Strength of the World


3 years later

Life was as perfect as it was gonna get for me. I was now 20, about to turn 21 in a few days. Brian and I were still together and surprisingly, everyone was alright with it. In fact, when we did finally tell zacky (after 2 months of dating) all he said was 'about fucking damn time! If you two didn't start going out soon, I was gonna lock you in a closet together.' such a typical zacky answer. He wasn't even worried about his twin sister getting hurt or anything. He's so loving.

Brian and I went through the rest of our senior year together. We would get into fights daily, but it only made our relationship better. Cheesy I know, but true. Right after graduation brian and the boys played a gig at a local club and was discovered by a talent agent. They soon got signed and started recording their album 'sounding the seventh triumph'. The album did really well. So well that they were asked to go on tour. They quickly took the chance and went on a long 6-month tour. They traveled all across the US and had a great time. I went with them, along with the other girlfriends.

And on that tour, on the crowded tour bus, I lost my virginity to Brian. He was really romantic about it though. He sent everyone off the bus and put lots of candles and roses around. I fell in love with him all over again that night.

Soon after that, the tour was over for now and we could go home. When I got to my house and up to my room, I saw that all my stuff was gone. I was then blindfolded and practically kidnapped to someone's house. Once I was finally un-blindfolded, I saw brian standing in front of a big house and he was holding keys in his hand. He bought us a house! All my stuff was there and so was his. Brian and I now lived together and I couldn't be happier. This is going to be where I start the story. I am sitting in our bedroom, drawing up different tattoo ideas for myself while brian was at band practice. The date is now October 2nd.

I sat on my bed with lots of different tattoo designs around me and even more crumpled pieces on the floor. I had been wanting to get another tattoo for brian and I for a couple of years now. I've just been really busy with the band stuff. I've been helping the guys on the new album by playing some acoustic guitar riffs on the backing tracks. They wanted me to do some backing vocals too, but that's where I draw the line. I don't sing anymore and I don't really miss it. It wasn't something I did for me anyway. It was something I could do.

"Jordan! We're back!" I rolled my eyes and put down my design on the bed. I looked over the drawings and sighed. Eh, I'll let brian decide. I got off the bed, careful not to mess up any of the papers and walked through the sea of crumpled papers to the door. I walked down the hallway to the stairs, overlooking the guys in the living room. "I can't tell her guys, it would break her heart." What? What the hell was going on? I sat at the top of the stairs and listened secretly.

"Bri, you have to tell her. What's gonna happen when we leave and she'll wonder where you're going?" damn it guys, you're not helping me to figure this out.

"I just don't want to hurt her." Brian replied, putting his head in his hands.

"Well you can't get out of it now. It's way too late." Matt said, relaxing back against the couch.

"I know that. I'm not going to try to get out of it. I just can't believe that I have to leave on that day." That's it, I can't stand it anymore. I have to know what's going on. I have to play it cool though, I don't want them to know that I was eavesdropping. I stood up and walked down the rest of the stairs and into the living room.

"Hey guys. How was practice?" I said cheerfully as I walked over and sat next to brian.

"Good. Syn really kicked out some great shit today." Zacky said with a goofy smile on his face. Brian shot him a death glare, making zacky's smile widen.

"that's great babe." He nodded and stood up. "What's wrong?" he shook his head and walked out of the living room, up to our room.

"He's alright Jordan. Don't worry." I then remembered all the papers filling up our room.

"He won't be in a second." I said, grabbing a pillow and covering my head with it to block out brian's screaming.

"Jordan! What the fuck?!" I laughed and held the pillow closer to me head. The guys laughed harder. Brian then came to the banister with his hands full of the crumpled papers. "Jordan! Care to tell me why I can't even walk into our room without being drowned by the sea of papers?" I lifted the pillow off my head and looked up at him.

"I was trying to design a tattoo that I want to get. Don't mess with the ones sitting on the bed!" he shook his head and walked back into the room. Oh god, that can't be good. I dashed off the couch and up to our bedroom where I saw brian with his lighter. "Brian Elwin Haner Jr. don't you fucking dare!" he smiled his mischievous smile and picked up one of the papers off the bed, holding it above the flame. "Don't do it! That's one of the ones I like!" he shrugged and put it on the flame. The colors of it made that paper catch fire faster. All I could do was stand there and watch. Once it burned close to his fingers, he put it out and laughed lightly. I shook my head and walked out of the room. He then chased after me as I went down to the guest room.

"Jordan, come on. It was one design. You have to admit that it was cool to see the colors burn." I turned around and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him into the room.

"You're a complete asshole, you know that? I told you not to burn it and you did anyway! I can't believe you!"

"Well if I could even get into our room then I wouldn't have been compelled to burn it. Why do you want to get a tattoo anyway? You hated getting your others." I sighed and sat on the bed, running my hand through my hair frustrated.

"Because I wanted to get one for us. You have a lot of tattoos that were for us. I want at least one." He smiled lightly and sat next to me on the bed. His hand then started to rub my back comfortingly.

"Baby, you really wanted to?" I nodded. "Well to tell you the truth, the one I burned was really bad. You'll thank me later." I smiled and shook my head.

"That still doesn't help the fact that I told you not to do it. Yet, you did it anyway. That wasn't good brian."

"I know and I'm sorry. I've just had a bad day baby." He said laying back on the bed, draping his arm over his eyes. I turned on the bed, folding one of my legs under the other one.

"But zacky told me that you were great today." He laughed lightly and shrugged.

"I just wanted to get it over with. I was really out of it." I smiled and laid down next to him with my head on his chest. He wrapped his free arm over my back.

"I'm sorry you had a bad day hon." He nodded. I then smiled and looked up to him. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel any better?" I asked seductively. He lifted his arm up and looked at me smugly.

"there's always something you can do to make me feel better." I laughed and wrapped my arms around his waist tighter. He then kissed the top of my head and held onto me tightly. "I love you so much Jordan."

"I love you so much too brian." His grip on me was tighter than usual, something was wrong. He sighed contently and lightened up his hold on me a little bit.

"So, someone's birthday is coming up." I smiled and nodded.

"Yep. What are we gonna do for zack? He's pretty much got everything." He laughed and hit against my shoulder playfully.

"I meant you bonehead." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "So what do you want?"

"I have everything I could ever want baby. I don't need anything else baby." He kissed me lovingly and then sat up on the bed. "You alright?" he turned around and nodded. That grin that screamed 'I'm gonna get you' crawled onto his face slowly. I smiled and crawled back onto the bed and shook my head no. "Brian, don't do it." He cocked his eyebrow and crawled towards me.

"And why shouldn't I? you said you have me, now you don't want me?" I smiled and backed up further until my back was against the headboard.

"Never said I didn't want you babe." He smiled and grabbed me feet, pulling me down onto my back. He then crawled over my body and kissed me passionately. We started really getting into it as I took off his shit quickly. He then smiled as he ran his hands up and down my sides, teasing me. I couldn't take it anymore. He was my drug and I needed my fix. I rolled us over so that I was on top and took off my shirt. Brian's eye and smile went wide seeing my actions. I then got to work on his belts as best I could. He just decided to be a bastard today and wear 6 belts at one time. As soon as I got the second one off, I looked at brian's face and saw that he was smiling contently with his hands under his head. "You know, if you helped me this would go a hell of a lot faster." He shook his head no.

"No thanks. This is fun just watching you." I groaned and pushed the stray pieces of my now long black hair away.

"Ugh, fuck you." I said, finally getting the fourth one off. He laughed and shifted under me.

"You could if you would get these fucking belts off me faster." I glared at him and pulled the sixth one out of the belt loops, slapping him with it. "Ow! Damn baby, didn't know you were into that kinky shit." I rolled my eyes and pulled off his pants. He then grabbed my arms and rolled me onto my back with his amazingly seductive smile on his face. I smiled and leaned up to kiss his lips. He then moved his lips to my cheek and then to my ear. "My turn." He whispered, sending shivers up my spine. He then moved his cold hands down my bare stomach and to the top of my pajama pants. I shivered and let out a light moan. He quickly pulled the pants off along with my thong. I smiled and started kissing his neck lovingly. Just as he was about to take my bra off we heard growling and brian yelled out. I sat up and saw zacky's dog Ichabod pulling at brian's boxers. I started laughing hysterically as brian got off me with Ichabod still biting on his boxers. "Ah! Damn you bastard dog! Get the fuck off me!!" I laughed and sat up, plucking Ichabod off of his ass and cradled him in my arms. Ichabod always loved me. Brian groaned and sat down on the bed. "That dog needs to be put down." I gasped and held Ichabod closer to me, covering his little ears.

"How dare you say that about him? Especially when all he wanted was to help you take off your boxers for me." He laughed and shook his head.

"He's always interrupting us though." I shrugged, petting Ichabod's head lovingly. "Babe, you do realize that you have 3 species on you right?" I thought about it for a second and only thought of two. I then looked over to brian with confused look on my face. He laughed and sat up on his elbows. "You, Ichabod and" then he looked down at my naked bottom half, smiling smugly. My slow brain caught on pretty quickly. I got off the bed and put Ichabod out before closing the door and locking it behind me. I turned to brian and walked over to him slowly. He squirmed a bit as his member hardened.

"Liking what you see baby?" he nodded happily. I got on the bed, crawling over his body slowly.

"Baby, don't tease me please." I smiled and kissed him gently.

"You know I'm not that mean baby." I said reaching behind me and pulling off my bra. He smiled and practically threw off his boxers. I leaned down and kissed him gently as his hands roamed all over my body sensually. I then let out a pretty loud moan when he thrust 2 fingers up inside me. He pulled them out and slammed them back in quickly, hitting my g-spot every time. I moaned louder, arching my back as his fingers worked their magic on me. Brian knew my body probably better than I did. So he always knew just what to do to make me scream. His fingers kept working me until I was really close to cumming. "Oh god brian, I'm so close." He smiled and pulled his fingers out slowly. I wished and leaned down to kiss him. As our tongues battled for dominance he thrusted his hardened member up into me, making me moan into our kiss. I felt him smile as he thrust his hips up against mine harder and faster. He would randomly pick up speed and then lose it as we went. I was amazing what he could do to me. Finally, with one large thrust within me; we came together. I panted and lifted myself off of him. I then laid down beside him as he wrapped his arms around me and kissing me passionately. I pulled away, wiping the hair that stuck to his forehead away. "I love you brian." He smiled and kissed me again.

"I love you too. I've always loved you Jordan." I held myself closer to him, resting my head on his chest. He raked his fingers through my hair as we slowly drifted off to sleep.

"So, still having a bad day?" he laughed lightly and kissed the top of my head.

"I never have a bad day when I realize that I have you in my life." I smiled and kissed his chest lightly.

"You're cheesy."

"But that's why you love me." I sighed and pulled the sheets of the bed over us.

"I have more reasons that your cheesiness to love you." He wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"and what would they be?" he asked tiredly. I knew he was about to fall asleep then.

"We have plenty of time to talk about that. Now, you have to sleep; you sex god." He laughed lightly and nodded.

"Yes, I am a sex god." I laughed and got comfortable in his arms. "Goodnight baby." With that, I fell into one of the most peaceful sleeps of my light. Right there in his arms, so in love.