Innocent Little Kid With Rockstar Daddy

Mikey's Place

* Mikey's POV*

"Why the hell is there a five year old sleeping in our bed?" Alicia whispered angrily at me.

"Look Ali I can explain it's not like we kidnapped the kid or anything" Her face went pale "Don't be stupid we're not that retarded. It's Gerard's kid, Lena."

"You can't be serious Mikes, it's probably some crazed fan claiming it's his kid. I bet she never even knew who Gerard was six years ago!"

"We both knew her. She worked with Gerard for a couple of months. He never loved her, they were just really close friends and I guess they got drunk together one night. Do you wanna know how close they were? They had pet names for each other. He called her Jam 'cause it spelt her initials and she called him Gee-Bee." I started to get lost in my hazy memories of her back then forgetting I was arguing with Ali.

We watched the kitchen door open slowly. Lena peaked through she was wearing one of Ali's t-shirts as pyjamas. Typical Gerard forgot to bring her clothes I swear sometimes he isn't all there in the head. I saw her with Bunny in her arms.

"Good Morning Uncle Mikey." She smiled. Lena was so like Gerard the dark hair, her facial features well except her eyes they were definitely Jam's.

"Morning Lena. I see you found Bunny"

"Silly this is a kitty not a bunny"

Ali giggled "Honey the cat's name is Bunny."

"Oh my friend has a cat called Dog." She put Bunny on the ground and looked at Alicia. "What's your name?"

"She would be your Auntie Alicia. My wife." I said lifting her up onto the worktop.

"Hello Auntie Alicia. I never had an auntie or uncles before. Or a daddy" she was such an innocent kid.

"Aw honey I'll be your auntie forever." It became obvious that Ali had totally forgotten our argument and now loved the kid. "Now would you like to go out for breakfast or wait for your dad and uncles to get off their asses?"

"I don't mind I'll do what you want to do." She replied polity.

"Right come on let's get you dressed. We can get breakfast in a café and since I know your dad way to well I think we shall need to buy you clothes. We can meet up with your other auntie Jamia to. You coming with us Mikey?" she said whilst taking Lena off the worktop. Lena ran to get ready.

"And leave my best friends here alone? I think not Mrs. Way" I joked planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Ok honey but its not my fault if I end up buying myself stuff." She smirked.

"Coarse not babe." She pressed her lips against mine pushing her tongue into my mouth. I felt a hand move slowly down towards my jeans. She could drive me crazy when she wanted. "Ali stop there are kids here."

She pulled away slightly "Kids?" she said with a blank expression on her face.

"Yeah Frank is here to you know."

"Well then that means we shall have to wait til late Mr Way." She replied in her sexy voice. I watched her leave the room then I turned to make a fresh pot of coffee. Minutes later Lena came rushing back in now fully dressed in pink.

"Alicia says bye Mikey and that we will be back when we have no more monies," she said running up to hug me, and then she rushed back out.

The kid was such a character. Ali was so going to turn her into a mini version of herself. I walked into the living area to see Gerard and Bob sitting on the sofa with Frank lying across them. Typical he just lies on people when he can't find anywhere else comfy to sleep. Ray was on the armchair and he was drooling. I left the sleeping beauties and headed back into the kitchen to play the PSP.

*Gerard's POV*

I woke up feeling someone's legs across me. I didn't have to open my eyes to know it was Frank. I pushed his legs off me hoping I wouldn't wake the little fucker up. Thankfully he didn't so I went to check on Lena. I walked into Mikey and Alicia's room finding the bed empty. For some reason I panicked and ran around the house checking everywhere like a mad man. "Mikey where the fuck is Lena? I can't find her. Oh god I've lost the kid already what kin-"

"Dude calm down Ali brought her out for breakfast and shopping. Here take this." He said putting a hot cup of coffee in my hand. "They're only gone about an hour. I didn't want to wake you up. Besides you never brought any of her clothes with her."

I calmed down and took a seat on the countertop "Alicia is gonna turn her into a little rocker kid isn't she?" I asked knowing the answer already.

"She is my wife, what do you think?!" we laughed.

"So how are you and Al getting on as a married couple?" It was so rare to get these brother moments now days with the band and everything, so I decided to take advantage of our spare time.

"Brilliant I love her more then ever. We both got a tattoo while you were gone." He pulled up his sleeve on his left arm to reveal a heart with flames around it, with 'together' in the middle of the heart. The colors were so bright and vibrant "Ali's says 'forever'. It hurt like hell now I can see why you hate needles so much" hr grinned. "So do you want to tell me the whole thing about Jam or are you gonna keep it all to yourself?" I sighed and began to explain.

"We should fly Stacey over there." Mikey said after I told him everything.

"I might but then that means that more people have to know about Lena and it might spread to the kids which I really don't want."

He looked me dead straight in the eye "I'll support you every step of the way. I promise."

A tear escaped from my eye "Thanks bro that means a lot to me."

"No problem now all you have to do is tell mom and everything will be fine."

Frank walked in with his eyes half closed "What you telling my mom?"

"That your butt naked in my kitchen!"

Both of Frank's hands moved over to cover his package. Then he realized he was full clothed. "Mikey you fucking ass! Get me coffee."

"Have a nice sleep Bob?" I asked our blue-eyed drummer as he walked through the door.

"No. I woke up with someone's head at my balls" he growled. Frank blushed and drank his coffee. "Oh crap Bamboozle starts tomorrow. "

"Oh yeah I totally forgot 'bout that, well at least we're head lining. Plus Taking Back Sunday and Linkin Park will be there so it should be fun " said Mikey making sure Frank didn't break the new coffee machine.

"Yeah I'm gonna get changed. Mikey I'm taking some of your clothes." I changed out of the Nike clothes into Mikey's hoody and Alicia's jeans, now I felt less criminal. I walked into the kitchen to find it empty so I moved to the living room to see everyone including Jamia, Alicia and Lena sitting on the ground with clothes everywhere. I picked up a little black top with 'princess' wrote on it in red.

"Al I somehow don't think this will fit you." The room erupted with laughter. "What?"

"And I thought Frank was stupid." Chuckled Ray. I heard Frank say 'hey' taking offense to Ray's comment.

"Gerard that's for your daughter not me!" I blushed. I really knew how to make an ass out of myself without knowing it. I looked around and noticed most of the clothes in the room were small.

"Alicia you didn't buy all this for Lena did you?"

"Coarse not Jamia helped to! Hey are you wearing my jeans?"

"That's so off the topic. Any who I'm heading to moms. Come on Lena we can get your stuff later." She skipped over to me with a bag in her hand. She looked like a mini Alicia already all she needed was the black make up around her eyes and Alicia could say 'mini me'. "Mikey I'm taking your car."


"Mama I'm home" I called walking into my mom's house. Lena walked behind squeezing my hand tight. She was probably scared of the neighborhood and honestly if I was her I'd be scared to.

"Gerard sweetie is that you?" I heard my mother call from the kitchen.

"The one and only!" I said walking into find my mother cooking what looked like our dinner.

She hugged me tight "And who do we have here?" she bent down to Lena's level. "Would you like a cookie?"

"Yes please."

"Ok sweetie you take a seat at the table and I'll get you one or maybe even two!" Mom walked over to the counter furthest away from the table. "Don't tell me you ended up minding Frank's cousin again. I mean he can't keep using you as a babysitter"

"It's not Frank's cousin -"

"Well then she has to be related to Alicia they look ever so alike."

"Mom stop"


"That's my kid, your granddaughter. "

She dropped a glass bowl and her facial expression had changed. "But she can't be. Why didn't you tell me about her? You tell me everything."

"It's me and Jam's kid. It happened six years ago. I never knew about her till five days ago. I'll tell you everything tonight when she's asleep." I mumbled picking up the now broken glass bowl. She sat down at the table and just moved her eyes from Lena to me not saying a word.

"Hi my name is Lena. Are you my grandma?" I felt a warm salty liquid make its way down my face. I couldn't leave her, but I had to go on tour and she would be starting up school soon. I looked at my mother she was about to cry.

"Elena was my mothers name. Your daddy's grandma" I heard walking out of the kitchen. I sat on the sofa and picked up an old photo album and flicked through pictures of Mikey and me when we were kids.

I sat there for the entire evening til dinner, and then I went back to looking at them again. I looked up to see the time went Lena stood in front of me in the cutest panda pajamas staring at me holding my favorite teddy. "Come here. I'll show you all these photos." She climbed onto my lap. We sat there for two hours before I looked up to see my mother standing in the doorway with tears in full flow. But they weren't tears of sadness they were tears of happiness.