Midnight ***er

Chapter 1

“Oh my God, what the fuck?” I opened my eyes to find myself on the floor and staring into the worried eyes of my brother, “did something happen?”

“I…” I looked about me and saw my cigarettes nearby. I tried to think what had happened but I just couldn’t remember. “I came out to have a cigarette and to be alone for a while. I thought I heard a noise so I turned and… um… then you were here and I was on the floor.”

“Your exhausted Gee, like all of us, so maybe you just fell asleep?” Mikey said to me as he tried to help me to my feet, “whatever, you can’t stay out here or you will catch your death!”

I grinned, “you sound like our mother!” as I tried to stand I became aware of something else; pain. I gave a gasp and doubled over with my face contorted, “Oh God!” I whined, hugging myself. I could have blacked out in the pain surrounding me but somehow I didn’t. I know I was crying though when I looked at my brother, “what?... Mikey…,” I felt his hands grip me as I sank to my knees.

“Guys!” Mikey yelled with urgency in his voice, “what hurts?” I could sense him scanning me for injuries.

“Everything!” I grasped at him out of fear, “what’s going on?”

“I don’t know I can’t see anything wrong,” Mikey replied, “I think it might be because you fell asleep out here and it’s cold and damp. We should get you inside and have another look in the light,” he rubbed my arm, “it’s going to be all right Gee,” the others came running over at that point, “guys, Gee fell asleep out here and now he is in pain. Can we get him inside do you think?”

“Not a problem,” Ray said as he took hold of me under the arms, lifting me easily, “grab his feet Bob,” I muttered in pain as I felt the jolts of their steps. I blinked at the bright lighting as we entered the bus and was relieved when they placed me gently on a bunk. “Christ Mikey he looks like death! I think this might be more severe than him falling asleep out there.”

“I can’t see any injuries though,” Mikey said.

A hand reached to touch my forehead, “Feverish,” Frank concluded, “All we can do is watch him for tonight and ring a doctor in the morning.”

“Or a mortician.”

“You’re such a fucking optimist Bob!” Frank scolded.

“Yeah but look at him,” Bob retorted, “What exactly happened?”

“I don’t know!” I cried out in distress. I hadn’t spoken to them since they got my inside and right now their words weren’t filling me with confidence. “I don’t know what happened,” I said again, slightly calmer.

“Hush, it’s OK,” Mikey said as he sat on the edge of the bunk so he could take my hand, “you just get some sleep and we will talk when you are feeling better.”

Someone took off my shoes, I think it was Ray and then a blanket got thrown over me. I was shaking now and the pain wasn’t going away. What the fuck was wrong with me? My drift into sleep felt more like a drift into unconsciousness. Whatever it was though I sank into blackness.
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New story from me
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