Status: Work in progress.

Here We Go

Caleb and Jordan.

“Mom, why don’t we have a Dad?”

I took a sharp breath in, obviously shocked by Caleb’s question. I looked over to see the two of them; Caleb and Jordan, identical twins.

“Boys, you have a dad.” I answered my voice cracked slightly and my eyes darted between the two of them.

“Caleb, you’re making mom sad!!” Jordan tears shining in his blue green eyes.

“Jord.” I put my hand on his cheek. “It’s okay. Mommy just doesn’t really like to talk about Ca…”
I cut myself off before saying his name.

“Cameron?” Caleb questioned. Why was he so damn smart for a four year old?

I did the best I could to not cry out when he said his name. “…Yes Caleb. His name is Cameron. But really, you two need to get ready for pre-school.”

“Nooooooo!” They both whined simultaneously.

“Come on, your teacher said it was going to be a fun day.”

Caleb’s eyes lit up as he remembered something. “Oh yeah! People are coming to teach us about music!!”

Caleb was a mini Cameron. He was in love with music, he wanted to be a ‘rockstar’ when he got older. He even had the same style as Cameron. He was in love with the two pairs of Chuck Taylor’s I bought him.

Jordan was like me, and obsessed with sports, begging me to sign him up for Lacrosse and Hockey. He wore anything and everything with the Nike logo on it.

“Okay, so go get ready.” I ruffled their hair and nudged them to towards their rooms.

I loved Caleb and Jordan, more than anything in this world. They were mine, despite the fact they got ALL of their looks from their dad, dark messy hair, chipmunk cheeks, and blue green eyes. They had slight differences between the two of them physically. Jordan had more green in his eyes. Caleb had more blue. Other then that they were almost identical, only people who were used to them could really tell them apart.

“Mom let’s go!” Caleb ran up to me, pulling on my hand. “I wanna go learn about music!”

“Want to...not wanna.” I corrected him.

“Sorry mom.” Caleb smiled as I ran a quick hand through his hair.

For two four year olds, they were honestly amazing at picking out clothes and getting dressed. Caleb was dressed in his little black Converse, black jeans, and a grey tee shirt. I could tell he ran his hands though his hair a bunch of times because it was sticking up in every angle possible.

Jordan walked behind him, wearing Nike shoes, dark wash jeans, and a Nike shirt that said “I’m gonna be on a cereal box one day.” His hair was the same, everywhere at once.

I rolled my trying to remember why I bought him that shirt.


“Hello Kaitlyn.” Jordan and Caleb’s teacher said as I signed them in.

“Mrs. Daniels, how have the two of them been doing?”

“Oh Jordan and Caleb are angels, great head on their shoulders, and friends with everyone. Not to mention they are both considerably bright for their age.” I smiled in reaction.

“Thank you, I’m happy to know I’m doing so well with them.”

“You’ve done so well with them.” She agreed.

“Thank you. I just want them to be great boys when they are older.” I stated looking over at the two of the,

“They will be. No doubt. Jordan is going to be into sports, Caleb is going into music, and they both will be amazing students.”

“That’s what I think. Jordan wants to play Hockey and Lacrosse next year. And Caleb won’t stop asking for his own guitar. They’re four.” I laughed.

“Hey, if you get them started when they are young, they will be very talented when they are older.”

“This is true.” I smiled. “But I got to get to work, you know, being a professional architect and all.”

She laughed. “Easily understood. Have a good day Kaitlyn.”

“Thank you. You too.” I smiled looking over at the boys who were talking to a group of kids.

-Cameron’s POV-

I was so excited to teach kids about music. I mean I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, and now I get to teach what I love to do to kids.

I was talking to Nathan going over what we wanted to teach the kids on guitar. When I heard two kids talking about me or Nathan.

“Jordan! You look like that guy!” One said.

“No! You look like him Caleb!” The other retorted.

“Wait….we both look like him. We’re twins dummy!”


I laughed and looked past Nathan and saw the two boys staring at me.

“Oh my god.” I whispered.

“What man?” Nathan asked.

“Dude, look behind you.” I answered.

He turned and his eyes landed on the two boys.

“Dude, they look just like you.” He said in shock. “One of them even dresses like you.” He added.

“I know, that’s my point man.” I ran my hand through my hair and walked over to the two of them.

“Hey boys.”

“Hi! My names Caleb and I wanna be a rockstar when I’m older!” How ironic.

Oh my good lord. They looked just like me.

“Well my names Cameron, and I am a rockstar.” I smiled at the two boys.

“Hey! Our dad’s name is Cameron!” The other one, which I assumed to be Jordan said.

“Oh really?” I was slightly in shock.

“Yeah, but we never met him…and mommy doesn’t like talking about him cause it makes her sad. I think he died.” Jordan said.

“Or went to jail!” Caleb added.

“Yeah! Or he went to jail!” Jordan agreed..

“Hey, what’s your mom’s name?” I questioned knowing their dad’s name, why no know their mom’s.

“Kaitlyn.” They said simultaneously.

Oh. My. God. Everything rushed back into my head.

“Hey you two, I’m going to talk to your teacher for a few minutes. Okay with you boys?”

“Yeah!” Caleb answered.

I headed off to hopefully get contact information….for Kaitlyn.
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Oh hey. New to this mibba thing! I'm planning for this to be a mini series. But who knows, if it turns out to be popular I might change that idea.

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