Alchemist Apprentice

Alaura Ammatesuru, a seventeen-year-old girl, had to watch as her boyfriend, brother, and mother were engulfed in her town's fire.

But Edward Elric, an alchemy prodigy, hesitantly takes her up as a prodigy. Despite the facts that her eyes are always gray with a hidden wound, and that she tries to kill every soldier she meets, he breaks through the barriers she's put up around herself.

But there's one that is strengthening every single day. Every single day, Alaura is reminded of her past. Will Edward be able to tear it down?

(Please note this isn't romance, but more like a growing sibling love. No yaoi, incest, anything like that.)
  1. The Eyes That Change Color
    The introductions.
  2. Being Watched
    Ala meets Mustang.