Innocent Little Kid With Rockstar Daddy

Crazy Angel Man

Two days left until we started touring again. I sighed as I strolled down the busy streets of The Big Apple. I didn't want to leave Elle or Lena but touring was what I loved to do. Lena was starting to get clingy which was gonna make leaving for two weeks even harder. I didn't want to leave Lena with Elle for two weeks, I didn't know whether Elle would be up to it of not. But she assured me they would be fine. Ma even offered to stay with them but Elle refused point blank. Maybe she wanted to bond with Lena while I was gone, I really didn't know. I was gonna take Lena to see Jam after Halloween and turn it into a little holiday. Before I knew it I found myself opening the apartment door.

Elle was in the lounge lying on the giant beanbag reading a book. I walked over and kissed her head. "Hey baby. What you reading?"

She turned the page. "A baby book."

I smiled as I lay down on the ground beside her. "Really? Why's that?"

She rolled her eyes and looked at me. "In case you haven't noticed I'm kinda pregnant. Some black haired weirdo knocked me up on his best friends birthday." She smiled sweetly.

"That black haired weirdo sounds rad. Can I have his number?"

"Yeah sure it's in the phonebook. His second name is Ass hole. First name Iman."

I let out a little laugh. "I'm an ass hole?"

She looked back to her book. "Yes you are."

I started to stare at her. Her short hair was pushed back behind her ear. It was dark brown but I liked it better when it was bleached white blond. Her eyes were a dark blue, nothing like Lena's or Bob's icy blues.

"You do realize you've been drilling holes in the side of my head for the last few minutes?"

I smiled "Yes" and pulled her down on top of me. "Sorry I can't help myself." I kissed her neck.

"Hey I was reading!"

"Not any more." I whispered in between kisses. My hand moved up her skirt.

"G.." she whispered. "Not here someone could walk in." I could feel her heartbeat racing. My hand moved further up causing her to gasp. I could never get enough of her.

"Sweet jesus! Stop the touchy feely!" Mikey yelled. Damn his fucking timing.

Elle got up off me. "God Michael you're so rude walking in on people like that."

He smirked evilly. "That's what you get for living in the same apartments as your sexy little brother. Anyway we have to get going now the table is booked for half twelve" I looked at him not knowing what the hell he was on about. He rolled his eyes. "Lunch with me and Alicia ring a bell in that head of yours?"

I shock my head. "No. No body told me 'bout no lunch with you guys."

Mikey gave me a weird look.

"Baby you're the one who asked Mikey the other day. So grab your jacket were going." Elle said putting her own jacket on.

I shrugged my shoulder and went along. For the first time in my life everything was going smooth, well smoother than normal. I sure hope this will last.


"How long are you going for?" Lena asked.

"Two weeks. I'm going in two days so you'll take care of Eliza and Kris for me?"

She nodded her head. "Daddy do you weally have to leave?" she whined.

"Yes I'm afraid so. But when I get back we are going to visit your mommy. Would you like that?" she smiled and nodded. "Good. Now you get some sleep." I kissed her head and turned to walk ou the door.

"Night daddy." She yawned.

"Goodnight baby." I switched off the light and stood at the kitchen doorway. Elle was cleaning up after dinner. I was gonna do but Elle made sure I didn't treat her different while she was pregnant. She suddenly stopped and mumbled fuck.

"You okay hunny?" I asked moving towards her.

She put her hand do her back. "Yeah just a cramp in my back. It's probably nothing." She continued cleaning until I stopped her. "Gerard I'm trying to clean. Now get out of my way."

"No I'll finish this. I'm not having you clean if your hurts." She shot me an evil look. "Okay you can clean but don't over do it. And promise you'll see the doctor if your back still hurts in the morning."

"Fine. James Jean rang while you were putting Lena to bed."


"He said he'd call you back tomorrow evening. It's about the sales of the Umbrella Academy. "

"I hope its good. I'm gonna go call Gabriel." I kissed her cheek and went in search of my mobile.

"Gerard baby. Wake up" Eliza sniffed.

"I'm a wake" I mumbled into the pillow. "What time is it?"

"1.24. Can you bring me to the hospital please?"

I shot up and looked at her. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Is Kris?"

"My back is killing me I can barely move." She cried.

"Okay. Okay. Don't panic. I'll run up to Mikey's to get them to watch Lena. Don't move." I ran up and opened the door to an empty apartment. I rang Mike's mobile then Alicia's, neither of them answered. So I woke Lena and got her dressed.

Someone taped my shoulder repeatedly. I lifted my head to see the nurse. "Mr. Way the doctor is finished examining your wife. You can go see her now." The blond nurse smiled and walked off.

I stood up trying not to wake Lena who had fallen back asleep. The doctor had been examining her a while, I hoped there was nothing to serious wrong. I just had to jinx myself earlier. I opened the door of the brightly lit room. "Hey baby." I whispered loudly.

Elle tilled her head slowly. "Hi G." she had small bags under her eyes and they were blood shot from crying.

I pulled a chair up beside her and took her hand in mine. "What did the doctor say?" I spoke softly not wanting to upset her.

"He said he would be back in a few minutes. I'm sorry."

"For what?"

A tear fell from her eye. "For not listening to you earlier."

"Hey hey. Its okay. You and Kris are fine that's all that matters." I said squeezing her hand briefly.

"Mrs. Way your fourteen weeks pregnant correct?" the doctor asked as soon as he entered the room.

"Yes, why? Is the baby ok?"

He picked up charts and began flicking through them. "Well it seems the baby is fine, but its pressing against your spine when it moves, which causes you to get a sharp pain in your back." He looked at Elle who was petrified. "Don't worry its nothing uncommon. It just means you will have to be in bed rest. That means no physical activities until after birth. We have medication prescribed to you. You can collect it went you are being discharged."

"Thanks doc." I smiled

"No problem. Do either of you have any questions?"

"No" we said in unison.

"Ok I hope I won't be seeing you two around here for another few months. If have any more problems go to your local doctor. I'm sure you'll have another lovely kid like her." With that he left and Eliza was giggling softly. I had no idea why.

"G she called Lena our daughter" I still didn't get it.


I woke up really early. I want due to leave until half 10 but I couldn't sleep. I felt guilty about leaving Elle when she was having back problems. She insisted on me going do I insisted ma had to come over on weekends while Alicia and Jamia came over during the week to help out with Lena.

I decided to get up and get coffee and maybe a cigarette while I was at it. I made the coffee and stepped out onto the freezing balcony. I was meant to quit smoking last this year but I never did, neither did Bob.

Flash Back

"Okay so I'm giving up smoking. What are you doing?" Bob asked me before the New Years Eve show.

"Well since dying my hair back black is off the list. I think I'll do the same."

"First person who gives in owes the other $500. Deal?" he stuck out his hand.

I shacked it "Deal!"

One minute past midnight and I was smoking. Turning around random people were pulling me into a hug. I pulled Bob into one. The both of us had cigarettes hanging out the sides of our mouths. We grinned and walked away from each other.

End of Flash Back

I laughed at that memory. Bob was a good buddy and I was glad he was our drummer. My Chem would never be were we were today if we still had Matt with us. In away I kind of missed him, but hey we got our selves a bimbo. I took a drag and sipped my coffee.

"Daddy what are you doing out here?" Lena asked interrupting my thoughts. I exhaled.

"I was drinking my coffee and smoking. You better go back inside its very cold out."

"Then you come with me please." She said holding her hand out.

"Okay. C'mon." I said taking the last drag of the cigarette, flicked it away and exhaled.

"Hehehe daddy you look like a dragon when smoke comes out of your nose." Lena giggled.

I tried making a scary face. "I will eat you little girl!" I put on the worst scary accent ever.

Lena let out a little squeak and ran into the lounge. I chased after her, which made her laugh harder. I ran around the sofa about twenty-three times before I caught her. And when I did I tickled her until she started to tickle me back. We stopped after a while and turned on the TV. There wasn't much on for half six in the morning so I let Lena flick through the channels.

"Do you want breakfast Lenie?" she nodded her head. "What would you like?"

"Pancakes please."

I moved her off my knee and headed to the kitchen. Fifteen minutes later I went back into the lounge with two large plates of pancakes in hand. I saw Famous video being played. Lena looked confused. "Daddy why are you on TV?"

I set the plates down. "That's my job. I work with your uncles to make music."

She sat down next to me and leaned over biting the pancake off my fork.

"You look like a crazy angel man daddy!"

I laughed. I knew I looked like a psycho in that video but I wasn't so sure about the angel part. Teenagers was up next and Lena was going mad at the end. It was quite funny the way she didn't understand that it was just acting and we weren't actually getting hurt.

"Good morning Elle." Lena shouted skipping around the room.

I turned my head to see Elle yawing. "What do you think you are doing out of bed?" I asked.

"I came here to talk to you guys. Bed rest gets boring when your alone." She replied sitting down beside me "Now I'm getting some sofa rest." She smiled.

"Okay but when I'm going you have to go back to bed." I kissed her head.


"Lena please. Daddy really has to go." I said. She was clinging to me for dear life.

"But I want you to stay." She whined her eyes were glistening.

"Daddy really has to go. I'll call you everyday. Please don't cry."

But it was to late. She buried her head into my shoulder and cried her eyes out, I felt like crying a bit myself but I held it back. It was strange she never cried when she left Jam but yet she cried over me.

Eliza stood there helpless not knowing what to do. I tried calming her down but nothing worked. I knew we were going to be delayed but it couldn't be helped. The door opened and Ray and Bob walked in.

"Is Lena ok?"Ray asked taking one of my suitcases.

"She doesn't want G to leave." Eliza replied, "Lenie Bob and uncle Ray are here."

She took her head out of my shoulder and looked at Bob, still crying.

"Come here Lenie baby." Bob took her. After a good ten minutes of Bob whispering to her she stopped crying. "C'mon lets go down before Brian comes up and kills us."

I grabbed my other suitcase and followed the gang. Brian, Frank and Worm were waiting in the van already while Alicia and Mikey said their final good byes. I hugged and kissed Elle bye. Her emotions were high as she was crying already.

I turned to Lena who was still in Bob's hold. She jumped into my arms and I told her I would see her soon. This time she didn't cry.

"Daddy make sure uncle Fwankie is a good boy." Lena sniffed.

I felt my heart melt. "I will baby." I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Now you go to your auntie Alicia." I gave her to Alicia and sat in the van. I waved until I couldn't see them. "Bob how did you do that?"

"Do what?" he asked in confusion.

"Stop Lena crying?"

He shrugged his shoulders and mumbled. "I don no"