will like it when we finish it but first we have to start it.

I snuck out for a quick cigarette. Just as i brought the damn thing to my mouth Kris cried. The kid had one thing in common with my brother; bad timing. I walked into his baby blue nursery and picked him up. "Well Mr. Bad Timing are you hungry?" I asked the now quite bundle in my arms.

The little fucker was meant to come around my birthday but no he preferred to come three days after his sisters. Kris was three weeks premature but there was not a single thing wrong with him. Just a small bit small was all.

Walking into the kitchen I picked up his seat and placed it on the counter top with Kris firmly strapped into it. "Now no crying while I heat up mamma's milk okay?" Obviously I didn't expect an answer but he stayed silent anyway.

His face lit up when he saw the bottle in my hand. I picked him out of the seat and laughed as I brought him into the lounge. "Boy you were hungry weren't you? " he was gulping down the milk as fast as he could.

And for some lovely reason he didn't want to back to sleep no matter how hard I tried. I gave up sometime after five and desperately needed a smoke now. Fuck that. I put Kris in his seat thing and placed him facing out the balcony door. I closed it over and finally got the nicotine I needed.

I didn't want either the kids or Elle to get affected by second hand smoke. Kris looked in awe as i smoke the cigarette, his eyes glued to the small stick in my hand.

"See this Kris. This is a cigarette or 'a cancer stick' as your mom calls it. You touch one of these when your older and your mom will fucking murder you! Got that little fellow?" he waved his fat little fingers in the air and moved his mouth.

Elle appeared at the glass doors with her hands resting on her hips. I flicked the butt down the streets below and walked back in. "What?"

"Your teaching him how to smoke already and he's not even five weeks old yet."

I looked down to Kris who was staring up at us. "See what I mean."

She rolled her eyes and took him in her arms. "And why is my little man up so early?" he made slightly weird baby noses. I swear if I knew baby language I could swear he was blaming it all on me. "Daddy keeping you awake all night was he?"

"Daddy did in his shit keep him awake. It was the other way around." I yawned following Elle to the kitchen. For people who rarely cooked we were always in there.

"G go to bed for a couple of hours. I'll get the kids ready then I'll wake you when I'm leaving for the airport."

"Since when are you going to the airport" i asked as Kris was propped on Elle's hip so she could boil water for her herbal tea shit.

She sighed just as she poured out her cup. "I told you like a millions times in the past few weeks I'm going to LA to do Jeffree's and Co.'s hair." she paused trying to read my face. "And since you obviously don't remember that you won't remember that I can't get anyone to mind the kids. So your minding them until i get back tomorrow evening." she sat down and drank her stuff still looking at me.

""You've got to be kidding me" was All i could manage to get out.

"'Fraid not babe."

"Fuck. The meeting about the album is today. What the fuck are we gonna do?"