Gig of change

Chapter one

I was sat on a small wooden bench in the center of town, minding my own business. When my dear old friend interrupted my news paper reading.
“OMG!” She screamed in a pitch so high, I was sure a pack of dog was about to come running towards us.
“That's that famous guy! He is in that band. Oh you know the one...” She scrunched up her face in shear agony of her forgetfulness.
“Josie what on earth are you on about?” I said folding the newspaper on to my lap neatly. She began to point frustratingly at a group of young girls a hundred feet in front of us.
“I can't see anyone, just a bunch of kids...” I trailed off my sentence. The group opened enough for me to see the person Josie was so excited over. He was tall, tanned and skinny. His face was familiar to me. It was the face that had been plastered all over the magazine I bought religiously. Apparently him and his band had an up and coming tour, and would be visiting our little town as a staring point.
“Oh! What's his name?” Josie, still frustrated by her frivolous mind, asked.
I replied with no emotion to my voice at all. “Gerard Way.”
“That's it!” I thought she was about to jump ten feet in the air with her excitement. “I can't believe he's here. I've waited like seven years for them to come back here.”
“Really?” I asked, not actually wanting to know the answer. Josie didn't pick up on my ironic tone, and continued to talk.
“He's sooooo fit. I mean I know he's like 12 years older than me. But I so totally would. You know what I mean?” She turned to face me when I didn't answer. Josie elbowed my rib cage to acquire my attention.
“Sorry Josie. But I really couldn't care less for this random bloke I've never met.” A strange look of agitation came across her face. “Look. I'm sure he is lovely bloke and all, but I haven't got time to waist on someone who's obviously more obsessed with himself than anyone else. I mean. Have you see the cover of ANCHOR? There is no talent to this band what so ever.” I looked at Josie. I think I might have gone a bit to far. I was sure she was on the verge of tears. I needed to change this ti my advantage, and quick.
“But of course that is only my opinion. Don't take it to hart. If you like the man then that's fine with me. But please don't be upset when I tell you I don't.”
An uncomfortable silence fell among us. Josie took a deep breath.
“I'm okay with that.... Do you reckon I could get his autograph?” She smiled in her childish way.
“I'm sure he would if you asked him.” I opened my paper again. There was a rather interesting article about the evolution on sea monkeys I really couldn't leave unread much longer. But before I had time to even unfold the paper, I was being pulled up from my seat.
“Josie what are you doing?” I almost bellowed.
“You didn't think I'd go by myself did you?”
“How brainless of me.” I followed her to the crowd.
The sun beamed down on my shoulders as I stood arms folded squashed in between Josie and some young black haired girl, who was badly in need of a bottle of head and shoulders and deodorant. I knew Josie meant well, but this was not how I had planed to spend the afternoon. The girl next to me screamed as Gerard signed her autograph book. I could only imagine that the book was filed with signatures from all her high school friends, telling her how amazing she was. She would be there Monday morning bragging to all her friends how her life was now complete by that one insignificant autograph.
My wandering mind was dragged back to reality on the note of a manly American voice.
“Hay lady’s.” Josie grabbed my arm. No doubt to help prop herself up. She was prone to the occasional fainting episode. 'Especially when fit boys are around.' was often her answer for why. I just gathered she had some kind of temporary malfunction.
“OMG! OMG! OMG! It's really you! I can't believe your here. I've waited like seven years for you to be here!” Josie smiled like a Cheshire cat.
“Thanks. That's really sweet. It's nice to be back. And you're right it's been a long time.” He smiled. I hadn't realized how nice he looked. The pictures on the front of the magazine didn't do him any justice. He had quite an alluring face up this close and personal.
I shook. What on earth was I doing? This is the guy who cause such commotion with his lyrics not to long back. He'd put an entire genre of young people in to agitation.
“I hope you guys can come to the concert?” He smiled directly at me. It stopped my train of though dead in it's track. His eyes glistened in the summer sun softening his masculine face in the posses. A strange escalating feeling of elation fluttered in the pit of my abdomen. And before I knew I answered.
“Don't worry we'll be there. Front row. You should look out for us. We'll be the one's rocking out.” A small seductive smile appeared at the corner of my mouth.
“I'll look out for you.” His eyes looked me up and down in the second it took for me to realize what I'd said.
Dam it. How did i let him do that te me?