Strength of the World


"Hey darling. I can't believe that you let the love of your life hook up with the love of my life! How could you?!" she fake-cried. Raychel was my awesome friend who I met while on tour with the guys. She was the merch girl for The Used. We hit it off right away. Oh, did I mention that she is completely in love with zacky?

"I'm sorry Raychel. Brian's attracted to his hair. I couldn't help it." She sighed and sniffled lightly. "But hon, you have to remember; he's dating my best friend."

"Don't remind me of that! You're a dream-buster!" I smiled and started cooking our steaks.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of your call to?" she then laughed her infectious laugh, causing me to laugh.

"I got bored at my house and decided to call my co-ruler of the world." That's right. While on tour between our bands shows, Raychel and I decided that we were gonna take over the world with syn and zacky at your sides. We had lots of things planned for our take-over. We even appointed Ichabod as ruler of all the dogs. Oh yes, our lovely little dream. We would marry syn and zacky of course, just to make it official that they were ours and no one could take them. Thinking of our plan made me remember what the boys had decided to do. She was going to be devastated.

"Raychel, I have bad news my dear." I said solemnly.

"no, no bad news. First you tell me that zacky is gay with synyster. What are you gonna say now? He proposed to aubrey?"

"No, even though it'll probably happen." She groaned loudly.

"Shut up dream-buster!" I laughed lightly, but got serious quickly.

"I'm serious though Raychel. The guys enlisted in the army, they leave on the 5th." Raychel was silent. She was probably waiting for her heart to restart. "Raychel?"

"He's leaving on his birthday?" why did everyone care about leaving on our birthday?

"Yes he is, but that's not the point. They'll be gone for a year." I could practically hear her heart break and shatter on the floor. "Raychel breathe!"

"I'm on my way over right now." I stopped cooking for a second and leaned against the counter.

"Raychel, you're five hours away. Don't worry yourself by coming here. It's not that big of a deal."

"Not that big of a deal?! Jordan, the love of my life is going to war! This is a huge deal!" there was really no convincing her not to come down. "I'll see you in the morning. Are you gonna be home?" I walked over to the calendar and saw I had to work. I worked as a photographer for Rolling Stone.

"I'll be at work, but it's gonna be a slow day. You can come hang out with me."

"Where are the guys gonna be?" I looked back to the calendar and saw BAND PRACTICE written up until Thursday. That's when I noticed a small sad face drawn on the bottom corner of Friday.

"They'll be a band practice all day." I said, walking back to my steaks.

"can't I go hang out at the practice?" I laughed and held the phone to my ear with my shoulder while I flipped over a steak.

"No, all the girlfriends and other people have been banned from the practices. So it's probably best if you just come to work with me." I reasoned. I knew that zacky was a little creeped out by Raychel's proclamations of love for him...or so I thought.

"Alright, I'll be down there tomorrow. Oh! I can bring your birthday present! Alright, love you bye!" I was about to object, but with Raychelif she has her mind set on something it'll happen. I hung up the phone, putting it back in the cradle and continued to work on the steaks. Just as they were about done though, brian's loud guitar riffs filled the house. I ran into the living room and saw him playing a big riff.

"Brain! What the fuck are you doing?!" I screamed over the guitar. He stopped playing and gave me that 'what?' face. I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"What? I was playing a riff for zacky." I looked at the phone on the table and rolled my eyes.

"That was awesome dude!" zacky said over the speakerphone. I laughed and walked back into the kitchen brian continued on playing as I took the steaks and got them on some plates. Walking into the living room again, I sat on the couch arm and watched him. He was the most amazing guitarist I had ever seen. I was gonna miss him terribly. I could see it now, I'd be sitting in out bed clutching his guitar tightly while crying hysterically. I was thrown out of my depressing vision by brian's lips pressed up against mine. I smiled into the kiss, know that he loved me. When he pulled away his hand made it to the back of my neck, making me look into his eyes.

"I love you. Don't worry about what's going to happen. Got it?" I nodded and kissed him again quickly.

"Dinner's ready by the way." He smiled and gave my cheek a big kiss. I laughed and pushed him away from me while getting off the couch.