Don't Go Away


“Dude, Chance’s mom said breakfast will be ready in 20 minutes. She made coffee,” Taylor shook Marshal. He groaned and sat up to fast. Blood rushed to his head, making his hangover worse.

“What time is it?” he asked.

“12:30,” Marshal slowly stood up and went to the bathroom and puked. When he was done, he went out to the kitchen and poured himself some coffee.

“Good morning Marshal,” Chance’s mom greeted him with a cheery smile.

“Morning,” he mumbled and sat at the island next to Chance. Marshal took a sip of coffee and laid his head on his arms. Chance rubbed his back, sending chills through his body. Marshal didn’t want him to stop. He loved this feeling he got when Chance touched him. But all good things come to an end and Chance withdrew his hand. Marshal sat up and watched Mrs. Hart finish up dinner.

It took them half an hour to eat enough food for 12 people. When Marshal finished he went up to Chance’s room to take a shower. When he was done it was 1:45.

“Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!” Marshal said, running down the stairs.

“Language!” Mrs. Hart called from somewhere in the house.

“What?” Chance asked from the couch. Taylor and Tiger either left or were scrounging the kitchen for more food.

“I have to be across town in 15 minutes!” he said, gathering his cloths and cell phone, “I’ll talk to you later Chance.”

“Bye Mars,” he hugged his best friend and Marshal was out the door. The trip would normal take 20 minutes from Chance’s house, but with lunch hour traffic, it took close to 40 minutes. He would have called or texted Winston, but his phone was dead.

When he finally got to Winds End Park, it was 2:30. As he pulled in, he saw Winston sitting on the place structure, staring at his lap. Marshal got out of his car, tripping on his seatbelt and ran all the way to Winston.

“Winston! I’m so sorry I’m late!” Marshal exclaimed. Winston looked up at Marshal with a sad expression. Marshal sat down and grabbed him arm.

“I thought you ditched me. I texted you, but you didn’t reply,” he looked down at Marshal’s hands.

“I went over to Chance’s house last night and some other friends where there. We played the new Black Ops, and got really drunk. His mom made us breakfast and I took a shower and when I was done, it was 1:45, and there was traffic. My phone must have died last night because I cant even get it to turn on. Please forgive me?” Marshal was crushed that Winston looked so broken up. He probably would be too if he waited out here and couldn’t even get a hold of your date. Winston looked up at Marshal and a small smile spread on his face.

“I forgive you Marshal. Lets go play on the swings. I’ll push you,” Winston grabbed Marshal’s hands and pulled him up. He dragged him over to the swings and Marshal got on and Winston started to push him.

When Marshal was high in the sky, Winston stopped and got on the swing next to him. The swung, laughing at how much higher then the other they could get. After a while, Marshal started to slow down, and when he came to a stop, he sat sideways in his swing, facing Winston. Winston started to slow down, and he did the same as Marshal.

Marshal started to swing sideways at Winston. Winston started to swing simultaneously with Marshal.

“Do you like that shirt?” Winston asked, leaning back on the chains holding the seat. Marshal nodded with a smile, “I knew you’d like it. It looks so cute on you,” Winston smiled.

“I wore it because I knew you’d like it,” Marshal admitted and leaned forward, hanging on the chain in front of him. Winston smiled and leaned forward.

He grabbed a hold of Marshal’s chain and their swings were going in awkward ways. Winston leaned forward and planted a soft kiss onto Marshal’s lips. He pulled away, only a little, waiting for Marshal to make the next move.

Marshal grabbed their chains together and put his other hand around Winston’s head and pulled him in for another kiss. Marshal’s lips moved with Winston’s as Winston turned it into a French kiss.

They pulled away moments later and just stared at each other. Winston pulled him in for another peck and then suggested they go play on the play structure.

After an hour of playing Tag, they decided to call it quits. They walked to the parking lot, hand in hand and Winston tried to pull away for the bus station, but Marshal wouldn’t allow it. Winston stood at the back door behind the passenger’s seat.

“Unlock the back,” he said. He had a smile on his face that told Marshal that he was up to something. They both climbed into the back and Winston crawled on top of Marshal. He slowly started to trail kisses up his neck to his lips. He slipped Marshal’s shirt off and traced his lips over his chest.

Winston continued this for a while, then Marshal got on top and returned the favor.


After an hour of making out, Marshal was laying in Winston’s arms in the back of his car. Both boys were in their boxers. The car wasn’t steamed up very much because of how hot it was outside. Halfway through, they actually had to turn the car on for the air conditioner. Marshal’s head was leaning under Winston’s chin, and Winston had his hands on Marshal’s chest.



“Will you be my boyfriend?” Winston asked. Marshal smiled and grabbed Winston’s hands.

“Yes,” he was grinning from ear to ear. For once in a really long time, Marshal didn’t care about Chance. He didn’t care that he had the biggest crush on him ever. The only thing he cared about what that he was laying in Winston’s arms, and he was happy.

Winston said he had to get home before he got in trouble so they scrambled to put their cloths back on, and Marshal drove Winston home. Winston kissed him goodbye and Marshal promised he’d text him when he got his phone on the charger.

Marshal was smiling all the way home. He was so happy to have someone in his life. He was happy it was a boy that he really liked. It wasn’t some girl that wanted to get into Marshal’s pants, it was a boy that he cared about.


For the next few weeks, Marshal was spending practically all of his time with Winston. While he was working, Winston would come in and order a chocolate milkshake and a cheese burger without pickles.

Marshal wanted to tell someone about how happy he was to have a great, loving boyfriend, but its not like he could just go out and to his best friend and tell him he’s gay.

They went on a date almost every day, and if they weren’t on a date, they were just hanging out in someone’s room, making out, watching TV, or just talking.

One day though, Winston came into the restaurant as usual, but following after was Chance, Jason, Taylor, and Beck.

Marshal went and got Winston’s order first. It was a chocolate milkshake as usual. He went over to his friend’s table and greeted them.

“Hey guys. What can I get for you to drink?” he asked.

“Diet coke,” Beck and Taylor answered.

“Can I get a beer?” Jason asked.

“Are you 21?” Marshal laughed.

“Fine Ms. Debbie Downer. I’ll have a Dr. Pepper,” he said. Marshal turned to his best friend.

“I’ll take a Pepsi. Hey, where’s your girlfriend? You said she comes in while you’re at work,” Marshal’s eyes flicked over to Winston who was looking over his menu, even though he was going to get what he always got.

“Uh, she cant make it today,” Marshal said.

“You’re fucking with me right Marshal? When are we going to meet your girlfriend?” he said loudly. Winston looked up from his table over to were his boyfriend was standing with his friends.

“She’s not in today,” Marshal repeated.

“I’m starting to think this Whitney girl is a flake. You’ve been dating her for about a month and I haven’t met her yet. Are you embarrassed by her?” Chance asked.

“No, its not that, she really isn’t in today,” Marshal started to get agitated. He was about to walk away when Winston appeared next to him.


“Why not?” Winston asked. Marshal was frozen in his spot as Winston turned to his friends.

“I’m actually Winston. Marshal’s boyfriend,” Marshal couldn’t believe he just did that. He stared at Winston as he smiled at Marshal’s friends faces. Taylor was the first one to speak,

“You’re shitting us right?” he let out a small laugh.

“No. We’re boyfriends,” Winston smiled and grabbed Marshal’s hand.

“Can I talk to you Marshal?” Chance asked, standing up. Marshal knew he should have said no, because he was working, but he couldn’t say no now. He followed Chance over to the hall by the bathroom and Chance pushed Marshal up against the wall.

This was one of Marshal’s fantasies he had, but there was less tension, and more making out. Marshal leaned up against the wall, pushing his thoughts out of his mind, as he realized his best friend knew his biggest secret.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Chance growled.

“Which part?” Marshal whispered, he was looking at the floor, he couldn’t even look in Chance’s eyes.

“That you are gay!” Chance whispered loudly.

“I didn’t know what you’d think of me,” Marshal felt sick to his stomach.
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