Strength of the World


The next morning I woke up to the sounds of arguing in the next room. I sat up and saw that brian wasn't there. My eyes then caught a glance on new clothes sitting on the end of the bed. I laughed and picked them up. He could be thoughtful when he wanted to be. I took the clothes and put them on quickly when I heard something smash. After I made sure I didn't have too bad of sex hair, I ran out of the guest room and into the living room. Once I was there, I saw that someone had broken one of the lamps and now brian was arguing with zack.

"This is what happens whenever you're around! Shit always breaks!" brian said, picking up the broken pieces.

"Well if you hadn't pushed me back, none of this would have happened." Zacky defended.

"Well you shouldn't have been trying to force me to tell her." There was something going on, something bad.

"She's my sister! And since she's your girlfriend, she deserves to know." I couldn't stand it anymore. I hate it when him and zacky fight.

"What do I deserve to know?" brian sighed and looked away from the both of us. "Brian, if there's something I need to know; tell me." He shook his head no and started walking away. I followed behind him quickly. "Brian, come back here. Don't do this." He walked into the garage and started up his motorcycle. I hated his bike, I never liked it. "brian come on. Just tell me what's going on!" I yelled over the roar of the bike.

"I'll be back later." He shouted before riding out of the driveway. I groaned and sat down on the garage steps.

"He'll be fine in a little while Jordan." Zacky said sitting down next to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I leaned in and rested my head on his shoulder.

"You know I don't like anyone keeping secrets from me." He nodded and rubbed up and down.

"I know, I would tell you but it's something that he has to tell you." I nodded and looked out to the driveway in a daze.

"Are you guys going on another tour?" I asked sadly.

"well, a different kind of tour." I sat up and shot him a confused look. "I can't tell you anymore than that."

"But you guys are going on tour right?" he sighed and stood up.

"I can't tell you anything." I fucking hate secrets. I stood up and pushed him against the wall.

"damnit Zachary Baker you better tell me now or I'll castrate you." He grabbed my arms and pushed me off him.

"Then castrate me, because I can't tell you." He then let go of me and walked out of the garage to his car. I groaned again and went inside the house, thinking of what it could be. I walked around the house, having nothing to do. This thought of him keeping something from me was killing me. I had to keep myself busy. So I did the unthinkable of me...I cleaned the entire house.

By the time I was done, everything was spotless. I was now in our room cleaning up all the crumpled papers and organizing my tattoo designs. I found one of brian's precious guitar picks under the bed and decided to put it back in his drawer. Usually I wasn't allowed to be in his drawer, but if it were to put his pick away; I thought it was ok. Oh how wrong I was. I opened the drawer to see a letter addressed to brian with the symbol of the army on the corner. I know curiosity killed the cat, so here goes my kitty suicide. I took the letter out of the envelope slowly and read over it carefully. If hearts could snap in two, mine did when I read that letter. My knees went weak, making me sit on the bed. Tears started flowing from my eyes and I could not control my sobs. How could he do this to me? Why couldn't he have told me? He promised to never leave me! I hate that bastard! I sobbed for a few hours on the bed, thinking of any reason why he would do this to me. The door then opened and brian walked in with his bike helmet in his hands. He saw me crying on the bed and the letter lying in front of me.

"why did you go in my drawer?" he asked quietly. I sat up and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"I found one of your guitar picks under the bed. So I was gonna put it in your drawer. I open it and find that," I said, pointing to the dreaded letter. I then looked up at him as more tears slipped down my cheeks. "Why couldn't you tell me?" he sighed and sat down on the chair by the door. "Brian, why?"

"Because I didn't want to have you worrying about me before I left." I wiped away more tears and curled my knees up to my chest. "I'm sorry baby. You know that if I had a choice, I would change the day in a heartbeat." I shook my head no.

"I dont' care that you're leaving on my birthday. What I care about right now id why you even enlisted in the first place." I said, fighting back more tears. This was gonna be harder than I thought. "Don't you care about the band? What are the fans gonna think?"

"The fans already know. Yes, their really upset; but we'll be back in a year." He said the last part quietly. I shot my head up in complete shock. He did not just say a year, he's kidding...right?

"Did you just say that you would be gone for a year?" Even in the darkness of our room, I saw him nod. I started sobbing more, burying my face in the pillows. Brian got off the chair and ran over to me, hugging me tightly. I turned towards him to wrap my arms around him and cried harder into his chest. In less than a week, I wouldn't be able to hold him in my arms for a whole year.

"shh baby, everything is gonna be fine. For the first six months, we're in training. Then the remaining six months is somewhere over seas. Everything is gonna be fine." Then it hit me. He said 'we're', that meant the whole band. My brother was enlisted in the army. I pulled away slightly to look at his face.

"Wait, you mean the whole band is going?" He nodded. "Zacky is going to fight in the war?" he nodded again. I pushed away from him and rested back on my hands. "Are you fucking insane? You're gonna give zacky, jimmy and johnny a gun?!" he laughed lightly and nodded again.

"It wasn't my idea. Matt said that we should do at least one tour for our country." I rolled my eyes and hugged him again. "Everything's gonna be fine. I'll be back before you know it." I nodded and held into him tighter.

"I love you so much though. I would die if anything bad were to happen to you." He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"I love you soo much too. But do you really think I would let anything happen to me? I'm synyster fucking gates! Nothing can touch me." I looked up at him with a cocky smile. He laughed, holding me tighter to him and kissing my cheek. "Well, except for you. You can touch me." I laughed and leaned up to kiss him gently. "Don't worry. I'll be just fine."

"I don't want you to be just fine. I want you to be perfect." He nodded.

"I promise to be perfect for you." I nodded and hugged myself to him. I knew that this was gonna be hard, but we could do it.