Strength of the World


I rushed into English and saw him sitting in the back again. I walked over and sat down next to him. He was still writing on the back of his schedule. I really wondered what he was writing, but that was the least of my worries right now.

"You have a hell of a lot of explaining to do haner." He shook his head no. I looked at his fedora and stole it from his head. He quickly reacted and tried to snatch it back. "quit being so snatchy grabby haner boy." I said leaning back and placing the fedora on my head.

"Give me my hat back right now Jordan." I shook my head no. "I'm not fucking playing with you."

"And I'm not playing with you either. You have some serious explaining to do." He fedora was his weakness. Once he didn't have it, he's pretty much say anything. Thank god I knew that.

"What is there to explain? I pushed you against the locker, that's it. Nothing else happened." I sighed and took the fedora off my head. I looked away from him and kept the fedora on my lap. "what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" more than you'll ever know brian, more than you'll ever know. I shook my head no and handed him back his precious fedora. He held it in his hands and stared down at it.

"Mr. haner, miss. Baker. Have you two stopped talking finally?" he nodded and I did too. She nodded and continued on with her lecture. I have no idea what she was lecturing on and frankly I didn't really care. I was a fool and I had been embarrassed. All I wanted to do was go home and hide. Brian and I didn't talk the rest of the class. By the end of the class I was fighting back tears from slipping down my face. When the bell rung, I quickly picked up my bag and rushed out of the classroom as fast as my legs could carry me. I needed to get to choir and relieve all this stress and embarrassment. It was my only escape.

"Jordan wait!" oh shit no, I can't deal with him right now. I walked faster, but he had grabbed my arm before I could get away. I tried pulling my arm away, but his grip was too strong on me. "Jordan listen to me. I'm sorry if I had hurt you, I didn't mean it." I looked away from him. The tears were still stinging my eyes. "Jordan? Will you please look at me?" I shook my head no and finally pulled out of his grasp. I practically ran down the hallway, away from him. "fine Jordan! Be that way! Be the little bitch that you are!" he screamed. Way to shoot me in the heart again brian. I ran all the way to the choir room. Judy was already in her seat. She saw me on the verge of tears and rushed over to comfort me.

"What happened Jordan? Why are you crying?" I brushed away the stray tears from my eyes and sat down against the wall. I started crying harder as she hugged me. No words needed to be said. The class started filing in, but no one bothered to check on us or see what was the matter. Soon before class started, Mr. Moore came up and bent down beside us. He talked to judy for a minutes and then focused back on me.

"Jordan, are you alright?" I shrugged. Maybe I wasn't or maybe I was. This whole thing with me and brian could have been a really good thing. This could prove to me that me and him really wouldn't work out. Fate has a funny way of twisting the truth. "Jordan, why don't I call your brother to come for you."

"no, I'm alright. It's just been a tough first day." He smiled and helped me off the floor. "I'm gonna go into the bathroom and clean up a bit. Is that alright?" he nodded. Mr. Moore was awesome. The best part about him was that he had a scary resemblance to Nathan Lane.

"Do you want me to go with you Jordan?" Judy asked. Mr. Moore laughed and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I think she'll be fine if she goes alone. I doubt she needs help to go to the bathroom." I nodded and made my way into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my horrible face. My bright green eyes were smudged with the black eyeliner I once had on. That was only my physical appearance. Mentally I was being fucked every way but Sunday. I was battling with my emotions and feelings for brian. He was an ass, but sometimes a loveable one. My sweet, kind, gentle brian. Too bad I always had to deal with Synyster Gates. Oh how I hated his stage name. that name also carried around his alter-ego. Synyster was mean, crude, rude, horrible and disgusting. Yet, I was falling for him. Sometimes I would get so turned on when syn was around. See what I mean? Completely mind fucked.