I kissed your lips, You pulled my hair, It was the craziest of things.


“Hey there, baby.” He whispered into her hair before moving away and continuing to walk down the school corridor.

Daniel was a tease. It was obvious. He played girls like he played football. He would smirk and have girls falling to their knees in front of him.

But not Maria. Oh, she hated Daniel. Every aspect of him she despised. Well, except his looks.

“Fuck off, Jones.” She yelled at his back. His laugh echoed down the corridor and made her growl. Stuck up prick.

Maria sat in her boring maths class doodling on her worksheet, not paying any attention to her surroundings.

When a hand touched her thigh, her head shot up and she was met with the gorgeous blue eyes of Daniel Jones.

“And so we meet again, Miss Rae.” He winked and glanced down at her boobs, squeezing her thigh.

“Get your hand off my leg.” She muttered, glaring at the handsome boy sitting on her left.

“Don’t lie to me, I know it’s your favourite passion.” He whispered into her ear.

Maria licked her lips before looking back down to her sheet and talking a deep breathe.

“I love the way you breathe.” Daniel growled, sexily. Maria glanced up at him, a smirk evident on her face.

“I bet you say that to all the girls.” She flirted. Might as well get her fix while he was interested.

He shook his head and smiled sweetly at the brunette girl beside him. He thought she was hot. Always did and probably always will. Along with the rest of the male population.

Maria was a babe. Her legs went on for days, highlighted by the black heels she wore everyday. A short red skirt hugged her thighs which matched the red lipstick on her kissable lips.

Clad in a tight black tank top, Maria was the object of affection to all boys in the immediate area. But the only one she would give the time of day to was Daniel. Was it because he was hot? Most definitely. Did she like him? Most definitely not.

“Meet me outside this classroom at lunch.” She murmured before completely ignoring the overjoyed boy and getting on with the work she was suppose to have finished.

By the time lunch came around, Daniel was fucking ecstatic. He couldn’t believe his luck. Maria Rae. The hottest and most unattainable girl in school wanted to see him. To do what, he wasn’t sure. But he didn’t care.

He turned the corner and saw the beautiful Maria leaning against the wall. One foot on the tiled floor, the other on the wall, propping herself up.

He sauntered up and put one arm by her head, leaning in until he was millimetres from her face. He breathed out slowly.

“What do you need?” He said, quietly.

“You.” Her lips were pressed against his in seconds. With a grunt, Daniel pushed the shorter girl against the wall, grabbing her hips and pulling her in closer.

A husky moan escaped her lips and Maria pushed her hands into Daniel’s hair, tugging roughly.

“You want it. Come get it.” She then pushed him off her and ran down the hall.

“Fucking tease!” He shouted, sprinting after her cute ass.

The bathroom door slammed closed behind Maria as she bolted in. A minute later, Daniel burst in.

“Fuck.” She muttered, seeing the look of passion and hatred in his eyes.

“No one fucking does that to me. Come here, you little bitch.” He hissed.

“Fuck no.” Maria laughed. She was pushing her limits but she wanted to see how far the bastard would go.

With a low growl, Daniel stalked forward and pinned dear Maria to the dirty bathroom wall. He bit her neck, harshly and caused her to gasp. He grabbed her thighs and pulled her legs around his waist. Her hands flew to his hair and she moaned.

His lips pressed against hers and she tugged his hair. They continued to make out for sometime before Daniel pulled away.

“I hate you.” He muttered before kissing her again.

“Feeling’s mutual, dick.” She hissed, biting his neck.

The shrill ring of the bell shocked both Maria and Daniel. They pulled away and looked around panicked.

“Let’s do this again. I love this love-hate relationship.” He winked once more before leaving the bathroom and Maria to get herself decent so she could face the hordes of teenage boys.

Situations are irrelevant now. She loves the way that I tease. I love the way that she breathes. I touched her Ohh. She touched my Ahh. It was the craziest thing. I love the girls who love to hate because they’re just like me.

A week had past since Daniel and Maria’s little fling, I guess you could call it. They hadn’t spoken since and Maria was avoiding Daniel.

As much as she kind of liked what had happened, she didn’t want it to happen again. She wasn’t some sort of doll he could play with.

“Maria.” A husky voice said behind her. She turned and saw Daniel leaning against the lockers behind her. He smirked at her and ran his eyes down her body, taking in her appearance.

“Dick.” She replied. He chuckled, lightly. With a lazy smile on his lips, he walked towards her.

He pushed her into the lockers and leaned in. His breathe tickled her neck and she was very aware of all her classmates staring at the two of them.

“I thought she hated him.”

“Lucky bitch.”

“I knew they’d get together.”

Whispers echoed the halls as Daniel leaned in further. Finally, Maria came to her senses and pushed the boy away.

“No. I don’t want you. I hate you. Leave me alone. I don’t want you.” She said, loudly.

“Who you trying to convince, love? Me or yourself?” Daniel winked and slandered.

She took a deep breathe and ran her hands over her face and threw her hair. She hated him. So much. But that didn’t explain the fluttering in her stomach whenever he was near. Or the way her hart would beat faster when he locked eyes with her.

Dammit, she liked him. What else could go wrong?

“Excuse me? You’re Maria, right?”

She turned to see a boy looked at her. She nodded and turned back to get her books, which she’d forgotten about.

“I’m new here. Could you show me around?” He had a confident smirk on his face. Again, Maria nodded.

“Wait, how did you know my name?” She glared slightly at the currently nameless boy.

“Daniel told me about you. Apparently you are easy.” He leaned in and tried to kiss her. She pushed him off, just like she’d done with Daniel.

“Fuck no. Stay away from me. I won’t show you round. Go find someone else. Douche bag.” She muttered and stormed off to find the boy who’d created some form of rumour.

“JONES!” She screamed when she saw his head of dark hair. He turned and grinned at her, but that soon faded when he saw how irritated she looked.

“You told him I was easy? Who the fuck do you think you are? I am not easy! So what, I dress a bit slutty. I LIKE IT! It doesn’t mean I am going to fuck anything with a dick. Vagina in your case. And-” She was interrupted.

“I do not have a vagina. I can prove-” Daniel was then interrupted.

“There will be no proving anything. Jones. Rae. My office. Now.” Both students turned and looked sheepishly at the head master.

As they walked to the office, they threw quiet insults at each other.





“WILL YOU TWO STOP IT?!” The head master screamed and they both fell silent.

Daniel and Maria sat as far away from each other as humanly possible in the small office. The head master sat down and looked between the two of them for a couple of minutes.

“Can you please explain to me what’s going on?” He raised his hand to stop both students yelling at once. “Quietly and one at a time. Please.”

Daniel and Maria looked at each other before Daniel motioned Maria to go first.

“He told the new boy I was easy. And I freaked. And I hate him. And he kissed me. He’s a dick. I hate him.”

The head turned to Daniel and waved his hand for him to speak.

“I told him she was easy because I wanted to see her reaction. She’s hot when she’s angry. And I kissed her because I like fraternising with the enemy. I hate her, too. But I love to hate her. And I know, for a fact, the feeling is mutual.” Daniel finished with a smirk.

“It would appear you two don’t get along. You ‘love to hate’ each other. Which is fine by me. As long as no rumours are spread, Daniel. And no arguments or making out happens on the premise. Got it?”

Both kids nodded and left the room in silence.

“I love to hate you.” Daniel muttered, making eye contact with the gorgeous girl next to him.

With a sexy smirk and a wink, she replied, “I love to hate you, too. And with higher heels, I’ll see you tonight.”

Don’t worry, I’ll be gone when the morning comes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Um ... What did you think?
Personally, I think I could have done better. But ... eh.
Yeah, no? Comment?