Status: completed

No One Listens

No One Listens

I hated Davey. I truly one hundred and twenty percent hated him. It wasn’t just because he married my mom and then immediately had an affair; it was because he was the upmost worst human being on this planet. He obsessively smoked, drank, and only God knows what else. But mom always went with the bad boy. That’s why I wasn’t surprised when she showed up in the living room with that scum bag on her arm claiming she had never been more in love and there would be a wedding in a week.
The marriage only lasted four months until mom ‘disappeared’. She was found within a week in a dumpster outside a bar. Davey claimed they had an argument and she left the house and he never saw her after that. But because they were no actual evidence linking him to the crime he was released. But I saw through his shallow soul. I knew that never happened but know one listens to a grief ridden thirteen year old girl. No one listened.
Because nether I or mom knew who my father was Davey had sole custody of me. When the judge spoke the word I became sick to my stomach.
The man I utterly despised, the man I know murdered my mother, the cheating low life who all I considered to be was a no good free loader sleeping in the next bedroom is now my new ‘daddy’. Something was going to go wrong sooner or later weather no one knew it or not the feeling was in my stomach. But just like before no one listened to the hysterical thirteen year old girl. Maybe if someone did this might not have happened. But who am I kidding, no one ever listens.

When I arrived home everything was a typical Thursday afternoon. No Davey. No mom. No food. No nice two story house in a suburb. Just me and this stupid two bedroom apartment. Typical.
Starting my homework was the last thing I wanted to do but Davey didn’t pay the electrical company again so it was the only thing I could do. For hours on end I sat broadly in the only piece of furniture in our living room studying linear equations and the eighteenth century. With a flash light I continued to sit in the piece of crap couch reading my English book until Davey came home.
Nothing unexpected. When he waltzes through the door I could smell the fowl sent of beer and he had a woman draped on him arm like cheap curtains. The woman was practically already in her underwear and also reeked of alcohol. Her expression was a fierce look when her lazed eyes fell upon me.
“Wait a second,” Her voice was a high pitched shrill squeak, “You have a kid?” Davey hesitated as if he wasn’t sure of his location.
“Uhh….” He stammered apparently too drunk to speak. “Yeah, but she’s leaving. Lauren leave.” The words mumbled just enough out of him mouth to understand. I didn’t move. “Girl,” he demanded to me. “Leave! Now!” I still didn’t move. I wasn’t going to leave just so he can act like I don’t exist. He signed the papers, he told the judge he would be the parent I needed. Yeah right, what a joke that was.
“No,” I protested. “I’m not leaving.” Davey began to come towards me, with rage flaring in his eyes. The woman grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
“Maybe next time, Davey,” She kissed him on the cheek and disappeared closing the door behind her. Davey turned back towards me.
“You arrogant, worthless, brat! I’m your father and you will do what I tell you to do!” He came toward me a hand raised. I stood from the couch and neared closer to his face. I wasn’t going to be afraid of him.
“You are not my father and never will be. So why don’t you do both of us a favor and leave yourself.” Truthfully I felt brave. I could tell Davey knew I wasn’t afraid and that scared him. At first I thought he was going to slap me, and then he clinched his fist until his knuckles where pale and swung them to my head. I saw stars and hit the cold floor with a loud thud. That was last thing I remember.

When I finally awoke there was a cold breeze against my face and I was lying on a dirt ground. I lifted my head and saw Davey rummaging through the trunk of his pick up. Being as quiet as physically possible I gradually pushed my body off of the rocky ground. Still dazed I turned around and realized where I was. This was a place I had visited many times over the years. Rocky Ridge Cliff.

The cliff was six hundred feet high and below it laid the Pacific Ocean. Waves crashed against the rocks at the bottom. Instantly I knew what Davey intended for my fate. He thought I was dead so his plan was to throw me off the cliff into the ocean. I peered over the edge and saw my life flash before me. Frightened by my thought I began to back away and tripped, creating enough noise for Davey to turn around.
Quickly I jumped from the ground and faced Davey. His fists were clenched and he had a surprised look. This time it was hard to be brave and impossible not to be afraid when the man who is tried to kill you is staring blankly into your eyes.
“You know Lauren,” Davey’s voice was tougher than usual and he began to step towards me. “I tried to make this work. I tried to help but just wouldn’t let go of the past.” He continued to walk towards me until we were toe to toe. I couldn’t take a step back without falling off the cliff.
“Davey,” my voice was cracking, I was terrified. “Please, don’t do this. I will let go, I will try to make this work.”
“I’m sorry too,” He looked to the ground then back up at me. “Because it’s too late.” Davey gave me a hard shove and I tumbled off the side of the cliff.
I gave a piercing scream. If I did survive the fall I still wouldn’t see tomorrow because I didn’t know how to swim and Davey knew that. I assumed that’s why I wasn’t tied up. Even if there was no tide at all I still would never be able to keep my head above the water. When I crashed into the water I prepared myself for death. The impact made me dazed and I swallowed much salty water. Frantically I flailed my arms hoping it would bring me to the surface.
This was it I said to myself. There was no longer air in my lung and I was floating into incautiousness. When I was on the ridge of death, suddenly I felt the grip of someone’s hand on my arm and a yank. My eyes closed for what I thought would be the last time. It wasn’t.
This time when I became conscious I could feel the sharp rocks beneath my back. Leaning to the side I spit out much salty water that burned my throat. Catching my breath I saw a young boy who looked to be a few years older than myself.
His body was leaned over my face and his wet hair was dripping onto my cold tired body. As well as myself his breathing was hard and deep. I looked up to him and he looked down on me. Reaching up my weak hand I ran my fingers down his face. He was real and I’m still alive.
“Are you ok?” The boy panted.
“Better than dead,” I tried to give a weak smile. He noticed and smiled back.
“I’m Levi Kendal. I saw that truck pull up to the cliff and I knew something was going to happen. So I watched from a distance. Championship swimming is apparently good for something other than collage, I guess.”
I sat up and he stood from his crouched position. Levi had a swimmers body. He was tall, really tall, and wasn’t skinny but didn’t weigh over 175. He was like a superhero.
“Lauren Shannon.”
“Who was that that pushed you? We need to go to the police. ” His voice was caring and sincere.
“Drunken step father,” I looked at the ground then back up to Levi. “You saved my life, why?”
“I couldn’t just let someone die,” Levi found a rock and eased his body onto it. “I’m too sentimental to let something like that happen before my eyes. Call me sappy.” Levi gave a sly grin. The way he said it I knew now he wasn’t like a superhero, he was my hero.
“Not sappy, brave.” I smiled back.
“So why did your step father push you off a cliff? We really do need to go to the police.” His words were deep and rushed.
“Can we just sit here for a little while, please? And it’s a long story. You don’t need to get involved with the police and everything. You saved me, that’s what I’ll tell everyone. A mysterious boy from the shadows jumped into the Ocean to save a desperate girls life. Catchy news title, right?” Levi just shook his head.
“I’m here for you right now; I’m going to be here for you then. I’d rather have my name in the paper than mysterious boy anyway.” He gave another shy smile. “Now from the beginning.” For the first time in my life someone said they were going to be here for me. For the first time in my life someone wanted to know. Someone was going to listen.
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This is one of my first stories, hope you like it.