Innocent Little Kid With Rockstar Daddy

I Love Daddy

Three Days Later

*Gerard's POV *

I sat in the waiting room with Lena; she was drawing a picture of a heart for Jam. The door opened and Jam took one step before Lena launched herself at her mother.

"Mommy I love you!" she squeaked holding her tight. She grabbed her hand and brought her over to me. "Mommy this is daddy. I love him and he is very silly!"

I blushed at her last comment.

"Baby I know who your daddy is. Come on let's talk about stuff with your daddy." she said sitting Lena on her knees. "Now baby would you like to live with your daddy?"

"Yes but why can't I live with you to mommy?"

"Because I have to work and my boss says I can't bring you with me. Do you understand baby?"

She nodded "Does daddy live in Ireland near your work?"

"No I live in America" I interrupted "I am eh gonna get some drinks." I walked out of the room to see a prison officer staring at me. "I'm a visitor" I said quickly pointing to my badge.

He read it and a smile broke out on his face. "Your Gerard Way form My Chemical Romance aren't you? My daughter and her boyfriend love your band."

"Thanks dude. Will they be going to Oxygen this year?"

He shook his head "No they unfortunately couldn't get tickets." He sounded sad so my kindness kicked in.

"If you want to give me your address I could send them tickets and a backstage pass for the day."

He beamed "Thank you ever so much." He handed me a piece of paper with his address on it. "If there is anything I can go just let me know."

"Between you and me I was never at this prison and you didn't get the tickets off me ok?" god I hated blackmailing people but it was the only way I could keep Lena and Jam quite. He nodded and showed me to the smoker's room.

I guess I feel asleep 'cause next thing you know the same officer is waking me up I was getting the tickets for. "Mr. Way your friend is ready to see you again." I followed him back to were I was a couple of hours ago.

"Daddy I'm going to your house!" Lena announced as soon as she saw me.

Jam smiled." She is ready to leave whenever you are. But only under one condition; I get a phone call once a day and a letter every week full of Lena's drawings."

"I wouldn't have it any other way! Our flight leaves at two."

"But its half two now." She was right.

"Yeah but I'm talking about am not pm!"

She giggled "My bad."


Lena slept peacefully on me. I felt like such a gangland criminal; I was wearing a Nike tracksuit and hat, hoping that I wouldn't get noticed.

"Flight 106 to Newark, New Jersey is now boarding. Anyone with children under the age of 16 should make their way towards the front of the line please. "

I grabbed my black backpack and Lena's pink Barbie bag whilst trying to take out our passports. We were boarding our flight when some ass hole knocked into Lena "Watch it you ba-"

"Daddy are we on the plane yet?" I heard a sleepy voice whisper.

"No not yet sweetie. Can you walk over to the lady and give her our tickets?" she ran towards the steward with delight.

As soon as I took my seat I felt like falling asleep but I forced myself awake to keep an eye on Lena.

"Bye bye Ireland" I heard her whisper as we took off. I hated damn planes so I closed my eyes tight. Ever since I was a kid they scared me shitless and after seeing the 9/11 it scared me even more. I felt someone poke my arm so I opened my eyes to see Lena looking at me.

"Its ok daddy the plane can't hurt you."

I smiled "I know. Now you get some sleep its going to be a long flight." She made herself comfy on my arm before falling into a deep sleep.

Before I knew it we were landing in Newark. I was excited but that excitement was soon overcome by fear of telling my family I had a kid. I looked it was 9am which meant it was 3am over here. I sighed while waking up Lena. We made our way towards Starbucks to get food and maybe meet up with the guys.

I decided to call Mikey as soon as I got Lena something. "Hey Mikey you up?"

"Yeah and I still can't beat Ray or Bob at Guitar Hero!!"

I laughed, "Well can you and the guys come down to Starbucks in Newark Airport?"

"Yeah we'll be there in half an hour. No need to call Frank he's eating my damn peanut butter!"

"Ok bro see you then. Love you dude"

"No I love you more!"

"Ha bye Mikey." I hung and looked at Lena who was looking at the planes out the huge window. I drank my coffee trying to plan out in my head how the conversation would. So far it was good, a lot of shouting but it was still good. For a second Lena ran over took a bit out of my muffin and ran back to the window. I laughed to myself seeing a lot of my in her.

"G my dude. You looking mighty gangsta today. How the hell are you?" asked the small tattooed man who was lying across me.

"I was good 'til I saw you. How are you Frankenstein?"

"Im hyper. Alicia let me drink 2lts of coke!" he giggled.

"Does she know you drank it?" he shook his head happily as the guys made there way towards the table. They sat down and ordered their coffee. Frank must have seen Lena behind my seat as he started talking to her.

"Hey little girl you looking for your mommy?" she shook her head. "Your daddy?"

"Silly my daddy is here!" she was obviously amused by Frank.

"Well then you should go get him before I eat you!" he said evilly.

"Frank leave the poor kid alone!" said Bob. I smirked wondering what Lena would say back to Frank.

"Daddy tell the boy to leave me alone!" she cries loudly.

"Frank leave her alone!" I said. He gave me his famous puppy dog eyes and hugged me.

"Can you get off my daddy please?" I felt Frank loosen his grip on my.

"What did she just say?" Bob asked

"She told Frank to get off me."

"I know I heard that. But did she just call you daddy?" he replied

"Yeah that's why I asked you here." I pushed Frank onto one knee and put Lena onto the other. "Bob, Mikey, Ray, Frank meet my daughter Lena. Lena meet your uncles." Everyone's eyes were locked on Lena and me with the mouths wide open.

Mikey broke the long awkward silence." When? Who?"

"Lena can you go over to the window for a minute while I talk to the guys?" She jumped off my knee and skipped away. "Mikey remember when I was working in Curious Pictures and we had a trainee Jen work in my office?"

He nodded "Yeah you called her Jam"

I smiled surprised he remembered what I called her. "A week after she was came here well the night we were celebrating Cartoon Network wanting to see me and Joe's cartoon I guess we got pretty pissed and had sex." I paused waiting to see if one of them wanted to jump down my throat but they didn't. "I never knew she was pregnant 'til the day she left. I begged her to stay with me but she said as soon as she got home she was going to get an abortion. I never heard from her until a month ago. She still didn't tell me about Lena 'til I visited her in prison four days ago." I waited for the comments but there was only silence.

"I remember Jam you guys came to see Pencey Prep one night." Frank smiled in a daze.

"Yeah you tried to get off with her but she refused 'cause you smoked pot and your dreads smelt like pot too. " I glanced over at Ray and Bob who were squirming uncomfortably in their seats. They didn't know me then but they had a right to know what the fuck was going on.

"I'm an uncle!" cried Mikey running to hug me.

"Yes you are. All you guys are!"

Bob got off his seat I thought he was going to leave until I saw a big grin on his face." Group hug!" they all piled up on me.

"Ok guys I kinda need to live!!" I gasped for air.

Frank ran over to Lena and started playing with her. "$10 says Lena is smarter than Frank." Joked Ray. We all laughed knowing it was most likely true.

"Are you going back to mom's tonight?" asked Mikey.

"Nah if you don't mind me and Lena would like to stay at yours?"

He beamed "Yeah sure. Al is gone to Jamia's so Lena can stay in our bed. It will be like a big sleep over!"

Bob went over to get Frank and Lena. Frank put up a fight so Bob ended up carrying him out to the car much to Lena's amusement.