Strength of the World


**After the Set**
"I'm never listening to another Fall Out Boy song ever again!" Raychel exclaimed, storming into my office. After the set, Pete cornered her and had a chat with her. I was in my dark room when it happened, so this was especially funny for me. "He is the biggest playboy ever!!"

"I could have told you that." I replied, looked back down at the pictures.

"Well then why didn't you?!" I laughed lightly.

"Why do you think I'm giving him to Kimi when we take over the world?" She groaned and sat down in the chair. We were silent for a while as I worked. Then I heard Raychel gasp. I looked to the chair she was in and saw she was gone. "Raychel?" I got up and walked to the door to find her. I walked out and a hand clasped itself over my mouth. I muffled a 'Get Off!' the person then leaned down to my ear.

"Make me." They whispered. As soon as I recognized the voice, I relaxed instantly. He kissed my neck gently before releasing me. I turned around and kissed him passionately. I loved when he would whisper that to me, it always turned me on. We pulled away from each other, breathless. Someone coughed behind us. I turned my head to see Matt, Zacky and Raychel smiling smugly at me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I then noticed that Jimmy wasn't with them. "Where are the Giant and the Munchkin?" brian laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"The munchkin and munchkinette are adding to their clan right now." I gasped and held my hands over my mouth, looking to the others for confirmation.

"Jimmy and the girlfriends are down at the hospital right now." Matt replied, smiling happily. I noticed that when matt said 'girlfriends' she looked at Zacky solemnly. I felt bad for her. She was so in love with him, but he loved aubrey. Brian then squeezed my hips gently, making me turn my attention towards him. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"So? Are you coming to the hospital with us?" I ran into my office quickly to look over my assignments. All I had to do was go to a meeting with the editors. After that I had to process a few more pictures; but I could do that at home in my dark room. I looked up to see that everyone was back in the office. Raychel was sitting in the chair as Zacky had his hands on her shoulders, leaning on her. Her glamorous smile was plastered on his face at his contact with her. I winked at her playfully. "Babe." Brian replied.

"Oh, I have to go to a meeting in a few minutes. After that though, I'll be down there." The guys nodded. I looked to Raychel with a questioning look. "Ray, do you want to go down to the hospital with the guys. It'll be really boring while I'm in my meeting."

"Are you sure? I don't really know Jesi too much." Zacky bent down next to her and put his arm around her shoulder.

"Leave boring old Jordan here. You'll be fine with us." I scoffed and placed my hands on my hips.

"Old? I'm only older by one fucking minute!" She shrugged and smiled.

"Still older technically." I sighed, rolling my eyes. Brian hugged my shoulder and nudged me.

"You have to go to your meeting." He said, still nudging me. So, I nudged back.

"I'll go if you quit nudging me." He laughed and nudged me more. Matt then laughed and walked around the other side of my desk, smiling evilly. "Ahh! Matt no!" He grabbed me around my waist, holding me up in the air and spinning around. I laughed and tried to get loose from his grip. "Put me down! I'm late for my meeting!" He put me down, practically pushing me into Brian. Brian caught me, wrapping his arms around me. He kissed my forehead and then released me. I grabbed my papers for my meeting and rushed out of the office. I ran down the halls, seeing the big double doors of the board room. I barely made it before my boss, Marina, closed the door.

"Nice of you to join us Jordan." I smiled and sat down next to my friend Melissa who was the band editor I worked with.

"You're gonna get your ass fired ya know." I smiled and kissed her cheek. "I wouldn't kiss me right now." I shot her a very confused look. She smiled coyly and batted her eyes at me. "How was Pete?" I groaned and smacked her shoulder. She laughed and hugged me tightly. "So why the sprint girl?"

"I'm sorry, I had three out of five Avenged Sevenfolders in my office holding me hostage." I then looked up at Marina. "by the way, I have to leave soon. My best friend is having her baby." She rolled her eyes and sat down.

"What's more important miss. Baker? Your friends unimportant baby or your job?" She replied smugly. I hated her with a passion and everything seemed to be getting on my nerves today. I was about to stand up and walk out but Melissa held onto my arm, sitting me back down. I glared down at my papers and made the notes is needed for my pictures to keep me occupied. The meeting went on as boring as I planned it would be and only spoke when I was asked a question. Finally after half an hour of Marina's bad jokes and bitching, the meeting was called to an end. Melissa walked out with me to make sure I didn't snap. We were almost out of the board room, when she beckoned. "Jordan, Can we chat?" I groaned lightly and turned back slowly.

"All due respect, but I really need to get over to the hospital." She shook her head no.

"What is so important about this baby? It's not like you're going into labor." I placed my hands on my hips and tapped my foot lightly. She was really pushing her big red stiletto's into my last nerve. Melissa then tapped my shoulder excitedly. I looked to her to see that she was holding up an old magazine with A7X on it. I looked at Johnny and got my grand idea. Looking back to Marina, smiling smugly, I folded my arms across my chest.

"Because this baby is the first child of a Mr. Jonathan Seward." She coked her eyebrow, not realizing who that was. "Also known as Johnny Christ, bassist of Avenged Sevenfold." He eyes then went wide and she stood up.

"So your best friend is his wife and mother of his child?" I nodded. "You'll be the first to see the child before anyone else?" I nodded once more. She smiled her evil, mischievous smile. "I want pictures." Oh god no. That was not what I thought she wanted.

"Marina, I can't exploit my friends baby just because of the famous father." I practically pleaded.

"You have to. If you don't get those pictures, I'll fire you. I don't think you realize how big of a scoop this is. Rolling Stone would have the first baby pictures in the world. This is huge Jordan and we can't afford to let this opportunity to be wasted." I sighed and looked down at the floor. I couldn't do this to them, it wasn't right.

"Well if you don't let her leave now then she'll miss the entire birth." Marina's face turned horrified and she hurried towards us.

"Well go Jordan! Get out and get that story!" She pushed us out of the board room. I walked down the hallway, shaking my head.

"You don't have to do it. Just tell Marina that they wouldn't sign any release forms." I sighed and grabbed my pictures, camera and car keys from my office.

"She'll find a way. She always seems to find a way." I practically screamed as I was into the elevator. I rested my head against the wall of the elevator, frustrated. My cell phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out, not even bothering to look at who was calling and answered it. "Jordan Baker's clinically insane mind, how may I corrupt you?"

"hurry up and get over here you hug whore! Jesi's having the baby faster then we expected." Raychel yelled. I nodded and sighed.

"I would if the damn elevator would hurry up!" I screamed. That's when it stopped. At first I thought my floor was there. Then I realized that all the elevator lights had shut off. This wasn't good. I was highly claustrophobic when I'm in situations like this. "Oh god" I whispered.