Innocent Little Kid With Rockstar Daddy


I stood alone in the yard. It was a miserable day alot like my life at that moment. I rested my foot against the wall while I smoked. Today was the day when I would see Lena's dad for the first time in six years. It would be interesting to see how he would take the news that I didn't get an abortion. He knew I was pregnant the day I left America but his attempts to get me to stay had failed. I wasn't going to live with drunken stoner in a country with people I barely knew.

"Jen you have a visitor " said Jimmy walking over to me.

He led me up the corridor. God prison sucked, everyone treated you like shit.

"He's in the hall. You just wait in here while I get him." I nodded and lit up another cigarette whilst looking at the picture of Lena and me at Christmas. The smokers visiting room was the best damn thing invented since the smoking ban.

The door swung open I lifted my head to see an attractive man dressed from head to toe in black. He smiled and I smiled back.

"Long time no see" he said nervously taking a seat in front of me. "Why do you want to talk to me of all people?" he was fiddling with at a ring on his left hand.

Oh sweet jesus he's married or engaged. I could ruin his fucking life!

He sighed still looking at his hand. "It's nice to see you again you know." he spoke in such a soft caring voice. I made eye contact with him and I received another one of his cute smiles.

"It's nice to see you to Gerard." I smiled back and sighed. "Do you know why I asked you to meet up with me?"

"'Cause I'm famous and you think I'm rich so you want me to bust you out of this shit hole?"

"No what the fuck do you take my for?" I snapped. Realizing that snapping at him wouldn't make the situation any easier I calmed myself down before speaking. "Remember when I told you I was pregnant six years ago?"

He nodded taking a drag of his cigarette "How could I forget? You told me you were getting an abortion."

I looked down at the picture I was still holding. "Yeah but I never did" I handed him the photo.

His eyes widened he stared at the picture for ages not saying a word. The silence was unbearable I couldn't take it anymore.

"Gerard please say something, anything." He opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out.

Jimmy walked in "Everything alright in here?" he placed two cups of brown liquid on the table. I nodded as he walked out of the room and mouthed thank you. I lit up again.

"What's her name?"

"Helena or Lena for short."

He smiled stilling keeping his eyes on the picture. "Elena was my grandmothers name."

"I know. You told before I left." I drank the coffee quickly as I hated the sour taste of it. There was silence again.

"I suppose you heard why I'm in here?" he nodded looking at me this time. "I didn't do it you know? I would never dream of hurting her or anyone for that matter." tears ran quickly from my eyes "Can you look after our baby? I know it's alot to ask but I don't want her growing up with strangers."

"But I'll be a stranger to her."

"Yes but only for a while. You're her flesh and blood. Her dad. I want her to know you."

He grabbed my hand. "Everything will be ok. I'll look after Lena for you, for us. You do know I will be living in America?" I nodded not being able to speak. "I'll come visit tomorrow."

He got up off his seat and walked around the table he bent down in front of me. I started into his beautiful hazel eyes.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid in here. Lena still needs you."

"I promise." He gave me a hug and it felt like the last one I got all those years ago. The water works turned themselves on again.

"I have to go now. I'll be back tomorrow I swear." I watched him leave and then I was escorted to my own cell. Receiving the usual dirty looks from my fellow in 'mates'.

*Gerard's POV *

I walked slowly out of the prison taking all the news I was told in. It was now pissing rain. How the fuck was I gonna look after a little kid while on the biggest tour of My Chem's lives? My ass started vibrating.


"Hey G, were the hell are you dude?"

I smiled "Hey Mikey. I'm in Ireland, before you ask I'll be back in three days."

"O-kay. So why you there? We only toured there like a month ago."

"I, um, business with, um-"

"GERARD!!" I heard my sister-in-law scream down the phone.

"Thanks for blowing up my ear drum Alicia!"

She giggled "No problemo Sweetie. So how are you?"

"I'm good, how 'bout you?"

"Kinda scared your brother is giving me a dirty look for calling you sweetie." she giggled, "I have to go before I get killed. Bye Sweetie I love you!"

"Bye loves you too." I heard the giggled turn into a laugh and Mikey yelling ouch.

"Gerard I have to go. The wife jus bit my hand. The fucking vampire!"

I laughed at my younger brother "Bye Mikes. I love you bro."

"Love you to." with that he hung up on me.

Now to meet Lena. I drove the rental car nervously down the miserable streets of Dublin trying to think of what I would say.

"Hey Lena I'm your dad wanna go see your mom before you move thousands miles away from her. No that's to mean, ok: Hello Lena your mom never told me about you do you want to leave with me? No still mean. Hey Lena I'm your daddy. Do you want to see your mommy tomorrow?" I was reduced to talking to myself. "Yeah that last one will do. Dammit I have to stop talking to myself."

I drove by a rough looking estate and I swore it looked exactly like Salter Place in NJ. Eventually I reached my destination. I took several deep breaths before getting out of the car. I knocked on the big wooden red door twice and waited for some one to answer.

"Social Services. Please state your business here." the came out of no were and I felt pretty freaked out but then I realized it was an intercom on the wall. I pressed a red button hoping it was what I was meant to do.

"It's Gerard Way I'm here to see my daughter Helena Murray"

"Someone will be down in a minute Mr. Way"

Seconds later a tall man wearing a pin stripped suit opened the door to greet me. "Mr. Way come in. I'm David Coal, Helena's carer" he put out his hand to shake I did the same.

"Um can I see her now or do I have to sign stuff?" I asked as I walked down a long bright corridor.

"No you can see Helena first. Then we can discuss what you want to do after that." David replied opening the door and left me there with my little kid whom I'd never seen in my life. I walked over to her, slightly shaking from nerves.

"Hello" she said cheerfully "Do you want to help me dwaw?"

"Yeah sure. What are you drawing?"

"Flower for my mommy."

I smiled "Do you know who I am?"

She frowned then shook her head. "No but my name Lena. What's yours?"

"Nice to meet you Lena. My name is Gerard. Did your mommy ever tell you about me?"

Again she shock her head "No but my friends sister has a picture of you on her wall with four other boys. It's nice to meet you to Ger-ward." her mispronouncing my name was the cutest thing I ever heard a kid say.

"Lena I'm -" Misfits started going off in my pocket. I took it out to see who was calling me. It was Brian. I hung up and switched my phone off.

"I know that song" she beamed

"Do you?"

"Yeeh I do. It's my mommy's favorite song ever! Are you and my mommy fwiend? "

I hesitated "Um yeah you could say that. Did your mommy ever tell you about you daddy?"

"No but she gave me a picture of her and two boys before she went on her holiday."

"Can I see the picture please?" She put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a folded photographic and handed me it. It was I, Jam and Joe celebrating Cartoon Network wanting to see The Breakfast Monkey. Man I looked different kinda stoned and drunk looking, nut my side burns wow.

"Do you know which one is your daddy?" she pointed at me. "Lena that man you just pointed at was me when I was younger."

She raised an eyebrow "You do no look like that boy. How come you didn't come see me and mommy before?"

I sighed not really knowing the answer myself. "Because your mommy never told me about you."


"I don't know. Do you want to get McDonald's or something?"

Her face lit up like a light bulb. "Yes please daddy" she said grabbing my hand.

Then suddenly it hit me; I'm someone's dad, I'll have to be around 24/7 looking after her. Thousands of similar thoughts went through my head with in a matter of seconds. I swore I heard Grandma whisper 'don't worry sweetie, you'll make a brilliant dad Gerard.'

"I won't calls you daddy if you don't want me ." said the little angel still holding my hand.

I looked down at her." It's ok" she smiled "You call me what you want Lena. Shall we go ask David if we can go to McDonald's?"
Lena nodded basically dragging me out the door.

We were allowed to go to McD's much to the delight of my daughter. I had a Nike baseball cap on hoping the teenagers in the corner of the building wouldn't notice me. we sat a the table furthest away from the people. I turned on my phone and read only a few of the threatening messages Brian sent me. Lena was looking at the teenagers every few seconds.

"You ok Lena?"

She looked at me "Yeah but why does 'em girls over there keeps lookin over ere and pointin?" she questioned.

Oh shit. The waitress brought over our meals but I knew I couldn't be seen with Lena. Fans spread news like wild fire on the Internet. "Lena would you like to eat this in your house?"

She nodded enthusiastically. I walked out quickly with Lena in tow. It was still pissing rain but yet really, I had to take Lena's happy meal before it flew away.

As I drove I found out how interesting and intelligent she was for her age. "What things do you like?" she asked bitting a chicken nugget.

"I like music, my family, my friends and cartoons." She started giggling at me "What?"

"Hehe you like cartoons! They is for babies!"

I looked into her eyes trying to hold a straight face. God her and Bob have the bluest eyes I've ever fucking seen! "Are you calling me a baby?"

"Hehe yes!"

I pretended to sulk leaving her laughing harder.