Let the Sun Rain Down on Me

Tell me I'm right.

Mary. He would recognize that face anywhere, he knew that self-satisfied smirk better than anyone, and she was walking free. How dare she be walking free, embracing his loved ones as they tried to soothe the grief she did not feel. The woman he had once loved he now regarded as a liar, a thief and a murderer.

Questions started playing through his mind. What if she did it again? What if someone else ended up with the same fate as him? He couldn’t have that, he could not have her running around with that charismatic smile and lulling his loved ones into a false sense of security. No, he would rather die.


And there was always the issue of revenge, a thought he was growing quite fond of.

“You think you’ve gotten away with it.” He guessed, striding up to her purposefully as she continued to be consoled by the innocent, unknowing people around her. He knew Mary probably couldn’t hear him, but he hoped she could somehow sense his presence. He hoped it sent a desperate fear through her.

“But I promise, you haven’t.” He could have sworn he saw her shudder, ever so slightly, as he stood there with her. She knew. She had to.

He leaned down just a little, a smirk playing on his lips.

“By the end of the day, I swear I’ll watch you burn for this.” His face nearly broke out in a full grin when she brushed a lock of hair behind her ear and scurried away. She didn’t know what she had felt; she didn’t know how he intended to keep his promise. Somehow, she wasn’t going to get away with this.

Now he just had to figure out how he was going to do it.

His eyes scanned the people scattered about the room, briefly taking note of every individual. What they meant to him. He backed up against the wall, giving him a better view of the people he thought to be in danger.

“Say what you mean,
Tell me I’m right,
And let the sun rain down on me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Maaay be having to make this 4 parts long...The chapters are supposed to be short and I'm somewhat conflicted about the ending. Also turning out a tad darker than I expected, but hey!