Strength of the World


I froze as all the eyes landed on me with shock and surprise. I walked over to Mr. Moore and handed him my note. He nodded and I walked up to my place on the risers. Judy shot me a curious look, which I just waved off. She let it go for now, knowing that I would be interrogated as soon as the bell rung. Class went normally, but I couldn't stop thinking about brian. I thought of his smile, his laugh, his kiss, everything about him! God, why was I doing this? Yesterday I hated his guts and wished him dead; but now all I can think of is how amazing he is! This was moving all way too fast; So was the class. Before I knew it, the bell had rung and everyone was making their way out of the class. I saw brian walking outside the door with his guitar slung over his shoulder. I tried to get down the risers as quickly as I could to try and avoid judythat didn't work out as well as I had planned however. Judy grabbed my arm as soon as I got to the floor and pulled me behind the risers.

"What the hell is going on between you and brian? I thought you loathed and despised him to the depths of hell!" I smiled lightly and shrugged. Too bad judy is really stubborn. She sighed and pushed me against the wall, cornering me. "I'm not gonna play these games with you Jordan. Tell me what's going on." I looked over her shoulder and saw brian walking into the room, looking for me. I had to figure out a way to escape. Brian spotted me and shot me a confused glance. I smiled as my grand plan popped into my head. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and prepared myself.

"RAPE!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Judy let go of me and backed away quickly. I took that as my chance and ran hell towards brian. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out the room. I laughed as we ran through the hallways, every once in a while looking back to see if judy was following us. I ducked into another empty hallway and leaned against the lockers, laughing my ass off. Brian sat down at my feet and leaned his head against the lockers, catching his breath. I laughed and sat down on him straddling his lap. He smiled and placed his hands on my hips, opening his eyes to look at me.

"Did you have fun with that?" I nodded my head happily. "Well good, I think you scared the shit out of judy though." I shook my head no and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Nah, that's not the first time I've done that." He laughed and leaned his head against the lockers once more. "Aww, did I wear you out?" he laughed again and shook his head no.

"No one can wear out the great Synyster Gates." I rolled my eyes and sat back a little.

"We'll see about that, oh great synyster gates." His grip on my waist tightened as his smile widened.

"Is that a challenge?" I smiled and played with his hair a little. I then leaned into his ear slowly.

"That's a promise." I whispered seductively. He hands held onto my waist tighter and his hips crashed up into mine. I laughed and got off his lap, holding out my hand for him. "Come on you horndog, lets get to lunch." He sighed and got up while holding on to my hand. We walked into the cafeteria and I felt all of the eyes starring at us. I wanted to drop his hand and keep walking; but I couldn't do that. We were together now. I couldn't just leave him because people were looking at us. We walked to the courtyard where everyone was, save for zacky and judy. I held onto brian's hand tighter, scared to death of their reaction. Johnny and Jesi were the first ones to notice which wasn't unusual. Jesi starred at out hands in complete shock as johnny got everyone else's attention on us. Brian tried to walk towards the group; but my feet were stuck in their place, frozen in fright. Brian then smiled and turned towards me.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" I looked at him and shook my head no. this was getting way to stressful for me.

"I'm sorry brian, I can't do this." The hurt in his eyes was enough to kill me. I sighed and walked past him, over to the tree. I sat down against it and brought my knees up to my chest, putting my head down onto them. Why did I care so much about what they thought of us? I was happy, isn't that all that should matter? I felt a hand run through my hair, making me look up. Brian starred back at me with a loving concern in his eyes. I sighed and put my head back down on my knees. I didn't want to have to feel even more guilty then I already did.

"Jordan, what's wrong?" I shook my head no. "Come on, you know you can tell me anything." Again, I shook my head no. "Is this about telling them about us?" I nodded sheepishly. He laughed and kissed the top of my head before walking away. My head shot up to see where he had gone off to. He was over at the picnic tables there everyone had gathered. It looked like he was explaining what was going on between us by the looks on their faces. I sighed and put my head back down. This wasn't how I wanted to tell everyone. A hand was felt on my shoulder, making me look up again to see Aubrey's beaming face. Figures she'd be beaming.

"so you've heard huh?" she nodded happily and hugged me. I couldn't hug back though, I was still trying to figure out a way to tell zack. Aubrey pulled away and smiled at me softly.

"Lets go on a date." I cocked my eyebrow and scooted away a bit further from her. She laughed and shook her head.

"I'm sorry aubrey. I don't shwing that way and now I have brian." She laughed louder and fake pouted. I pout my hand on her shoulder, smiling. "Don't worry. You'll always have the memories on how I'm way better in the sack then my dear twin brother." I joked sarcastically. She laughed and nodded her head sadly.

"Yeah, you definitely got the better fucking gene out of you two." I laughed and sat back against the tree. "But seriously, I think we should go on a double date!"

"Aub, if you don't rememberZacky doesn't know that me and brian are dating yet."

"Then this will be a great way to tell him! Come on, please Jordan." I sighed and looked over to where brian was with Johnny, Jimmy and matt. He looked over his shoulder at me smiling. I smiled and winked. He laughed lightly and winked back. "You two are so cute. I always told you that you guys would make a cute couple. I was right, wasn't I?" I laughed and turned my attention back towards her.

"I'll talk to brian about it. Until I do though, don't tell zack anything. Understand?" she nodded happily and skipped off towards the guys. I watched as she hopped onto brian's back. She whispered something in his ear, making him smiled and set her down off his back. He then started walking towards me with a mischievous smile dancing on his face. I rolled my eyes and cursed aubrey silently. Brian plopped himself down in front of me, eyes glistening. "How may I help you Mr. Haner?"

"I heard you want to go on a double date with your brother. Is that true?" I laughed and looked over at aubrey who was chatting with Katie happily. "Well?"

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. that's for you to decide my dear." He laughed and moved over to sit against the tree next to me.

"Why is for me to decide? If you want to go on the double, we'll go. I don't mind at all. It's up to you." The bell rung, telling us it was time to go to history. I stood up and held my hand out to brian. He gladly accepted it and hoisted himself up from the ground.

"I'll think about it and let you know alright?" he nodded and leaned in to kiss me gently. I smiled and walked back into the school.