Midnight ***er

Chapter 12

I crawled into the space and he curled into my side, “thanks,” he told me, “I think I can sleep if there is someone is right here,” he snuggled beside me and let his eyed drift to a close.

“I am always willing to help you,” I whispered as I allowed myself to stroke his hair slowly, “you need to sleep or you will collapse from exhaustion,” his hair was so soft beneath my fingers and hid breath was warm against my chest. Those facts as well as the hypnotic beauty of his heart-beat meant that I was soothed before long and I relaxed as much as he did. I watched his long dark eyelashes brush his cheek and then I looked over the rest of him. I admired his beauty as I always did but at this distance it was nothing but spectacular.

Even now while he had a pallor to rival mine and bags showing off his lack of sleep. I looked at his cheek bones and saw how well defined they had become and realised he couldn’t be eating properly. Well, nor was I for that matter but then blood wasn’t found in kitchen cupboards. No, blood came in human packages where it was kept warm and flowed so easily down my gullet. I was all but dribbling at the thought which was enough to worry me.

Why was I worried? Well, this meant that I was hungry and the person whose blood I craved the most was currently dozing on my chest. I had denied myself for so long; could I do it for a few more hours? He wasn’t asleep enough for me to let his taste linger in my mouth in the way that I liked. I didn’t trust myself to touch him when he might notice. I mean, if he knew what I was then he could easily realise I was Jamia’s killer. That was not something I wanted to happen mainly because I had no doubt that he would kill me if he knew. I deserved death but even so I shuddered at the thought.

Frank murmured against me as the movement disturbed his light sleeping. His arm threw itself across my middle and he dragged me closer to him as he tried to make himself comfortable. I shivered again although this time it was due to the contact rather than the fear of him seeking vengeance on me. He murmured again and moved to place his head on my shoulder.

That’s when the vein popped into view and started its teasing. It was almost calling to me of the goodness passing beneath my gaze. I tried to close my eyes and I bit my lip so hard I could taste blood. Admittedly the taste of blood is probably the worst thing for a thirsting vampire to introduce into their own mouth. I moaned slightly as I fought the urge to drink that was becoming overwhelming.

The urge won of course and I moved and bit down. The urge was so strong that my bite was not as gentle as it usually was on the fragile skin. My first indication of this was the fact that Frank stiffened in my hold and gave a hiss of pain. By then though I was unable to stop the feeding process. That sweet blood slid down my throat and honestly I think I died all over again due to the pleasure of it all. Mind you I did stop before he died and I licked softly at the wounds to heal them. I stayed where I was, licking at the skin, hoping to disguise my actions as a kiss.

Not that a kiss could be easily explained I realised as I pulled back and met his eyes. His hand moved to his neck as he looked at me accusingly. “That hurt?” he questioned as he moved his hand to reveal nothing on his fingers, “what did you do?”

“Nothing to hurt you Frank,” I said defensively, “I just… I mean you looked like… oh God Frank, I don’t know why but I kissed your neck!” I sighed and looked away from him, “sorry?”

“Hmm,” he replied, not sounding convinced, “just don’t do that again, OK?” I nodded knowing now that I wasn’t convinced.