Strength of the World


My eyes went wide and my heart dropped into my stomach. I'm asleep, this can't really be happening. Brian was not tell me that he loves me. My only real enemy could not be telling me this. I shook my head no and looked down at my lap. "Jordan? What's wrong?" I sighed and sat up, trying to find the right words. I couldn't though, my mouth was dry. He grabbed hold on my hand and looked at me deeply. I starred at his hand on top of mine, it looked oddbut right. "Jordan, please just give me a chance. You know that I never do this kind of thing with any other girl, so please. Just give us a shot at being together." I starred at him with wide eyes and pulled my hand away from his.

"Be together? Are you insane? We could never be together!" I yelled a little bit too loud. The teacher shot us an evil glare, making me look back down at my lap. She went back to her lecture and brian lowered his head to mine.

"What do you mean we can't be together? Why not?" I sighed and turned my head to look at him.

"Think of your friends and my brother. They think we hate each other. What would they think if we suddenly started dating? I can't do it synyster, I just can't." he sighed and rested his head in one of his hands as it rested on the desk. I ran my hand through my hair stressfully. He laughed lightly an looked out the window. "I really don't find this funny synyster."

"Not that, it's just really weird hearing you call me Synyster." I looked at his gaze out the window curiously.

"But you told me not to call you brian anymore. So I'm not." He brought his gaze back to me fiercely. My breath got caught in my lungs and I couldn't help but look into his eyes. Maybe it was the way the light shined on him, but it made him look heavenly. I swear, I could look at him all day. Unfortunately the bell rung, mocking me and my slowness. Brian smirked and stood up. He leaned down by my ear, blowing his warm breath over it.

"See you in history babe." He whispered and kissed my cheek. I looked up at him oddly. He smiled down at me and winked before walking out of the class. I was confused beyond belief. I sure as hell wasn't gonna sit here and wait for it to hit me. I got up and rushed out of the class, running down the hallway where he would have walked. A hand then reached out from the bathroom door, grabbing my arm and pulling me in. I was pushed up against the wall as those gorgeous chocolate eyes greeted me happily. "what took you so long?" I laughed and rolled my eye. That's it, I'm finally giving in. I can't deal with all this emotional drama anymore. I shot him a smug smile and rested my hands on his shoulders.

"Well, you know me. I can be a little slow." He smiled brightly and his eyes lit up.

"Are you serious? You're actually gonna give us a shot?" he asked excitedly like a kid on Christmas. I laughed and smiled.

"only if you let me call you brian again." He nodded and kissed me sweetly before I pulled away a bit. "You only get one shot though, got it?" he nodded his head and kissed me again. He pulled away and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly.

"one shot is all I need." I laughed again and kissed him happily. This was what I wanted all along. Brian was my boyfriend and I was his girlfriend. This was my dream come true. We made out for a minute before the warning bell started ringing. I pulled away smiling like a complete idiot. He smiled back and pecked my lips. "Lets get you to your little singing class." I nodded and picked up my bag from the floor that accidentally fell off my shoulder.

"And you to your little guitar class." He laughed and laced his fingers in mine. I looked down at our hands and then back up to his smiling face. This was actually happening. We opened the door to see out English teacher, miss. Baker standing there with a pissed off look on her face. She shook her head and pointed down the hall.

"To the principal's office, right now. This is completely unacceptable." We rolled our eyes and started walking down the hall, still hand in hand. The whole way to the principal's office, baker was behind us telling us how much trouble we were gonna be in. I felt ashamed to have the same last name as her. I prayed that in some microscopic was, we didn't happen to be related. That would have killed me. We walked into the office, brian squeezed my hand a little tighter. I looked over to him smiling reassuringly. "Sit down while I talk to Mr. Burno for a minute." We sat down and started laughing when she left the room. I turned to him and sighed.

"I'm your girlfriend for 5 fucking minutes and I'm already in trouble. Really had to start off this relationship with at bang didn't you?" he nodded and leaned forward, pecking my lips lightly.

"Welcome to the relationship babe." I rolled my eyes and sat back against the chair.

"So what are we gonna tell everyone? I don't think that they'll believe us." He shrugged and rubbed his thumb over my fingers lightly. "Oh man, what's zack gonna think?" he laughed and shrugged again.

"He's at your house watching porn right now." I scrunched my face and twitched disgustedly. He laughed and looked at me like I had 3 heads. "Have you always twitched like that?" I nodded lightly. "Wow, never really noticed."

"We spent too much time fighting to notice anything I guess." He nodded and looked down at his pants.

"Baker, Haner in my office now." Mr. Burno commanded. We stood up and walked in, hand in hand still. I was determined to hold his hand no that I had it, I wasn't gonna let it go for a while. We sat down as Mr. Burno just starred at us. His face was even redder than it usually was. "Now this sure is a change of events." I smiled lightly. "when miss. Baker came in and told me that you two had been in the bathroom together, I thought she was gonna say that you two were beating the crap out of each other. But when she told me PDA, I didn't believe her. You two hate each other more than any other students I've have. What happened?" I sighed and sat back.

"Well first, it wasn't technically PDA. No one was in the bathroom with us." Mr. Burno sighed and pinched between his eyes with his fingers.

"This is not a time for your technicalities miss. Baker. Will one of you please explain what is going on between you two?" brian let go of my hand and leaned forward in his chair. My hand felt cold and empty, I didn't like it.

"Mr. Burno, we're just a couple like any other of the dumb students dating in this school. So if you don't mind, I really want to go to guitar and she wants to go to choir. Give us detention if you have to, but just let us go." He nodded and wrote out our passes to class. Once he was done brian grabbed his and handed me mine. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the seat. He was mad, but I didn't really understand why. It was true what burno had said. We were the people who fought like no other. That's all we ever went into his office for, to be punished for fighting. Brian was trying to pull me out of the door, but I was still in shock. "Jordan, let's go."

"What? No detention or anything?" burno shook his head no. I smiled lightly and wrapped my arm around brian's waist, pulling me into him. "You're getting soft burno, getting mushy and soft." Brian laughed and pulled me out of his office as quickly as he could. I laughed and kissed his cheek as we walked out of the office quickly. He shook his head and wrapped his arm around my waist tighter.

"You're gonna get us in more trouble than I ever could." I smiled triumphantly and nodded. He kissed the top of my head and laughed.

"I'm just trying to make our lives a bit more fun. Got a problem with that?" he shook his head no. we got to the choir room and stood there for a minute. He leaned in and kissed my lips lightly before holding onto my hand.

"I'll see you after choir and we'll go face our fate. Alright?" I nodded and watched as he walked into his guitar class. I smiled like an idiot again and walked into choir. I had just forgotten that the whole class could see us through the door windows.