Strength of the World


"Jordan, if you don't get out of bed right nowI'm gonna flip your mattress over!" Zacky yelled from the bathroom which connected our rooms. I was surprised that he was even awake. Well actually, zacky always woke up on the first day of school. Then after the first day, he's sleep in and we'd be late. I was just happy that today was the start of our senior year. Finally we'd be getting out of the hell hole called school. "Damnit Jordan, that's it!" he yelled, walking into my room. He bent down near the edge of the bed, grabbing the mattress and started lifting it up. I yelled and sat up in the bed.

"Alright dickhead, I'm up!" he nodded and put the mattress back down. "I hate you on the first day of school." I groaned, laying back down in the bed and covering the sunlight in my eyes with my arm.

"Why only on the first day?" he laughed. I sat up and glared at him evilly.

"You're way too peppy and happy." He smiled and jumped up on the bed. "Zacky no!"

"Come on, get up. Matt and the guys will be here soon." I groaned and threw my pillow at his head. It hit him and made him fall onto the bed. "what the hell was that for?" he laughed.

"for making my bad day worse." I said as I got out of the bed and walked over to the closet.

"Jordan, they're not bad." He replied as I tried to figure out what to wear.

"Yeah, to you. They hate me and I hate them. Well, except jimmy." I said as I pulled out my clothes and walked over to my dresser to get the rest of the stuff I wanted to wear.

"Have you even given them a chance either? No, you haven't. So don't give me that crap about them hating you. They're just copying you. They don't hate you, I promise." I scoffed and walked into the bathroom.

"Well get it on tape saying that they don't hate me and maybe I'll believe it." I said before closing and locking the door. I started up the shower and took off my pajama's, throwing them in the hamper. I then got into the hot shower and did what I had to do. When I was done, I got out and changed.

As I put in my Piercings, I turned on evanescence 'Good Enough' on my iPod and stuck it in the boom box. I then started singing. People had told me that I had an amazing voice, but I only sang for myself and in the school choir. I did my make up with the normal stuff; grey eyeshadow, black eyeliner and mascara. I finished the song as I finished getting ready. Too bad I hadn't noticed zacky and jimmy near the other door. I turned around and saw them, sticking zacky's camera in my face. Oh hell no. "zacky, I'm gonna kill you!" I screamed as I ran after him. He laughed as he ran through the house. I finally got him in the living room. I tackled him to the floor, making him drop the camera. It slid across the hardwood floor. I scrambled off zacky's back over to the camera. As I reached for it, someone picked it up. I noticed those shoes, oh shitnot him. I looked up and there he was, smiling down at me. Standing up and looking at him dead in the eyes, I held out my hand. "Give it to me brian."

"Make me." He replied smartly. I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Brian, I'm in no mood to be messed with today. Just give me the damn camera." He shook his head. "Brian haner jr. I swear to fucking god, if you don't give me that camera, I'll feed your balls to the most annoying dog in the world." He laughed and held the camera above his head.

"Well you're the most annoying bitch ever, so jump doggie." Matt and johnny started laughing, making zacky laugh. Traitor, such a nice twin brother you are. He wasn't worth fighting with. I sighed and started walking into the kitchen. Jimmy was in there and saw me, very upset. He smiled and handed me a cup of hot tea.

"Thank you jimmy." I said, sipping the tea lightly.

"Don't worry about brian. He's not as bad as he looks." He said, sipping at his own tea. I scoffed and shook my head no.

"He's worse than he looks. He's mean, rude, a smartass, jerk, fucker, asshole..."

"I get it Jordan." He laughed. I smiled and leaned against the counter. "You sing really well. Why don't you have a singing career or something?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"I only sing for me and the choir. So unless anyone cares enough to sneak in on my singing or go to one of the concerts, you'll never hear me sing." Jimmy laughed and nodded. His gaze then fell sympathetic; but it wasn't directed at me. I turned around and no one was there. That's odd, maybe jimmy's finally lost it. "Who were you looking at?" he shook his head and walked over towards me.

"Come on mayhem mistress, let's get your ass to school." I groaned and sat down on the floor, not wanting to go. Jimmy laughed and picked me off the ground, throwing me over his shoulder. I laughed and kicked my legs playfully as he walked into the living room. I heard the guys laughing and then one of them slapped my ass. That have better been zacky who did that. Luckily I heard his laugh the loudest.

"Help me! I'm afraid of heights!" I yelled from up on his shoulder. Jimmy laughed and just put me down. I smiled and put my hand to me head, jokingly.

"Are you alright?" jimmy asked in a concerned tone. See why I love him? I nodded my head and put my other hand on zacky's shoulder for support.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just the change in altitude gave me a head rush." The guys laughed again. Jimmy smiled and pouted. I smiled and looked up at him. "Aww, did I hurt your wittle feelers?" he pouted and nodded. I smiled lightly and went on my toes to kiss his cheek. He still had to bend down a little. Damn him for being so tall.

"Why does he get kissed?" someone mumbled. We all stopped laughing and looked around to see who had said it. The boys exchanged glances between each other, until finally all of them stared at brian. He looked up and shrugged. I then shrugged it off for now, I was determined to figure out who said it. I looked to the clock and saw that we were running 10 minutes late.

"oh shit! We gotta get going." I said rushing over to my messenger bag. Zacky sat down on the couch. I saw him and ran over, pulling him up. "no way Zachary baker. You're the one who woke me up so damn early. So now you have to get up and go." He groaned and nodded.

"alright twinnie. I'll get up for you. Tomorrow though, we're sleeping in." I smiled and stuck my hand out. He held onto my hand and shook it lightly. "deal." I nodded and turned to the rest of the guys.

"so who's car am I in?" as everyone turned to brian, that saw he was gone. Johnny ran to the window and looked to the driveway.

"brian's car is gone." He laughed. Why would he leave? Zacky sighed and put his arm around me.

"guess you're riding with all of us." I groaned and rested my head on his shoulder.

"do I have to? Can't I just walk there?" he laughed and looked at me.

"it's a 3 mile walk!" I shrugged and walked over to the door.

"I don't care. I really don't feel like sitting in a car full of gross guys." Jimmy gasped and looked hurt. I laughed and leaned against the door. "what jimmy? Surprised I called you gross?" matt laughed and walked between me and jimmy.

"well if that wasn't the most obvious statement ever!" I, being the smartass I am, just had to a smartass!

"no, the most obvious statement would be realizing that johnny is really short and that jimmy is a fucking giant." Both jimmy and johnny pouted while the rest of the guys laughed. By now we were really late. "alright dickholes, we really have to get going now. I'll ride in the car with you gross guys." Matt and zacky started walking, but poor johnny and jimmy didn't budge. I noticed and stared at them. "aren't you two coming?"

"Not until you apologize to us!" Johnny said, folding his arms across his chest. Jimmy nodded and followed his buddies actions. I laughed and mocked their stance.

"Fine then. Johnny, I'm sorry that you're short. And jimmy, I'm sorry that you're a fucking giant. There, can we go now?" Jimmy smiled and nodded. Johnny stared at me with a shocked expression. Jimmy then started walking over to my side after he grabbed his bag.

"Jimmy! What the hell are you doing?! She just insulted you!" He smiled and me and shrugged. "You little bitch. I may be shorter than you and a couple of years younger than you, but I could still kick your ass!" Jimmy smiled evilly and turned toward him slowly. We didn't have time for a fight and I frankly didn't want to have to clean up the house. I pulled on jimmy's arm and started dragging him out of the house.

"Come on guys, we're late as it is and I don't feel like cleaning up your fight mess." Johnny growled and pushed past me as he walked out the door. I sighed and walked out slowly. We got to the car and saw that johnny was in the back while zack and matt were up front. "I am not sitting next to him."

"You'll have to Jordan. If I sit next to him then I'll be killed." I sighed and got in the car, sitting as far away from johnny as I possibly could. Thank god jimmy didn't mind me practically sitting on his lap.