Strength of the World


My eyes bolted open the next morning. That was the weirdest dream that I had ever had. I looked over and saw that brian was still sleeping. This was good, he's been extra tired lately from all the band practices. I looked over to the clock and saw that I was already 7am. I got out got out of the bed slowly, as to not wake up brian. I got into the shower and got ready for work. After I had gotten my hair and make-up done, I walked into the closet to pick out something to wear. I settled on a pair of black jeans and my rolling stones t-shirt. I walked out of the closet, seeing that brian was still sleeping. Smiling lightly, I crawled onto the bed and kissed his lips gently. "I love you." I whispered. I then walked out and down to my car. Driving to work, my mind stayed fixated on my dream. It was so horrible and cruel. Jesi had died giving birth to her daughter. That could never happen, she was as healthy as a horse. Johnny then murdered his daughter, why? I didn't understand it at all. I got to my office and walked in, not acknowledging my assistant Amanda. She was so annoying. I was so close to firing her anyway.

"Jordan?" I sighed and turned my attention towards her slowly. "You have a visitor in your office. I told her to wait, but she insisted." My office door then opened, revealing Raychel. She pointed at Amanda and scowled.

"Traitor! You promised that you wouldn't tell her that I was here." Amanda rolled her eyes and went back to whatever she was doing before I got here. I laughed and pushed Raychel back into the office.

"Can't go anywhere without causing trouble can ya?" She laughed and sat down in the chair in front of my desk.

"Now what fun would that be if I didn't cause trouble?" I shook my head and walked behind my desk. "So, did you miss me?" I nodded, pulling my camera out of the desk. I busied myself with my camera as Raychel sat back and looked around my office. I was about 20 minutes until she had finally had enough. "You are soo boring!" I laughed and placed the film in the camera. I then aimed it at Raychel and shot. "No! Pictures are my mortal enemy." I rolled my eyes and looked at the screen. Her dazzling face stared back at me. She was always so gorgeous and I was so plain. No wonder she always had the guys after her. Don't get me wrong, I love brian with all my heart. It's just, I don't know. "I know I'm dead fucking sexy, but you don't have to stare at the picture like that." I smiled and pushed the intercom button.

"Amanda? Can you bring me in my assignments for the day?" Raychel got very excited all of a sudden. "A little antsy today?"

"What band do I get to meet?" I shrugged and waited. After five minutes, Amanda never came in. I groaned and walked out of my office to see Amanda giggling incessantly on the phone. My assignment folder sat out on her desk right in front of her. I looked at it and saw that she had drawn little drawings all over it. That's it! I fucking hate her!

"Damnit Amanda! That's it! I'm sick of you not doing your job. You're fired." She stared at me with an extreme look. "You have until the end of the day to get your shit together and get the hell out of my sight for good." She glared at me and hung up the phone.

"Do you have any idea who that was on the phone?" She spat through gritted teeth.

"It was either one of your drug dealers or man whores. Frankly, I don't care which. Now get out. Some of us actually have work to do." She then screamed in frustration and walked out. A slow clap was heard from behind me, followed by a few more people joining in the clap. I turned to see my least favorite band, applauding me. Pete walked over and stood in front of me, smiling smugly.

"I love a woman who can take control." I laughed lightly and leaned in closer to him. He hands held onto my hips, pulling me forward a bit.

"I love my boyfriend who could kick your ass." Raychel snickered lightly and walked back into my office. I pushed past Pete and followed Raychel. The band then soon followed me and sat in front of the desk. Raychel looked to me, motioning for me to introduce her. "Oh! Raychel, Fall Out Boy. Fall Out Boy, this is my friend Raychel Vengeance."

"Wait. Vengeance? Are you married to Zacky Vengeance, her brother?" Raychel beamed and sighed happily. I laughed loudly and shook my head.

"She wishes!" She glared at me and slapped my arm.

"Dream buster!" I laughed harder and kissed her cheek. "Yeah, yeah. Love you too." I nodded and sat down, opening the assignment folder. I pulled out the bands file to look at what they were here for. I saw that they were here for a regular stones shoot. Great, their on our cover again. I looked up at the band and smiled brightly.

"So you guys are gonna go to the stylist and make-up right now. Then we'll bring you into the set." They nodded. Pete leaned forward, smiling his stupid smug smile.

"Taking anyspecialpictures today?" I rolled my eyes and looked back down at the assignment sheet. "Well?"

"Petedon't." Joe warned. I looked up to Joe and thanked him with a nod. He smiled and nodded back. I then got on my phone, calling my make-up artist Kimi. She got all excited when I told her that it was Fall Out Boy, her all time favorite band. It felt like about as soon as I hung up, she was in my doorway. I laughed and waved at her.

"Hi Kimi. Would you please take them into make-up and could you call Mary for me?" She nodded happily. The boys filled out into the hallway, waiting for Kimi. She then poked her head back in the office and smiled.

"I get Pete when you take over the world." Raychel looked at me and I nodded in understanding.

"You can have him!" we yelled at the same time. She laughed and nodded. As I looked at the rest of my assignments, Raychel laid out on the floor.

"Raychel dear, what on earth are you doing?" She laughed and stretched out.

"You sounded like my grandmother for a second." I nodded and kept writing.

"At least one of us does. So what are you doing?" She shrugged and sat up.

"I dunno. Just chillin, I suppose." I nodded, then picked up my camera. "Ready?"

"Not at all, but it's my job." She hopped off the floor and held out her arm. I took it and walked to the set together.