Status: Very active. :)

Falling and Failing Is All I Know


The next morning Kara woke up with a smile on her face for the first time in a long time. She knew there was nothing official between her and Matt, but she had a good feeling about it. She got butterflies when she thought about him. It was just like she was back in high school thinking about her very first crush. It had really been way too long.

She didn’t hear any noise coming from anywhere on the bus, so she assumed everyone was either asleep or not there. As she tiptoed through the row of bunks, she found that everyone but herself was sleeping soundly.

She smiled to herself and took that as an opportunity to enjoy a long, relaxing shower. She tiptoed back through the room to her bag to grab a fresh set of clothes and all the other things she would need for her shower.

She locked the bathroom door behind her, stripped off all her clothes and stepped into the shower. She sighed contentedly as the hot water poured over her body. It was the most relaxed she had been since she ran into Matt at Starbucks that fateful day.

Fifteen minutes later, she was all clean and relaxed so she decided to get out and let someone else have some hot water too. She pulled on her black skinny jeans and hot pink t-shirt. She then rummaged through her bag of stuff and found her makeup. She was just finishing up when there was banging on the door and Roxanne’s voice drifted through it.

For once, Kara wasn’t even concerned with her. She wasn’t going let a stupid girl like Roxanne kill the good mood she had been in since she woke up. She simply finished up her makeup, gathering up all of her things, and walked out the door, completely ignoring Roxanne as she did so.

“You better hope you didn’t use all the hot water,” she said.

Kara shook her head and continued back to her bunk, sliding her bag of beauty supplies underneath it. She could hear movement in the front of the bus so she went to see who it was.

To her pleasant surprise, it was Matt and he had cooked a big breakfast of pancakes and eggs for everyone.

“Good morning, sunshine,” Matt called when Kara walked into the room.

“You’re wearing an apron,” Kara pointed out, tugging on the strings of it, making the top of it fall down.

“Stop trying to get my clothes off, Kara, have some freaking self control,” Matt screamed out, loud enough for everyone on the bus to hear.

Laughter could be heard from the back room before Zacky and Johnny rushed through the door to see what was going on.

“It was just his apron, I’m not trying to get him naked,” I said in defense.

“Sure you’re not,” Matt said, smiling at her before pulling her into a hug.

“Did something happen between you two?” Johnny asked, raising an eyebrow as if in deep thought.

“Why would you think that?” Matt asked, looking nervously at Kara before quickly looking back at Johnny.

“Well you’re both all happy and laughing and shit and it’s way too early in the morning for all that.”

Matt and Kara both broke out into nervous laughter. They hadn’t yet talked about how they wanted to let everyone know what had happened between them.

Johnny and Zacky looked at each other with knowing glances. “The tour has barely started and Matt already got some,” Zacky said, laughing and high fiving Johnny.

“He did not, we just kissed!” Kara said loudly without thinking.

“I knew something happened!” Johnny screamed, pointing at the two of them and giggling gleefully.

Kara looked over at Matt and shrugged, mouthing the words ‘I’m sorry.’ Matt just laughed at her.

“Don’t laugh at me, they tricked me!” Kara cried, pretending to be hurt by his laughter.

He just continued laughing and pulled her in for another hug. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tightly. She couldn’t exactly care about what anyone thought now; the cat was out of the bag now.

“Are you two dating now?” Zacky asked, just as the door opened and in came Jimmy.

“You guys are dating?” he asked, looking between everyone standing in the kitchen curiously.

“Well, not exactly. We haven’t really talked about it yet,” Matt said.

“I think it would be cool! You should go for it,” Jimmy said, earning a big goofy grin from Matt.

“What do you two think?” Matt asked Zacky and Johnny.

“Why would we have a problem with it?” Zacky asked, and Johnny nodded along with him.

Matt turned to Kara and smiled sweetly, making the butterflies explode in her stomach once again. “How did he have such an affect on me by doing little things like that?” she thought to herself.

“You see, it won’t cause any problems with anyone. They’ll all be supportive.”

“Brian hasn’t heard about it yet.”

“Brian doesn’t matter because he’s a penis head for breaking his promise to you,” Jimmy said, which made me laugh.

Kara thought about it for a moment before looking up at Matt and smiling. “Okay,” she said, “Let’s try this.”

“So you’re together now?” Johnny asked. It was funny how he was so persistent.

“Yes, we are.”

“Yay!” Jimmy yelled, pulling Matt and Kara into a big hug. Johnny and Zacky joined in and we shared a very big and definitely kind of awkward group hug right in the middle of the tour bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
I can not believe it has been almost two months since I updated this last. I am so sorry! I really have no excuse, I just hope there are still some people waiting to read this. I'm going to try my best to get up at least two chapters a week. Except for the week I go on vacation, which starts the 18th.

I hope you all liked this, and I'd love to know what you think! :)