What Separates Me From You


Anya’s Point Of View

The hand on my knee was cold and ruthless. It felt like stone pressed up against my sensitive skin. There was something in the back of my mind that refused to let me be attracted to Frank, every time I find something attractive about him my head immediately shuts it down. No, you can’t like Frank, he’s one of your best friends. You’ve known him since you were five years old for God sakes. What would your mother say? She was there when he shoved you out your window in the middle of a fight four years ago, of course she’d flip the fuck out. No, Anya Marie you do not like Frank, just stop it right now. Once again, my mind was driving in circles at extremely high speeds that my thoughts refused to keep up with. The truth was, I don’t like Frank, I love him. But, before you go jumping to conclusions let me clarify myself. Not the kind of overly touchy feely love that married couple have, the brother sister kind of love. Frank had seen me go through every tiny bump in the road life had decided to throw my way. He was with me when I fell out of the giant oak tree in the front yard trying to scare him, fracturing both arms and breaking my right leg; he was there for me when I lost my mother to an untimely battle with cancer just two years ago. I couldn’t throw all of that away on lust, the thought of that causes me to want to vomit in my mouth.

Besides, Frank is loud and a little bit too obnoxious for my taste. I prefer the quiet, shy type of guy, like Mikey. I’ve only known Mikey for about two years now, but there’s just something about the way his hazel eyes shine behind the lenses of his glasses. Every time I look at him it’s like his eyes are gazing down deep into my soul. His smile holds a cuteness factor that has yet to be tapped by any other male specimen I know, and every time he even looks at me my heart skips a beat.

There’s only one problem, Mikey’s dating that skanky bitch, Izzy. Oh wait, I forgot, it’s Isabella. If you ever forget that, and accidentally call her Izzy, she’s liable to literally rip your face off. Once, in history class, I called her Izzy without thinking and as soon as the bell rang signifying the end of the period she was after me faster than you could the United State dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima during World War Two. I had a black eye for about two weeks after our little encounter, let’s just say I learned my lesson. Isabella has slept with every guy in school at least once and I’m not kidding, either. I could count on one hand the guys she hasn’t slept with: Gerard, Frank, Ray, and this random freshman boy named Niko that just transferred in from California. He’s probably too west cast for her taste anyway. In regard to Gerard, Frank, and Ray she was already starting to make her way around the group. First, she’ll date Mikey, sleep with him, break up with him, and hope to get with one of the other guys next. Too bad, though, they’re all best friends and not enough of a douche to do that to one another. Point being, she’s a bird bitch of prey.

In Mikey’s mind, I guess her shiny blonde hair and shimmery green eyes make up for all the evil stored inside her little body. I’m also pretty positive that she has absolutely no heart. Just the other day she mentioned how her mom was going to take her prom dress shopping and just kept yapping on about it, when I asked her to shut up because it was bothering me she laughed and threw her books at my chest, demanding I hold them for her.
Sometimes, I just wish Mikey would open his eyes and see that the perfect girl is right in front of his face and she’s been here all along, patiently waiting at the locker next to his. I guess Frank will have to do for now….
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