Innocent Little Kid With Rockstar Daddy

I Miss You Lots

As we sat down I was getting board this was our 6th interview today! "So what is the most important thing you guys bring on tour with you?" asked the German chick sitting next to me.

"Water " I said raising my hand with a bottle of water in hand.

"Vegetarian rashers are the shit dude!" said Frank now giggling at nothing.

"Um sidekicks and coffee" Ray put in.

"You guys have beer no?"

"Nope" Bob put in as well. She started speaking German to the camera then turned back to us again.

"So how many beers do you drink while your on tour?" I rolled my eyes. God interviewers really needed to look up their stuff before interviews.

"Way too many!" Frank giggled harder

"This country is obsessed with beer!" said Bob loudly.

She ignored his comment and turned to me. "Well I drink like seventeen beers before them." Frank was nearly crying now the man is a complete nut case!

"Ok well thank you for coming. Enjoy your say in Germany." She said shaking our hands. We waited until she left the stage to go to our bus. I desperately wanted to call Lena but she was probably still asleep. Damn different time zones!

"How we going to do two interviews at the same time?" asked Ray as we got on the bus. "I mean we have an MTV one and a local radio station in five."

"Okay Ray you go with Frank and I'll do MTV with Bob"

Bob grinned "Don't you mean you'll be doing me?" god the man hangs out with Frank way too much!

"Yes dear now come on along." I replied walking over to the MTV set.

She asked the usual questions; Black Parade, Mikey on a break, festivals but then she came up with an interesting question. "Okay so I've to ask you something because a lot of my female friends and a few males have asked what is that ring on your finger there?"

This could be interesting. "Oh it's a.."

"It's a friendship ring!" Bob said happily

"Oh is it really?"

"Yeah I just lost mine." He lied. I loved this dude he would do anything for you even lying.

"Are you sure there isn't anything you two would like to share?" she giggled

"No no. One day I just decided like I really, I really enjoy his you know friendship. So we traded rings but I can't."

"You lost yours!"

"Yeah I lost mine. Kinda weird but em yeah that's all."

She turned to me still smiling. "So how do you feel about him losing the ring?"

A smile went across my face. "He's a really good buddy." I paused "The truth of the matter is I'm engaged and I'm really excited about it."

"Aw congratulations! " she did a little clap.

"Thank you."

Bob grinned "Yeah I kinda lied!"

She continued the interview until her time was up. She was nice and didn't ask any more questions about the engagement much to my relief. We said our byes to the MTV camera crew as usual they were funny. Honestly the only interview I like doing are MOD and MTV the crews are so god damn nice its unreal. I heard t.A.T.u. going off. It was bob's phone but he didn't realize it was him.

"Bob phone." He looked at me then reached into his pocket and dug out his nokia.

"What? Um thank. Hello? Yeah he is. I know I would be such a better one than him! Yeah you too. Bye." He starched out his arm "It's your mom."

I took the phone off him. "Mom?"

"Gerard you really have to start leaving your phone on. I know Bob's number better than your."

"Yes I'll turn it on. Is she ok? Not sick or anything is she?"

I heard her sigh down the phone. "Lena is perfect and will you please stop worrying about her?"

"I'll try. Now what you calling for?"

"That's a lovely way to speak to your mother!" she said with a tone of sarcasm in her voice. "I was wondering about something. You know the way your playing in Ireland in a while.

"Yeah Oxygen."

"I was thinking about bring Lena with me so she could visit Jenevieve and you could see her a couple of weeks early to. That way she would be able to see both of her parents in the one day." As she went into the smaller details I was thinking of how much of a good plan it was. "And Jamia is coming over with me so I won't be alone."

"Ma that's a brilliant idea I knew I loved you for a reason!"

"Ha ha very funny. Now remember to turn on you phone and give Bob back his. Mikey said he won't be able to call later."

"Yes ma"

"Now I'll see you in Ireland. Goodbye Gerard I love you."

"Bye love you to ma." I hung up and put the phone in my hoody pocket. I heard an ahem as I sat down. I looked up to see Bob holding his hand out.


"My phone you ass!"

I dug his phone out of my pocket. I swear I kept having these blond moments lately and I wasn't even blond any more!

"I liked you better when you were blond." Bob said giving me a weird look.


Oxygen - Ireland

"Thank you Ireland! Enjoy the rest of the weekend" I yelled into the mic watching Frank smash up yet another guitar.

"Great show Matt you kicked ass!" Ray told our temp as we grabbed water and towels.

"Frank what up the breaking of the guitar?" asked Worm

"I don no just feels good yano?" he trailed off

"Far enough little man. The ladies are in the changing room." Worm replied. I thought he meant ladies as in fans but as soon as the door opened my eyes were stuck to a little brunette running towards me.

"DADDY!!" she screamed with arms in the air. I pulled her up into my arms while hugging her. "I missed you loads daddy." She whispered.

"I missed you to Lena. How are you baby?"
"I'm ok thank you. Daddy you smell very funny."

I ginned to myself. "That's 'cause I was working. Do you have any news for me?"

She thought for a minute "I was minding Alicia's and Mikey's cats but now granddad is minding them and grandma told me to make Ray a birthday card on the plane and I did."

I kissed her on the cheek "Well aren't you a lovely little girl? Why don't you get Ray's card and give him it." She jumped out of my arms and ran to her bag. Jamia and Frank already had their lips locked. "Hey ma. Thanks for coming over." She embraced me into a hug.

"No problem sweetie. I haven't told her about seeing Jenevieve yet. She was so excited to be back in Ireland. All she talked about was you and Ireland on the plane, she's such a little dote."

"Yeah I love the kid. How long you staying here for?" I asked sitting down.

"Three days. I couldn't leave for father for any longer." she smiled.

"Ma I will never be old enough to have this conversation about you and dad." She was now grinning evilly. "Ma! Stop! Me and the guys have to go back to the hotel and showers, we, eh, kinda smell after the show. Then I'm gonna go see Jam."

"Nothing unusual there." She joked, "There is a taxi out side for Lena, Jamia and I. So we will see you at the hotel. Lena say bye to daddy, Jamia say bye to Frank!"

"Aw but mom I want to stay with Frankie!" Jamia protested with a childish voice.

Lena grabbed her hand and pulled her off Frank's knee. "We have to go because we don't want grandma angry." She whispered loudly. Frank pulled a face and Lena turned to me in shock. "Daddy I think Frank is a very bold boy!" she said seriously causing the room to explode with laughter." What?"

"Lenie baby there only laughing 'cause its true." I whispered kissing her bye.


Jenivive's POV

I was lying on my bed looking at the latest pictures of Lena. She was such a little rocker. Gerard had told me his sister-in-law, Alicia, has turned her into a little rocker kid but I have to say it suit her down to the ground. I took a piece of gum out of my mouth and stuck the picture to the wall. I missed her so much. I hadn't seen her since May and it was killing me.

"Jen you have a visitor." Said the prison officer. "In waiting room C." I followed him into the waiting room wondering who was visiting me as my lawyer was only here two hours ago. I saw the back of the person; black messy hair, drank blue denim jacket with a red 'T' on the arm and a stripped black and grey hood. I'd no idea who it was or why they were here for me.

"Um, hi?" I said and the person turned their head sideways. "Gerard? What are you doing here?" he got off his seat and tugged me into a hug.

"I was just in the country and thought I'd drop by." He said casually before grinning. "How have you been coping in here?"

I sighed, "Made enemies and friends. I'm getting on as well as I can I suppose" We sat down at the table "So how's Lena? Is she being good?"

"She is perfect. The guys and everyone are totally in love with her. Especially Alicia and Jamia. She is the cutest little thing ever." He smiled happily" Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure. Go for it."

"Ok I'm engaged and I was wondering -"

"Oh my god congrats! How's the lucky girl or guy?"

"Um she's a girl. I hope" he grinned, "Her name is Eliza Cutz, Mikey's hair stylist sometimes mine."

"Aw bless I beat you've broken millions of teens hearts!" I laughed

"Ha no I don't think so. Anyway I was wondering at the wedding could Lena be the flower girl?"

I was shocked that he had come here just to ask me that. "Of coarse she can! You didn't come all the way from Naas just to ask me that did you? You should have just called!"

"Nah it wasn't any trouble." He began "I also came to tell you that you can fire your lawyer 'cause you're having the bands lawyer Stacey. She's really nice and will be flying here in about three days. So get ready to tell her your side of the story"

He was flying the bands lawyer over here? Wow "Gerard why are you doing this for me?"

"Because Jam we were the best of friends six years ago and we have a beautiful little daughter who needs her mother." I reached for his hand and squeezed his hand lightly.

"Thanks Gee-Bee" I smiled.

"Anything for mommy." He said sarcastically "One more thing I've a surprise outside for you." What more could the man do for me at this moment in time? He walked to the door and opened it. A woman, who looked a lot like Gerard, walked in with Lena holding her hand.

"Mommy!" she screamed letting go of the older woman's hand.

"Lena baby." I feel off my chair dropping to my knees. Lena hugged tight. "Have you been a good girl for daddy?"

She nodded ""Grandma and granddad too!" she said obviously proud of herself. Then I realized the woman standing next to Gerard was his mother.

"Mom mind her while I tour."

I glanced at Donna again she hadn't changed one bit. "Thanks Donna"

She smiled "It's no problem sweetie."


"Yes baby?"

"Are you nearly finished work yet? 'Cause I miss you lots."

I forced a fake smile "Soon I promise. Do you not want to live with your daddy, grandma and granddad?"

"I do I just miss seeing you all the time." There was an awkward silence as we sat at the table.

"Lena did you tell your mommy who's cats your minding?" Donna said. She was always good at breaking silences.

"Oh uncle Mikey and auntie Alicia are on holiday so I'm minding their cats. And one is called Bunny she's my favourite." I could feel the water in my eyes began to build I never thought I would never hear Lena say uncle, Auntie, grandma, granddad or daddy in the one conversation. "Daddy has a dog called Olivia and Bunny is bigger than her." We all giggled.