A Fight For A Smile

First Day of School.

(My POV)

The sound of a bearing alarm wakes me up from my coma like sleep. I sit up ,aching, and stretch, popping my back back into place painfully; but I guess that's what happens when you sleep at a desk. I quickly get to my feet and stumble over to my bedside table, turning off the annoying little device that refuses to stop ringing. When silence finally returns I stretch again, yawning before heading over to the bathroom down the hall, towel in hand.

It's finally Monday, my first day at Domino High School. The last three days have been hectic but I'll feel better after I get back to a sense of normality. Mokuba didn't come over Friday due to Kaiba-San making sure he was in school, but he was over all through the weekend and it got to the point where we almost thought he was going to spend the night, that is until Kaiba-San showed up and drag the boy home, much to Mokuba's irritation. Yuka dropped by Friday and Saturday, but refused to come over Sunday due to gang fights and other stuff that had to be done. Yugi's friends came over Saturday and practically threw a party in my honour, much to my embarrassment, but I did get to meet the rest of the group. Joey, Tea, Mai, and Duke all came over, but I also got to meet Tristan, one of Yugi's oldest friends, and Serenity, Joey's sister. The girls , Serenity, Mai, and Tea all desperately tried to get me to go shopping with them, it got to the point of literally picking me up and trying to carry me down the street, which they would have, if I hadn't promised that I would go next weekend and would make sure to have no plans that day.

I sigh as I step out of the bathroom, wet hair plastered to my face and back, towel rapped firmly around me as I carry my PJs out of the steamy bathroom to my room, fortunately, no one is up yet to see me. I walk back into my room with a small, sleepy smile on my face as I pull out the clothes I will be needing, my new uniform. I have to admit, whoever designed this uniform had no taste. I pull on my long-sleeved white collared shirt followed by a navy blue skirt that doesn't even reach my knees, much to my embarasment, and then I add the bright pink blazer over top with a navy bow tied around my neck. I quickly pull on my socks and school shoes before going over to my desk and taking out my laptop and sending some stuff to be printed via the Wi-Fi printer downstairs in the kitchen before running a brush through my hair and braiding it so it falls gently down my back. I'm finally ready! I grab my school bag from the back of my chair that already has anything I'm going to need minus my phone, which I grab off of my desk in my mad rush to the door, and my school books which I'll get later. I run down the stairs two at a time a smile plastered to my face as I enter the kitchen. I suddenly stop the moment I walk through the doorway, Yugi's sitting at the table, toast in hand and Jii-Chan is washing dishes.

'Oh, good morning, I thought I would be the first up.' I say quickly as I walk over and start pulling together some breakfast.

Jii-Chan laughs as he dries his hands on a towel and turns to look at me with a smile. "You would have been the first one up, if you had turned off your alarm fast enough." I know he's teasing me, but I can't fight the blush that comes to my cheeks.

'S-Sorry... I had a late night, and it took me a while to wake up.... I'm really sorry...'

A loud chuckle meets my apology, "Don't worry about it, Kira. I wanted to be here to see you off anyway." Says Jii-Chan as he walks forward and gives me a tight hug that could very well kill any normal person, fortunately for me, Yuka has done this enough time that I wont die, only get a little squished; it took a lot to get me here.

"Be careful, Jii-Chan. Don't send her to the hospital on the first day back to school." says Yugi as he places his dishes in the sink before going over to the printer and picking up my papers. "Hey, Kira, what is this?"

In an instant, I break from Jii-Chan's hold, run over to Yugi and take the papers from his hand, clutching them to my chest as a furious blush covering my face for the second time this morning. 'T-This is just some stuff a friend sent me, don't worry about it!' I quickly shove the papers in my school bag, all hope that I could work on them while eating extinguished.

Yugi looks at me for a second, but doesn't say anything as he walks over to the fridge and I sit down with my toast and beguine to eat. I watch as Jii-Chan and Yugi talk about a few things that I don't catch as I finish off what I'm eating and wash my dishes. By the time I finish, I have half an hour to get to school.

'Well, I'll be going now.' I say as I grab my bag that has been sitting on the table and throw it over my shoulder. 'See you two later.'

"Ah, Kira." I turn around just as I'm about to leave the room to see Jii-Chan smiling at me, "I was wondering, after school, do you want to work at the game shop with me, if you need some extra money or something?"

I let out a sigh and smile at both Yugi and Jii-Chan who are looking at me expectantly, 'No thanks, Jii-Chan. Mom left me a little money and I'm not in any high demand for cash at the moment, I also want to get used to living here before I do something like that. Sorry.'

Jii-Chan waves it off, "It's no big deal, I was just wondering. It's just that teenagers today are commonly big spenders so I thought you might like to have the option."

I can't help but smile gratefully at him, 'Don't worry about me, Jii-Chan, I'll be fine. See you later!' and with that I run into the hallway and out the front door.

The walk to school is really refreshing, I'm so glad Mokuba was nice enough to show me the walk yesterday during his visit so I know where I'm going and how long it'll take to get there! Within twenty minutes of leaving the house, the large white building of Domino High makes itself visible. The moment I walk through the front gates my nervousness kicks in, great. I can feel peoples stares on me as I walk up the step to the building and into the white and blue hallways of the school, why do I have to attract so much attention? Suddenly, a hand rests on my shoulder. I whip around to see a familiar mop of black hair. Letting out a sigh of relief, my hand clasps over my heart. 'H-Hey, Mokuba.' I stutter out as I get my heart rate back to normal while trying to keep myself from clinging to Mokuba as even more stares fall onto my back.

"Morning, Kira!" he says happily as he links arms with me, "Want me to show you to the main office?"

I smile at him, 'When did you become a mind reader?' Perfect! Anything to get away from these glares! Their giving me a bad feeling.

A small smirk crosses his face as he starts leading me along the corridors to a large room with a middle aged woman typing away on her computer. Mokuba walks up to the woman's desk who has yet to notice we've arrived and places his hands on the polished surface."Hey, Misuki!" he says with a small bounce in his voice like a child and a playful smile takes over his face.

In an instant, the woman looks up and smiles at Mokuba like a friend would, "Hey, Mokuba. What do you need this time? Another day off?" I can't help but giggle a little at the comment. how many days off does one boy need?

Mokuba shakes his head, "No, I came to help a friend of mine. Kira is transferring today and I came to get her books and see which class she's in."

The woman, Misuki, looks past Mokuba to me before nodding and handing over a small stack of books and note books to Mokuba who quickly hands them to me so I can put them in my bag before shifting through some papers on her desk muttering to herself. "Ah, here it is. Kira, you're in class 2A. Mokuba, do you think you can show her where it is so I don't have to explain it."

Mokuba nods rapidly as he takes my hand and drags me out of the room with a quick "Thanks." offered to Misuki as we leave.

'M-Mokuba? What was that about? Where is my- AH! -Where's my classroom anyway?' I ask as Mokuba drags me back down a few more hallways and turns down some corners, me memorising what I can and avoiding tripping in the proses.

"You're in my class!" ha states simply as he pulls me into a room. Inside are several students all either chatting away like there's no tomorrow and telling jokes or sitting at their desks reading... at least they were. The moment we get three feet into the room, my hand still in Mokuba's, all eyes are on us and the room has gone quite.

Mokuba seems to ignore the fact that all eyes are on us as he sits down and forces me to sit down at the desk next to him. I do as instructed by my friend, but I can't help but feel the prickling sensation on the back of my neck as death glares are directed at me from all angles. I try to ignore it as I place my books in the little compartment underneath my desk and pull out the by now very wrinkled pages I printed early this morning. Grabbing a pencil from my bag, I beguine to read through the sheet of numbers that represent the accounting departments records for this month while I doodle without looking on one of the pages that have a small patch of blank space. After a good ten minutes of trying, I throw down the page and pencil on the desk and let out a frustrated sigh. This is too hard, I don't understand any of this. Last time I did this, I had mom next to me telling me what I was looking for, and now.... I really need Kaiba-San.

"What's up, Kira?" asks Mokuba, who had just been reading only to look up when I threw down my pages.

'Nothing much. Just some confusing stuff my friend sent me.' I reply, shrugging. I really hate to lie to him, but it's not too bad. After all it was Damion who sent me this. Funny how he sends me all the paper work while he goes around screwing up my deals.

"What kind of confusing stuff?" he asks as he looks over me arm at the pages just as I quickly rush them into my bag.

'I-It's nothing. Just some stuff he wants me to look at.' I laugh nervously under the disbelieving look he sends me which includes a sceptically raised eyebrow; but fortunately, the teacher decides to come in just as the bell rings and Mokuba opens his mouth, talk about lucky.

"Okay, class, enough chatting. We have a new student if you've noticed." The woman looks at me and smiles, "Would you like to come up and introduce yourself." Oh, great! I get up from my chair and walk to the front of the class and I can feel the stares on me back. Curse my over active senses! I turn to face the class and smile weakly, fortunately, Mokuba's smiling as well, making me less nervous.

'Hi, I'm Kira Aki-Moto. I just moved here from Tokyo, please take care of me.' I say, bowing slightly.

The teacher smiles at me, "Is there anything about yourself you want to share with the the class? Like, maybe a hobby of yours, or how many siblings you have?"

Oh, great, just what I need! Okay, I don't need to tell them about Yugi or anything, so that should work. 'Um... Well, I don't have any siblings, but I do have some hobbies. I like to paint and draw and stuff, and I'm rather in to things like Karate and Kick Boxing and things like that. Um...That's about it.' and with that I walk back to my seat, a huge blush on my face.

Mokuba smiles at me warmly as I pull out my books, "Art and Kick Boxing? Talk about an odd combination." I roll my eyes at him before I focus on the teacher as she beguines the lesson.

(Mokuba's POV)

I take a deep breath and sigh with relief as the bell rings signalling the end of the first half of the day and that we have an hour to eat and just hang out with friends. I get up from my seat and smile at Kira who tries to smile back only to let out another yawn making me laugh, she's been yawning for the last hour. 'I take it school is boring for you.' I ask with a smirk making Kira smile back at but shake her head.

"Nah, I just had a late night last night. I was talking to a friend on the other side of the world so time difference sucks." I can't help but laugh at this and pretty soon she joins in, only, we get cut off by the sound of a phone ringing. Kira sighs and pulls out her mobile, "He always calls at the worst times." she mumbles as she gets to her feet. "Listen, I'll meet you in the cafeteria in a bit, if that's okay." I nod as she leaves the room, answering her phone as she does.

I quickly sort out my bag to make sure I have everything for my next few lessons before I also get up from my seat and head to the door. I can't help but shake my head as I leave the classroom, Kira's shouting reaching me from all the way down the hall. It's funny, but Kira really reminds me of Seto right now, how he's always staying up way too late and always on the phone, I find the similarities hilarious! But then again, the differences stick out like a flashlight in a dark room. Seto is really hard working and almost never shows what he's feeling, while Kira will wear her heart on her sleeve and will show you as much emotion as possible!

I let out a small laugh as I enter the busy cafeteria, where over half of the school already is. I instantly notice something at I get a few feet into the room in front of me, everyone is avoiding the windows. Sure, it's cold, being February and everything, but why do that? The entire room is split in two, with almost all of the students sitting on the left hand side, completely opposite the large floor to ceiling windows that tend to be way too crowded to eat near.

"Good one, Kage-San!" exclaims a guy, making me instantly look around for the source, finding it a moment later. The reason for no one sitting near the windows is because, taking up two tables, is the biggest bunch of tough guys and thugs I've seen since coming to this school! But in the middle of the bunch, is none other than Yuka!!!

With a giant, cheesy grin on my face, I walk toward to two tables, causing several of the people sitting there look up at me. 'Yo, Yuka!' I call happily, making her look up with the rest of them looking at me like I just pulled the pin on a grenade.

Bright blue eyes look up into my gray ones with a venomous look to them, before it turns to confusion, and finally glee. "Hey, Mokuba! What's up?" she says, sending me one of her rather psychotic grins. Surprisingly enough, ever since me and Yuka met, we've been practically best friends! After all, if you can think twisted and sneaky thoughts while smiling like an angel, then you're a friend in my book, although it doesn't always work for the infamous gang leader.

Yuka quickly gets up from her seat and pulls me into a headlock while ruffling my hair in a friendly way. 'Agh! Yu-Yuka! Let me go already!'

Yuka giggles, "Not on you're life, kid."

"Let him go, Yuka." says a soft voice, making both of us freeze like a deer caught in headlights. I take a quick look up and whimper a little. Kira is standing behind Yuka and I with her arms crossed with a rather unimpressed look on her face. "Come on, Yuka. I don't want his brother on my ass for sending him to the nurse's office." Yuka laughs nervously and quickly drops her hold on my neck, making me lose my balance and fall to the floor with an ungraceful thud. Kira sighs as she pulls me to my feet again, "Really, I can't believe you two! You're no better than two year olds!" Yuka and I look at our feet as we get scolded by a very pissed off Kira.

"Sorry, Kira-Chan..." mumbles Yuka while just stare at my shoes. I can't believe how motherly she is!!! I feel sorry for Yugi, that's all I can say.

"Hey! You!" yells a voice from behind me, making both me and Yuka wheel around, although, she looks a little more dignified when she does it. It's one of the members of the gang who is glaring at us while he cleans his nails with a pocket knife. "What the hell do you think you're doing talking to Kage like that, huh?! Do you even realise who she is?!" he asks as he glares at Kira only to quickly look at me before pointing the knife at me, "And you, rich boy! You've got some nerve coming here! You should know by now that you ain't welcome near any of us after what you're big old dad did! I'm gonna give you two seconds to leave before I come after you with this." he says, gesturing to the knife, making me go weak at the knees. I quickly turn to leave, only to be stopped by something on both of my shoulders. Kira and Yuka both have a hand gently resting on me, their arms crossing over my back as a form of reassurance, and trust me, it's working.

"You're not going to do ANYTHING to Mokuba!" snarls Yuka as she pulls away, dropping her hand from my shoulder, "Mokuba is a cool kid. You have no reason to hate him!" I have to admit that it's pretty awesome that Yuka is sticking up for me!

Kira's hand tightens on my shoulder and suddenly her breath is next to my ear, "Let's move, now! This could get ugly." I nod and follow Kira as she leads me toward the other side of the room, away from the steadily growing shouting match, and toward the lines for lunch. "Seriously, Mokuba. What were you thinking? You know that even though you're liked by Yuka, you need to be careful about the rest of those goons! A good half of them would love to have their hands on you, alone and unprotected for at least five minutes, you know." I shudder at the thought as the yelling gets even louder from that side of the room.

'I-I guess... Hey. How did you know they want to kill me? Only one of them threatened me.'

Kira sighes as she grabs what she wants to eat, "I guess you couldn't feel it, huh." I shake my head, not quite knowing what she means. "The glares they were sending you, most of them were filled with blood lust. Plenty of those guys would have pulled a knife on you the moment you got within three meters of them when alone. The rest had glares that were really.... unpleasant."

'What kind of "unpleasant"?' I ask, but she send me a look that actually makes me step back. 'I don't want to know, do I?' Kira shakes her head, making me drop the issue, not that she would have told me anyway.

When the two of us are finished grabbing our food, Kira leads me back over to the other side of the room, but to one of the unoccupied tables a good few meters from where the group of thugs are. The two of us sit down across from each other and I beguine to eat while Kira opens up her bag (Which I haven't realised that she has had until now.) and pulls out a stack of about ten papers with random numbers and figures on them, along with a few doodles. I recognise one particular doodle of a small heart with angel wings and instantly recognise it as the paper she had been reading earlier this morning. 'Hey, Kira, what are those, really?' I ask as I grab the top sheet and look over it for a moment before it's snatched out of my hands.

"I-It's nothing." she mumbles, stuttering a little as she places the piece of paper back on top of the other ones with a sigh.

"Oh, the stutter is back. I guess there is nothing to worry about then." I look over my shoulder to Yuka smiling at us carrying a tray of food similar to ours except it's already half empty.Yuka quickly sits down next to me with a hearty sigh of relief, "Sorry about them, kid. I would hang out with them if I weren't such a people person.... But now that you and Kira are here, I guess I don't need them now!" Yuka grins at me like a cat before she starts to devourer her food, making me laugh at the hilarity of it all. That is, until I see her right hand covered in red.

'Ah, Yuka?' Yuka looks up at me with her food practically stuffing her mouth. She gives me a small sound of urging, telling me to say what ever I was going to say. 'Why is your hand red?' I ask, a little unsure of about the look of it. 'I-Is that blood?'

Yuka looks at me for a second before swallowing and nodding at me, "Yeah." I must of cringed because Yuka smiles at me, "Don't worry, it's not mine." She points her thumb over her shoulder, "It's that idiots. He was stupid enough to challenge me to a fight."

Suddenly, something is held out in front of Yuka's nose, making her go cross-eyed to see it, "I think he means it's bothering him, Yuka. Please just wipe it off." says Kira as her forces the napkin into Yuka's hand and turns back to her papers, sandwich in hand.

"Oh, great. Hikari is back." grumbles Yuka as she wipes off the other guy's blood from her knuckles and throws away the soiled napkin.

Kira rolls her eyes, "No, she's not, Yuka."

"Oh yeah? Where's the stutter?" Kira's back instantly lights up in a heavy blush as she hangs her head. "Ha! I told you!" I don't know what's going on, but hey. I laugh as Kira's blush grows even more, covering her ears in a bright red colour. I have to admit, Kira coming here is an amazing change. Maybe it'll actually get a little more interesting around here again.... I just hope I don't get kidnapped again.
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Hope you enjoied it!!!