

Jamie learned very quickly that liquor and an empty stomach don’t mix. You see, when you drink on an empty stomach, there’s none of those horrid nutrients to sucks up all the ethanol, so it goes straight into the bloodstream. Which, if you’re trying to get drunk, is a very good thing. But when you’ve never been drunk before, it is in no way a good idea.

At this point Jamie isn’t as smart as he is now. This is maybe four years ago, and he’s still a teenager and even stupider. He drinks a liter of McCormick all by himself, the cheap kind of vodka that burns and turns your stomach and ties it into knots, and he drinks it in three hours flat. People say the cheaper it is the worse the hangover, but Jamie doesn’t even remember the hangover bit. Alcohol poisoning is what makes him start puking blood, but he was already cold and shaking and mentally fucked so that’s nothing new.

When he stops moving, when he stops breathing, it takes a while for people to notice. Alcohol is what sends Jamie to the hospital for the first time, and is what causes him to be admitted for the first time because 88 is not enough but they’re wrong it’s so close to fucking perfect they just don’t know. Alcohol is what forces Jamie into unwanted recovery and eating 600 and 900 and oh God and no no no. Recovery just made everything worse and it isn’t long before Jamie gives up completely.

Jamie had no idea that vodka had so many calories, and when they tell him about all the puking blood and whatnot he feels genuinely happy that all those nasties fought their way out of his body like they should. They don’t belong there. Nothing is what belongs there. Blood is good, blood means clean.