Contagious Chemistry

The Party Scene Part Two

Stella's P.O.V.

They all made me feel really insecure. They were SO pretty. 

"Alright, anyone got a bottle?" Kyle asked the group.

Pat downed the rest of his bottle of Coke and put it down  in the middle of the coffee table.

"Okay, everyone take a seat around the table and we' start." Jonathan said.

Once we all got situated around the table, the rules came out.

"Girls spin, because there's more guys than girls. I'll start a timer on my phone once the closet door closes. Everyone good with that?" Jared said.

We all nodded in agreement, and then Cassadee (who decided to play along), Izzy, Tay, Sierra, Jess and I all looked at each other awkwardly.

"Alright, it's my birthday, I'll go first." Sierra said and reached for the bottle. I watched Alex's face, and he looked so eager.

She spun the bottle and I watched as everyone's eyes moved round and round.

After what seemed like an eternity, the bottle landed right on John. 

He stood up. "My lady," he said to Sierra, and stuck his arm out to her and she took it.

When they walked into the closet, and just before John closed the door, he stuck his head out and winked.

As soon as that door closed, Alex slammed his hand down on the table, causing everyone to jump. 

"That's it. I'm going to fucking kill John." Alex said, rolling up his sleeves.

"It was just a joke I'm sure." Cassadee said sweetly with a half smile.

"Cassadee, you're so fuckin' naive sometimes. You see the world as 'everyone means well' but in reality, most people don't give a shit about other people's happiness." Alex said.

"Well, excuse me for trying to stay positive! At least my attitude isn't 'everyone's out to get me; just leave me the hell alone' " Cassadee said, her voice breaking a little bit.

"I'm out. My night's ruined and I'm not gonna deal with this. I'm going to Zack's." Alex said, and he started for the stairs.

I got up, took my heels off, and ran after him. I wasn't really thinking as I did it, but I did and I caught up with him at the bottom of the stairs.

"Alex! Alex, wait!" I yelled. I grabbed his arm and held it for a second while I talked to him.

"Hey." I said calmly. 

"Hey, Stells." He said, giving me a crooked smile.

"Wanna take a walk with me?" I asked.

"Yeah. I suppose I need it." he said, shrugging.

I held onto his arm a little tighter and we pushed the door out into the cool night air.

"I know, Cassadee knows, and I'm pretty sure you know that you shouldn't have taken that out on her." I said. 

"I know. It's just that... Well, John and Sierra dated a couple years back, and I couldn't take it. If they rekindle their relationship, I don't know what I'll do." He confessed.

"Alex, I know that it was hard. But, who's gonna help you through it if it happened again, if you end up snapping at all your friends?" 

"You're right. I should go back and apologize I guess." Alex said. 

"I was actually looking for a way out..." I said. 

"Wanna go get a milkshake?" Alex asked.

"You read my mind." I said.

To be honest, walking with Alex to the 50's diner with Alex was exactly what I wanted. Don't get me wrong, Garrett's nice, and everyone else is cool too. It's just that this environment is more relaxed.

"Stella, we're about to go into this fine establishment," Alex joked. "and you have no shoes on." 

"Well, running after you in heels would've meant you walking me to a hospital, where I would still be barefooted." 

We walked into the run-down diner and as expected, walking up to the counter, no one seemed to notice I didn't have shoes.

"What do you want?"'Alex asked.

"Vanilla shake." I said.

"God, California, you're so plain." he joked.

"I'm simple. What can I say?" I smiled.

A waitress approached us at the counter, smoking a cigarette.

Her voice was about 300 times deeper than it should be.

"Hello, dolls. What can I get you?" she asked.

"One vanilla milkshake and one strawberry shake to go, please." 

"That'll be $5.80." She said, in-between drags.

He paid and we walked back outside, still clueless as to where we were going.

"What time is it?" Alex asked.

"Hold my shake for a sec." I said.

"Okay...?" he said questioningly.

"Well don't look!" I complained.

I turned around and dug into my bra for my phone. 

"8:03." I said, reaching for my milkshake.

"You think Zack's back from Leah's game?" he asked.

"Actually, do you wanna hear something that'll make you feel better about Sierra and John?" I asked.

"Anything." he said, and I linked my arm in his again.

"Well, you know how Cassadee said Zack's parents were making him go to the game? I've got a theory: Ever since I told Zack I was going to Sierra's party with Garrett, he's been acting really weird. I'm pretty sure he didn't come tonight because of me."

"Are you serious? Like, I just didn't think you guys were close at all." Alex said.

"Dude, we've made out twice." I said.

"Well what the fuck were you thinking saying yes to Garrett?" he asked x 

"Well, Zack and I weren't, and still aren't exclusive. I didn't wanna tell Garrett no. One: because he's a nice guy and Two: because I didn't wanna be like 'No, Zaxk and I are a thing' but Zack doesn't think we are."

"I get you. Well, do you wanna head over to Zack's?" he asked.

"That'd be great." I said. And Alex put his jacket around me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this chapter kinda makes it seem like Alex likes Stella but I want them to be best best best friends. (:
I've still got a lot written, and I plan on updating weekly. I've got some great ideas for later too. I love you if you're reading this! <3
Thank you!