

Jamie sits in the bathroom on the edge of the bathtub, staring at the bottle sitting so innocently across from him on the granite counter. He cocks his head thinking, and reaches out to pick it up, rolling the bottle in his hands and listening to the sound the pills make as they tumble around inside.

He’s thinking about it, he really is.
But two things could come of this: Jamie will go back to Hell or Jamie will die. Jamie would happily take death over Hell, because apparently the fifth time isn’t the charm, and the sixth certainly won’t be either. He continues rolling the bottle between his long, pale bony fingers still thinking. He’s weighing the pros and cons and they’re only piling up on one side.

But that’s the thing with life; death is the only certain thing in it. But Death doesn’t like Jamie and avoids him like the plague despite his best efforts. Jamie’s tried to court Death before, with roses and razorblades but she always escapes him. She’s just playing hard to get.

There’s the slam of a door, signaling the arrival of his brother, the sound jolts Jamie and causes him to fumble with the bottle before shakily setting it back in the medicine cabinet and closing the mirror. Nick replaced the sharp objects with rubber bands because he was tired of Jamie trying to dig out his veins and the blood stains that came with it and he fucked with the scale so that it would always read ERROR. Which somehow makes Jamie think that an inanimate object is telling him that he’s an ERROR, and this does not help. But Nick didn’t hide the pills or the ropes and he didn’t lock the doors or throw away the keys. Because apparently, killing yourself slowly is more acceptable than doing it quickly.

Jamie has this theory, that Nick and Death are plotting against him, in cahoots if you will. Death doesn’t want him, and Nick probably doesn’t either but that’s beside the point.

He checks the cabinet, making sure all the bottles look the way they did when he opened it, checks to make sure nothing fell out, checks to make sure there’s no evidence. Jamie closes the mirror and then opens it again and checks everything again just to be sure.

When he opens the bathroom door, he freezes as his world comes crashing down.