Innocent Little Kid With Rockstar Daddy

Pwojekt Wevolution

"Lena please stop!" I screamed as I saw my little five-year-year old run around the road in Times Square at rush hour traffic. I was helpless someone was holding me down. Lena now ran across the street and was struck down by a truck. "NO LENA!" I roared I wanted to break free but I couldn't I was being shook by someone.

"Gerard, Gerard!" the voice repeated still shaking me I opened my eyes to see Mike Shinoda standing over me. "Man you ok?"

I sat up and rubbed my face "Yeah..yeah. Just a really bad dream." I glanced around to see Mikey walking towards us.

"You sure? You were screaming Lena."

Oh crap I couldn't tell him about Lena. "Um, yeah my grandma."

"Oh right sorry. Anyway I just came over to see did you guys have the piece for the book nearly finished."

"Yeah I can get them to you after our show."

He smiled "Thanks Gerard, I'll see you then." He walked and I heard him say bye to Mikey.

"S'up dude?" Mikey asked, sitting down beside me. I missed him not being around for the Black Parade tour but Projekt Rev was gonna fun. I was glad he was back.

"Nothing much just came here to think but somehow managed to fall asleep." I smiled "How you doing?"

"Good I missed being around you nutcases 24/7. But now I miss Alicia. You can't win can you?"

"'Friad not. At least the last few dates are in Jersey. Maybe we could get the ladies to stay with us in the bus. I mean we don't have the back as a mini recording studio now so there's a fuck load of room." I suggested while looking through my pockets.

"Yeah sure. I mean we could even bring Lena and say she's Jamia' sister or something- Gerard what the hell are you looking for?"

"My cigs. I must have dropped them." I spotted Ville and Frank walking over. "Hey Ville you don't have any cigarettes do you?"

He smiled and gave a little chuckle "Silly question. Coarse I do." He threw me his packet, I took one out and handed them back.

"Frank I think we better go and leave these two oldies alone." Grinned Mikey.

"Who you calling old?" Ville asked.

"You two. It's the 30'a and over club."

"Damn proud to!" Ville swung his arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"Wow Ville and Gerard exposed!" said a familiar voice behind me. "And you too are engaged to women tut tut tut" I turned and saw Adam Lazzara from Taking Back Sunday.

"Crap I was hoping you wouldn't see us!" I joked "But I know you won't tell on me."

He winked and mouthed 'I'll see you later baby.'

Ville saw him and gave him a dirty look. "Back off bitch!"Adam and him stared to pretend fight until I intervened.

"Ladies, ladies please. I'm taken so quit your fighting." They stopped and we burst out laughing. My phone went off so I excused myself.


"Hi daddy."

"Hey sweetie how are you?" I asked walking away from the guys.

"I'm good thank you. Grandma told me I could talk to you before you start the show on your new tour." I smiled down the phone. I could here ma whispering to Lena. "Daddy good look in Pwojekt Wevolution today."

I let out a little laugh. "Thank you Lena. Will I tell the guys as well? "

"Yes please. Elle and Mia and Ali and grandma took me shopping today. Grandma says I have to show you my new dress when your home."

"I can't wait to see you in it." I smiled they had her spoiled "Can I talk to grandma for a minute please?" I asked

"Ok . Bye daddy have a nice time at Pwojekt Wevolution."

"Hello Gerard."

"Hey ma. When does Lena start elementary?"

All I could here was her flicking through paper. "On the 3rd of September."

"Ok well Projekt Rev will be in Jersey on the 25th and I wanted to take Lena with us."

"Sweetie you don't have to ask me. She is your daughter." She chuckled down the phone.

"I wasn't asking I was informing! Anyway she will be missing the first week of school 'cause Projekt Rev doesn't end till the 3rd in Colorado and I want to spend some time with Eliza and her."

"Lovely that means more time for me and your father." God the woman really new how to torment me.

"Goodbye ma"

"Bye sweetie."


"OK so let me get this straight " Frank began "Lena is Jamia's 'sister' but Lena has taken a liking to you so you 'mind ' her?"

"You hit the nail on the head." I smiled at Frank, he looked so confused and his face was mad funny.

"Way you are one good liar." Bob commented while playing Guitar Hero 2 with Ray.

"Thanks Bobo"

"Shut it Uncle Jiggy!" the bus erupted with laughter; our nicknames for each other were pure shit. But at least we made up for it by our songs. The bus door opened and four girls made their way down to us.

"Hey boys what are we laughing at? " Eliza asked sitting on my knee.

"Uncle Jiggy over there" Ray laughed.

Lena jumped up onto me "Hello daddy." She kissed my cheek

"Hello baby. Miss me?"

"Yes loads."

"What about me?" Mikey cried out

"I missed you too uncle Mikey but not as much as Alicia" she giggled knowing it was true. Alicia stayed with ma whenever she missed Mikey, which was a lot.

"The question is Mr. Way did you miss me?" Elle asked while nibbling on my ear.

"You've no idea," I whispered back. I felt Lena jump of me and run over to Bob.

"Hi Bob" she said sitting down beside him.

"Hey Lenie"

"What you doing?" he looked at her.

"I'm playing Guitar Hero. Do you want to know how to play?"

Lena nodded "Yes please." Bob pulled her onto his lap and started showing her how to play with the toy guitar. Lena seemed to get on best with Bob out of the band.


"Yes baby?"

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked playing with her short brown hair.

"I'd love to. Are we bringing Lenie?"

I thought about it for a second. "I dono I'll ask her" I turned to Lena and Bob. "Lena do you want to come for a walk with me and Eliza?"

"No thank you daddy I'm playing with Bob." She replied not looking away form the TV.

"OK if you needed me just get someone to call my cell ok?"

"Yes daddy." I took Elle's hand and walked out of the bus.

We walked around the venue for ages not saying a word, it was one of them moments were neither of us needed to talk I loved them moments. "G?"


"I was thinking about the wedding and well" she stopped in mid sentence.

"Go on baby you know you can tell me anything." I squeezed her hand and kissed her.

"I know I was just thinking maybe we should have the wedding in September. I don't really want a big wedding and I know you don't want one either." She sighed, she looked worried and upset about something.

"It sounds perfect. But why September?" I looked at her but she was looking at the ground.

"Because I don't want to look like a whale in the wedding pictures." Elle said still not looking at me.

"Baby you won't look like a whale, you have a sexy body!" I grinned. Elle looked at me, tears were forming in her eyes.

"I will"

"No you won't. Baby tell me what's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant!" she sobbed. I froze in shock. Another kid? Oh my god. I felt her hand pull away. Elle ran to the grass and buried her head in her hands. I ran after her and sat down.

"Elle look at me. Eliza baby please look at me." She looked up.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault I forgot to take the pill. I'm so sorry." She cried into my shoulder.

"Hey it's okay. It's not all your fault, it takes two to tango yano?" she gave a little laugh "It's going to be fine. I promise you." I hugged her tight.

"Thanks G I love you so much." She whispered.

"I love you too."

Later that evening I settled down with Lena in the back lounge. She was in her bed and I watched Dora the Explorer with her. It was cool; I could now count to ten in Spanish. And they say kids cartoons aren't educational anymore. Elle walked in dressed in her pj's. "I'm going to sleep so I thought I'd pop in and say goodnight."

I looked at my watch it was half nine. Elle kissed me then Lena. "Elle can you sleep with me? 'Cause I don't want to sleep on my own."

"Do you not want to sleep with your daddy?" she shock her head. "Ok I'll stay with you then." I left them to sleep and headed to my own bunk. I lay there for a while thinking about having another kid, it would be amazing to watch the kid grow from birth. Last time I was around someone that was pregnant was tow years ago. I was going to be the non-biological father but she lost the kid. Then she married Bob, which was great 'cause I never really liked her in that way. The more I thought the sleepier I became so I fell into a nice deep sleep.

I felt someone tug on the sleeve of my tee shirt. I turned over and opened my eyes to see Lena standing there crying.

"Lenie what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" she shock her head. "Tell daddy what's wrong." I whispered.

"I wet the bed" she cried harder. I'd never seen her cry before and it really upset me.

"Sh it's okay. Lenie baby please don't cry." I said wiping her tears away.

"Sorry daddy." I got up and took her into my arms.

"It's okay, accidents happen. Now lets get you a bath and out of them pj's." she nodded. I filled the tiny bathtub and put Lena in it. I washed her and put her into a towel. "Wait here while I get you nice clean pj's." I smiled and searched the bus for her bag. Since I couldn't find it I grabbed my tee shirt and boxers. "I couldn't find your bag so I got you shorts and tee shirt."

"Thank you. Daddy?" she said as I pulled the over sized tee shirt over her head.

"Yes baby?"

"Can I sleep with you?"

I smiled "Yes you can. Lets get some sleep shall we?" she nodded and took my hand. I climbed into my bunk and Lena followed. "Night Lenie" I said kissing her head.

"Nighty night daddy." I glanced at my watch 5.27. Crap I had to be up soon. Ah well at least I have two kids and wonderful fiancée I grinned to myself and went back asleep.