Status: How far would you go for revenge?

Shed Not a Single Tear


The bullet entered and exited quickly, the woman's eyes widen at the realization that she'd just been shot. She slowly looked up to see her four year old daughter screaming and kicking trying to break free from the man who held her back.

"MOMMY!" the little girl cried out. Her husband lay in a pool of his blood where one of the men I shot and stabbed him, she had to witness the death of her husband. Now she had to watch the pain in her daughters eyes. "LET ME GO! MOMMY!"

"Charlotte." she whispered falling to her knees as she was shot again. She held her hand out towards her daughter as she started to fall forward, one of the men grabbed her roughly and jerked her to her feet and lifted her up throwing her over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

"Come on, you'll love this." the man holding Charlotte said picking her squirming body up. Charlotte screamed and screamed for her mother. The man carrying her mother finally dropped her down next to her husband, she felt herself slipping in and out of consciousness.

"Please. Please let her live....she's just a child!" she cried out with little energy she had left.

"Shut up!" the man yelled kicking her in the stomach making her cry out.

"Mommy!" Charlotte screamed before she started coughing and choking.

"Stiles, get the gas." the man who'd been carrying Charlotte's mother said looking at the man who stood next to him.

"Yes sir." Stiles said before leaving and returning a few minutes later with a can of gasoline. He began to pour it all over the living room, and all around Charlotte's parents. She knew what gas does.

"NoOoO!" she wailed reaching her arms out. The man holding her took out a lighter and flicked it lighting it up.

"I love you Charlotte." her mother said before she finally slipped away.

"Do it Bradstin." Stiles said before leaving the room. The man holding Charlotte tossed the zippo lighter and the living room went up in flames.

"Welcome to hell...Charlotte." Bradstin whispered into her ear with a deep husky voice.

"Mommy....daddy." she whispered feeling defeated. Brandstin carried her out of her home and walked into the middle of the yard and set her to her feet. She looked up at him as he towered over her. "Why?" she asked sadly. He kneeled down in front of her.

"You're on your own now kid. But here." he handed her an odd shaped piece of metal. "It's called a bullet kid, you'll need one in the furture. Always keep one hidden." he said before standing up and walking away. She stood starring after them, she dropped to her knees clenching her tiny fist.

"Why?" she repeated before she burst into tears.