Strength of the World



I sat in the back of the car, tears flowing steadily down my face as we reached our destination. Zacky was driving with Raychel in the passengers seat. Their hands were clasped together so tight that it seemed as if one were to let go, the other one would perish. The little baby in my arms wriggled as she woke, smiled up at me brightly. If only she knew that her whole world was about to come crashing down. The line of cars behind us moved as slowly as snails as we paraded my best friend to her final bed. Brian's arm wrapped around me tightly, trying to console me. His soft lips brushed up against the temple of my head lovingly as I sobbed harder. My sobbing must have upset the baby, knowing something wasn't right. She cried along with my sobbing, breaking the uncomfortable silence. Tears burned the eyes of my love. He wanted to cry, but had to be strong for me. The bed place came into sight, making my heart break more. This wasn't really happening, It couldn't be. My best friend could not have died giving birth to her only child. It just wasn't fair. As the car pulled up behind the leading car, we all started silently out of it. Johnny walked slowly out of the car, looking unto me for his child. I got out of the car, carrying the crying baby to the only family she had left. Johnny's sunglasses hid his tears and pain from all. He took her from my arms, caressing her with care. "She's not going to break." I joked lightly, trying to lighten the desolate mood. He only looked up to me with all seriousness.

"That's what she said." He replied coldly. I froze at his hostility. This wasn't my johnny anymore. Something else was wrong besides her death.

"Johnny! Don't do this!" Brian screamed. I turned towards him to see his horror-filled face, running towards me. I turned back to johnny to see him holding a gun to his daughter's tiny head. I screamed as he pulled the trigger and all went black.
~*End of Dream*~