

Nick liked the rain. He liked when the wind would howl outside their apartment, knocking the doors back and forth in their frames, sometimes even popping open the ones without locks. It made him feel not so alone, like maybe there was something there with him. It was calming, the sound of rain and hail hitting the air conditioner. Feeling the building sway on its foundation just like skyscrapers in Japan.

Nights like this were when Nick slept the best. This was when Nick felt safest, most secure in his skin. This is when he could breathe easily.

There’s a clap of thunder and lightening swallows up the sky. The moon is shining in slivers through the window, and the body on the couch stirs but soon settles.

As a child, his grandmother told him this was God bowling. Nick later found out it was actually just God pissing on humanity.