Strength of the World


I got dressed and ready, leaving my hair down to dry naturally. Today was gonna suck.

"Jordan! The girls are here!" I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs to see brian and zacky sitting in the living room on the couch, watching something on MTV2. I slowed my pace until I had stopped in for of the door, staring at them.

"What the hell are your two dimwits doing?" the looked at each other and shrugged. "Are you going to school?" again, the shrugged. I groaned and put my shoes on. Time to make the daily conversation with my darling twin brother. "Zack, what are you doing tonight?"

"Practice." The one word he always said. Yet I decided to humor myself.

"What are you doing after practice?" he sighed and leaned back against the couch.

"I don't know. Gonna just hang out or something. I frankly don't know." I laughed and shook my head as I tied my shoe.

"Do you want me to make dinner tonight or is it not even worth it?" zacky looked over at me and smiled happily. Everyone knew that I was an amazing cook. I mean, I had to learn somehow when I got sick of ordering take out. I took his smile as a yes and nodded. "any certain request for what you want so I can go to the store after school?" he looked back to the TV and shrugged. "Alright, macaroni surprise it is." He sat up and stared at me with scared eyes. I laughed and nodded. "How about burgers or something?" he nodded. I nodded in return and laughed, shrugging my bag over my shoulder. "I love our in depth conversations zacky, I really do." He laughed and nodded. I opened the door and started walking out. "bye zack, love you!" I yelled. He waved me off annoyingly. I turned my head and looked at brian coldly. He looked back at me with an expectant glace. "Goodbye Synyster." I mumbled, shutting the door and walking off towards the car. I got in the front with Katie as it looked like Judy, Jesi and Aubrey were all sleeping on each other. I laughed lightly and shook my head, turning back to Katie. "Let me guess, they all hate my guts right now?" she laughed and nodded.

"Pretty much. I practically had to carry aubrey out of her house." I looked back to her and saw that she was flipping me the bird. I blew her a kiss and turned back around. "So how was the rest of your day yesterday?" I groaned and sat back against the seat, crossing my arms over my chest. "It got worse?" I nodded. "How the hell did it get worse?"

"After you guys left, synyster wouldn't leave until he talked to me." She nodded.

"He couldn't really leave anyway. After he broke up with michelle, she went out and stole his car." I nodded and smiled lightly to myself.

"Yeah well he should start learning how to lock his doors." She laughed and kept driving down the road to the school. "So anyway, he came into my dad's office and started stalling. I have no idea why, but I decided to tease him a little and kind of started grinding on his lap and kissing his lap." Her mouth dropped and she slowed the car a little. I looked into the backseat and saw that Aubrey, Jesi and Judy were now wide awake, mouths dropped as well. I blushed a deep, dark red and looked out the window.

"You did what?" Jesi yelled. I blushed more and rested my head on the cool window, lightly banging on it.

"You gave brian a lap dance?!" aubrey squealed. She always thought that me and brian would make a cute couple. I groaned and banged my head harder onto the window.

"It didn't mean anything. It was just to torture him a bit. Don't get too excited girls. Right after that we fought more and I made him really mad. He said that I'm not allowed to call him brian anymore. I have him Synyster." All of their expressions and they relaxed again. "Sorry to crush your dreams." I sighed.

"But you like him thought, right?" judy asked curiously. I scoffed and shook my head no. I thought you were head over heels in love with him." I again shook my head no. "Oh come on Jordan, you can't fall out of love that quickly." She was really starting to get on my last nerve right now. Too bad that there was still about a whole mile to the school. "Jordan don't deny" That's it!

"Judy! I don't fucking love him anymore. Yes, I used to but that's over now! I despise and loathe that egotistical manic man-whore! So would you fucking get off my goddamned back? Fuck!" I stared out the window as the school came into view. Exactly what I pictured, this day was gonna suck. As soon as we parked, I hopped out of the car and ran into the school. I had the notion that if I rushed, the day would go by faster. Too bad me rushing only made the day go slower. I walked into creative writing and sat in my seat in the back. I pulled out my notebook and started writing the story that I had started yesterday. It was hard to write it, seeing as it was a love story and I was debating if I was in love or not. That's when it hit me, all love comes with it's share of heartbreak. Look at Romeo and Juliet. Their heartbreak was that even though they were head over heels in love with each other, they could never be together because of their friends and family. With me and brian, only I was head over heels in love with him as he hated me. We could never be together because of our stubbornness towards each other. I couldn't stop writing and along with every word that I wrote another tear would fall from my eye. A hand touched my shoulder and it looked up to see brian standing behind me. I turned away from him and wiped away my tears as I shrugged his hand off my shoulder. He sat down beside me and starred solemnly down at his hands. I closed my notebook, not wanting to get more emotional.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over me chest. "I really am. I was just mad that you wouldn't let me finish what I was going to tell you yesterday." I sighed and looked over at him.

"You actually wanted me to let you break my heart? To have you tell me that you didn't want anything to me, even though you knew I had feelings for you? Why do you think I would let you do that?" I whispered harshly as to not disrupt the class. He starred at me with shock washing over his face. The bell rang and I couldn't get out of there quickly enough. I grabbed my bag and notebook, pushing out of my chair swiftly. He watched me leave, I didn't care though. I needed to get away from him before I showed him that I was more weak than I appeared. I ran into English and practically collapsed into my seat. I had just realized what I had said to him and felt like a complete idiot. After catching my breath for a minute I saw brian saunter into the room, his eyes locked on me. I groaned and laid my head down on the desk. I had forgotten that he was in basically all of my classes. He sat down and leaned in close to my head.

"You're all wrong. I wasn't going to break your heart. That's the last thing in the world I wanted to do. If I did hurt you in anyway, I'm sorry. What I was going to say was that I didn't just like you. I love you Jordan."