Innocent Little Kid With Rockstar Daddy

T-I- double GR- R

"Tigger please." Lena said happily.

"Now your sure its Tigger you want and not Winnie the Pooh?" she nodded her head. We were in a deep discussion about whether Tigger or Winnie the Pooh would be the main piece of her new bedroom.


"Okay Tigger it is." I picked up a few large cans of black, green, brown, orange and yellow cans of paint and placed them in the trolley.

"Doesn't Tigger have a pink nose?" Bob asked. He and Frank had come with me to pick out paints for the apartment while Jamia and Lou had gone with Elle to get furniture.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I've no idea. Lets get a small can just to be safe." Elle and I still hadn't told the guys about her being pregnant yet. We were gonna tell them over dinner tomorrow night.

"Bob can you carry me please?" Lena asked the kid loved him.

"Sure." He picked her up. Almost immediately she started to play with his long blond hair. I laughed my hair wasn't long enough for her. So she would play with Ray's, Frank's or Bob's but not daddy. It was cute because Bob never ever let anyone near his hair only Lena and Lou. Poor hair stylist had to put up with his shit.

I felt Frank jump onto my back. "Iero get off my back you're a grown man!" the dude may be abnormally small but he the heaviest thing ever.

"No my little legs won't carry me anymore." He whined.

"You may be small but you're a heavy little fuck." I said only loud enough for him to hear.

"Fine but then you have to push me around in the trolley." He jumped down and hopped into the trolley. Lena saw him and began giggling.

"Comfortable Frank?" I asked.

"Perfectly." He smirked. Honestly he had the brain of a four year old at times. We got the rest of the paint and headed for the checkouts.

"G you sure all this shit is gonna fit into your tiny car?" Bob asked while packing a couple of the bags.

"I hope so. If not you and Frank can f-off some were." I smiled. He playfully punched me as I handed the chick my credit card. I got it back and looked at the receipt. Holy shit $652.38 for all that paint? Looks like Elle won't be finding out about that.

Frank ran to the car and sat down making sure he got a seat. Bob and I put the paint and stuff in the boot. Since half of it wasn't fitting in the boot it ended up beside Frank. He wasn't too happy about this, but Lena was when she got to sit on Bob's knee the whole way home.

I sketched Tigger on Lena's wall and did the trees behind him as well. Lena was sleeping in one of the spare rooms until I finished her room. I had gotten the three walls down earlier today all I need to do was Tigger and I was finished. Just as I done the face Elle walked in "Baby come to bed its half three." She yawned. I smiled.

"I'll be there in a sec. You go back to bed." She walked out and minutes later I followed her. Elle was sprawled out on top of the newly bought red and black satin sheets. She watched me as I walked over.

"Do not move any closer unless you take off your clothes!" she ordered. I smirked "Because you have paint on them!"

I laughed, "If that's what you like to think honey."

She stuck her tongue out at me as I lay down beside her. Elle ran her fingers through my hair while my hands wondered over her slightly swollen stomach. "How is my baby?" I asked.

"I'm fine, jus-"

"I wasn't talking to you I was talking to the baby!" I smirked.

She hit my head lightly. "G that want very nice!"

"I know but you love my anyway." I kissed her cheek.

"If that's what you like to think honey!" she smiled sweetly.

"That's what I know!" I said tickling her. She began to giggle.

"G stop please." She nearly screamed in between laughs.

"Not until you tell me you love me." I tickled her more.

"I love you Gerard!" she giggled. I stopped and kissed her before rolling over.

"That's all I wanted to hear." Elle jumped on top of me.

"I want you Gerard." She said kissing my lips hard. She pulled off my tee shirt.

"God I love when your pregnant." Was all I managed to get out. I rolled her and began unbuttoning her top. The door opened.

"Daddy?" I heard Lena say. Thank god the light was off. I got up and pulled the covers over Elle. I walked over to the door.

"You ok baby?"

She nodded "Can I sleep with you and Elle tonight?" I sighed and looked at Elle.

"Coarse you can Lenie." She said sitting up. Lena ran over and hoped in. I closed the door. Looks like I wont be getting any tonight. Walking over to the bed I picked up my top and put it on.

"Lenie me and your daddy have to tell you something." Eliza began. "Would you like a baby brother?"

"Really? A baby brother for me?" Lena squeaked.

"Yes really. Would you like that?"

"Yay. A brother for me. I hope he is like uncle Mikey 'cause uncle Fwankie is a very bold boy." We laughed.

"I hope he is like uncle Mikey to." Elle laughed.

"What would you like to call this little brother of yours?" I asked playing with my hair.


"Kris eh? Not a bad name. What do you think Elle?"

"It's a lovely name. What about Matthew as a middle name?" she suggested.

"Kris Matthew Way? It's a perfect name. How about we keep this a secret Lena and we will tell your aunties and uncles over dinner tomorrow?"

"Okay daddy." She replied politely.

"Now lets get some sleep. Night everyone." That was last thing that was said for the rest of the night.

"GERARD!!" I heard Elle shout. I put out my cigarette and walked back inside.

"Yes Eliza?" she looked like a mess; dirty white tank top, pajamas bottoms and no make up. Looked kinda hot to me, but she looked though she was gonna cry.

"The guys are coming over in forty-five minutes and neither me or Lena are dressed. Can you please do the dinner while I get Lena-"

I pushed my finger up to her lips. "You get changed. I will look after the dinner and get Lena change. Now go."

She smiled and hugged me "Thank you baby." She whispered.

"Go get sexier looking." I said squeezing her butt. She walked off to get changed; I grabbed Lena and held her up in the air. "And since I've no idea what you wear we have to get your auntie Alicia down here."

She giggled, "Yes sir."

The front door opened. "It's only Al" the voice shouted. "I've been ordered to get Lena dressed while you have to do the dinner."

I grinned "Eliza rang you didn't she?"

She pushed me "Yes she did. Now get going or I'll use my Kong fu on you!"

I laughed and headed for the kitchen. Garlic bread was to be out in for only ten minutes so I left that on the counter top and checked the oven. There were three of them; two large ones for us normal people and a small vegetarian one for Frank. At times it was a pain in the ass being a veggie but it was healthy and what he did.

Setting the table for eleven was strange, back at ma's you were pushing it to get six around the table. I was finished and was about to head out for another cigarette when the doorbell rang. I opened it to let the crowd of nine into the lounge.

Lena ran in dressed. "Bob!" she hugged his leg.

"Hello princess." He said pulling her up into his arms. People would find it hard to imagine Bob was good with kids, but not us he was like Lena's damn babysitter.

Eliza and Alicia walked into he room. Elle looked so beautiful, her bump was barely visible, and she probably told Alicia while they were doing their make-up. I smiled at her as she made her way round the room hugging everyone.

As we all sat at the table I made a quick speech. "Thanks for coming everyone. I would like to thank the ladies for putting up with our shi-stuff this year and our week long tours. I would also like to thank the rest of you for being supportive of Lena." I raised my glass. "Cheers" everyone raised his or her glasses said 'cheers' before digging in.

By the end of the meal thing were starting to wind down. "Uncle Fwankie how do you spell Tigger?" Lena asked.

"Um tiger?"

Lena giggled. "No silly Tigger from Winnie the Pooh."

"Oh right. T-I- double GR-R." I burst out laughing and so did Bob, Mikey and Ray.

"Bob is right. You are very silly." Lena laughed.

Frank refused to talk to us after that so he started up a conversation with the ladies. We made our way into the lounge and talked for a while. I spotted Lena yawning so I decided it was time for her to go to bed.

"But daddy I want to tell everyone about Kwis." She complained.

"Ok but when we tell everyone you have to promise to go straight to bed okay?" she simply nodded and ran over to Elle. I walked over after her and took Elle's hand.

"Everyone we have an announcement to make." The room went silent "Eliza and I are very proud to announce that we are going to parents to a healthy baby boy."

"His is Kwis Matthew Way." Lena said happily. Everyone in the room started to attack us with hugs and kisses. Just as I was bringing Lena to bed Mikey called us back in.

"Just to let you guys know Alicia and I are gonna be parents as well." He said casually. Now everyone in the room was attacking the other Way couple.

I forgot about bringing Lena to bed until I seen her asleep in Bob's arms. He said he would bring her to bed so I let him. Not that I had any choice in the matter. I went to balcony to have a cigarette and found Lou.

"Hey G. Congrats on the baby. You'll make a great dad." She smiled weakly. I smiled back.

"I know it's hard but you and Bob will have kids soon."

She turned to look at the city lights. "The doctor said I might not be able to have children again. After the accident my womb got damaged. " She was now crying. "Please don't tell Bob. I don't want to drown his hopes."

I sighed the poor chick had been through so much in the last six years. "I won't I promise." Lou pulled me into a hug. "Care to join me for a smoke?" I asked her.

She pulled away and wiped away her tears. "I'd love to." She replied.