Welcome to My Life

Welcome to My Life

Lord, I was so exhausted. It was hard to stay up, even in my favorite class. Oh the woes of being on call 24/7, and having to deal with that D-bag Anton. A 17 year old can only do so much and they say the only rough thing a senior has to deal with is applying to and getting accepted into a good college… if only that applied to me.

Sadly, it doesn’t, sometimes I wish it did. However college isn’t the only thing I worry about anymore. It hasn’t been that way since freshman year.

“Ms. Skylar.” I didn’t realize I was sorta nodding off until my history teacher called my name. “Since you can’t do anything but sleep in my class anymore, stand up.” I did what I was told with some resentment. She was my favorite teacher and when she said: “I’m very disappointed in you,” sadness flowed into my expression when guilt rolled through me. I wouldn’t be so upset if she knew why I was so tired.

“Dude,” Trey the handsome, blue eyed, golden wheat haired Adonis called out for his friend Nate. “Did you watch the coverage of Skye last night? She was fighting Anton for 12 hours straight!” It was always about Skye. Nate continued the conversation.

See, Skye’s Silverline City’s super hero. You could say she’s the equivalent to Superman, but she’s only 17. It’s actually rumored that she’s a student at one of Silverline’s four high schools. What pisses me off is that Jasmine Michael’s is playing as if she’s Skye herself, but that’s wrong… completely beyond wrong. I was sort of offended to be honest. People either think Jas is as smart as Skye or Skye is as dumb and as… well, loose as her.

“I don’t understand how she can fight for 12 hours straight,” a kid continued to speak on the subject of Skye, sparking yet another class discussion on our favorite super girl.

“Jasmine isn’t here today, she’s like totally Skye.” When one of Jasmine’s friends tried to like totally push the lie even further my face grew red with aggravation. Why did they always think Skye was popular!? It’s always Jasmine too! I cannot stand her and for people to even think she can compare to me—I mean—Skye, just agitates me beyond anything else… except maybe apathy.

I just…

Why does it even matter? People are going to believe whatever they want. They’ll never suspect the strong, masked, superhero to live a double life as the quiet girl who is slowly spiraling downward because none of her teachers knew why she was so drained and falling asleep in her classes.

Days like this makes me wish I would give into the temptation of… my temptation of unmasking myself after I deal with Anton, or maybe a bank robbery. Maybe at least then Jasmine wouldn’t be taking credit for something she’ll never be able to do. I am Skye. The quiet, lonely, Cassadee Skye Skylar, is in fact the superhero everyone seems to be so consumed with.

“Cassadee, do you think Jas is Skye?” a fair-weather friend of mine asked me. Without missing a beat I shake my head allowing my ‘yeah, right’ expression to take form.

“No Goddamn way.” Classmates started to laugh. I honestly didn’t mean to be so blunt. “Skye isn’t one to get drunk and dance on top of a table.” The laughter only subdued when our teacher gave a very angered expression. It was scary.

“Ms. Skylar! There is no need for gossip,” I CAN NEVER WIN! I deadpanned huffing just a bit while I was saved by the lunch bell. I picked up my things and just walked out the classroom door. I just can’t balance anything anymore.

I decided it was better to walk out of school to head to one of the courtyards. I needed to clear my head, and had a good twenty minutes to myself. At least I can just cool off, or at least do something to get my mind off of all the bullshit surrounding me now.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes. A few minutes passed as images started to form behind my lids. I was nearly asleep when someone tapped me on my shoulder.

“Cass?” My breathing hitched just a bit. I knew that voice, hell, I even imagined that voice saying three words consisting of eight letters. “I don’t think it’s right mentioning Jasmine’s character at Sheen’s party last week. What has she ever done to you?” Was Trey kidding me?

My expression dropped. I felt so bad now, I mean even if I do possess powers… I’m still just a teenage girl. The thing that bothered me the most was that my crush—my Goddamn crush— was sticking up for the-the girl who constantly berated me for being a freak! Then he had the audacity to say that she never did anything to me?

“Well?” He wanted an answer from me!? I stood up ready to go off but for a split second the anger boiling up inside of me dispersed when I heard a familiar sound. Trey’s shocked expression just made it clear who he saw. “An-Anton.”

I gave a small breath of relief. That’s one thing Anton is known for. For some reason the complete a-hole sometimes pops up at the four high schools, I’m just happy that today he decided to show up at mine, at this moment… to indirectly save me from my former crush. Trey ran away in fright. Well, I wouldn’t want a coward being my boyfriend anyway. I stood still, not turning around just yet.

“Just remember you like a coward.” How did he even know I liked him? Was it that obvious? “Are you going to look at me?” My eyes fell on to the ground as I took another deep breath feeling anxious for some reason. Had he been stalking me or something? Did he know who I was?

“Just leave me alone.” I say softly, closing my eyes. My barrier is down; I’m frightened. I’m frightened of the person I can easily fend off, why? Well… I think it was completely obvious why I was frightened right now. I’m Cassadee, not Skye. When I have my mask on I’m a completely different person. I save people because I’m too frightened to do so when I’m my regular self.

“Skye,” His hand pulled on my shoulder turning me around to face him. “So this is what your eyes look like without your mask on.” His voice was smug, and his mouth was pulled up into a smirk. I felt my fright slowly turn into anger.

“I-I d-don't know what y-you're talking about.” C'mon Cass, you can play it off! You might as well have a personality disorder... you're a coward now.

Just to make sure I believed that myself I looked that the ground, avoiding his gaze. It was something about his icy eyes that rose anger inside of me. Maybe it was because I thought he was an arrogant d-bag and that he has no right using his power the way he does use them; taking advantage of them, using them to strike fear... it's irresponsible and down right... evil. Granted that was a given but still.

He snickered. Obviously he saw right through me. It was just so typical. He can read me like no one else, I just wanted to know how. “You think I'm stupid, don't you?” Oh screw it.

“What are you doing here,” I asked exasperated. Obviously there was no point in denying it now. He knew, and knowing Anton for four years the twenty year old was adamant when he was sure he knew something. It must be a French thing. Then again French people are supposed to be lovers not fighters... that wasn't the case with Anton.

“Well, it seems like I saved you from Trey Halter. Who asked you what Jasmine Michaels has ever done to you, even if it's absolutely obvious what she has done. But, I suppose your seventeen-year-old brain cannot comprehend that.” His stupid smirk grew into a smug grin. Goddamn it, he probably was stalking me, but what really annoyed me was the fact that he was obviously around and I didn't even realize. “You are oblivious Super girl.” Who the hell does he think he is?

I really wanted to wipe his grin off his face. I bet he knew how much he was irking me. That's why he did it. He always does this, egging me on, pushing me to the edge... he loved doing it. He chuckled to my annoyance.

“Why do you even care about that pu--”

“Oh shut your God forsaken mouth.” I say quickly, cutting him off. I knew exactly what word he was going to say, I did not need to hear that from him.

“Oh, is that word too explicit for your teenage ears?” He snickered. Once again his goddamn smirk was getting to me. “Poor widdle Cass'dee, won't let me say pu--” I punched him hard in the mouth to stop him this time. He was pushed back a few good feet.

Now I smirked. God, that felt amazing! Frankly, I liked how angry he got. His crystal eyes narrowed, fire dancing beneath his irises his thin lips were parted just a smidge as he breathed in and out of his mouth. I even messed up his dark gelled black hair! Life was good!

We were in silence for a few seconds. My fists were clenched, ready for what ever he had planned for me. What can I say? My guard was up, it had to be as long as I was around him. He continued to be angry for a few more seconds until his expression slowly morphed into a smug look, a smirk appeared on his face, he was wearing the same smirk I had. “How'd the punch feel?” Anton asked stepping closer to me. “Feeling any better?”

“Why do you even care?” I asked without even thinking about it. He just shrugged his shoulders and disappeared with a puff of smoke. I felt my lips fall into a frown for a mere second. I recovered quite fast though, knowing damn well that I should not be frowning at his disappearance. In fact, I should be happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so this is going to sound similar to my fan-fiction and the reason for it is the fact that Cassadee in this story and Cassadee in the other... are the same character. Except this character has red hair while the other has dark brown hair.

There will be more of this story to come--I just need to get to actually writing it since it's a just a child of an idle brain in my head, it's not really ready to become a story, I figure i'll finish my fan fiction before I start writing this one, I'm not completely sure. In all honesty I posted this because my best friend decided that she wanted to make a fan fiction of it with her own character :P
