Midnight ***er

Chapter 13


For the whole night Frank dozed against me in a very light sleep. He woke often and seemed to be in a panic every time. He’d clutch at me and shake me although when I spoke to him he’d calm down and doze again. I guess he was afraid of waking next to someone dead again which considering I was dead that was a little ironic. I would stroke his hair and try to calm him down. All the time though I was feeling guilty because I was the one who had created this fear that was preventing him from sleeping.

I did manage to control my urges though and I didn’t feed from him again that night. I desperately wanted to but I never let myself relax enough to let instinct take over. This was why I was able to verbally respond to Frank’s panic every time. I was glad of that because it he had felt for my pulse he would have found none and that would have genuinely freaked him out.

All the time I was gazing at him and falling for him all over again and I was sure that it was even deeper than before. There was nothing that I wanted more than him and I was sure now that what I felt was not due to a crush. Not anymore it had gone beyond that and by the time the sun filtered through the blinds I was convinced that what I felt was actually love. The realisation stunned me because it was never an emotion I had given much thought to. I mean, I loved Mikey but then he was family but then the feeling was different. No, what I felt for Frank was more raw and yet pure at the same time. If I had a heart-beat I knew that it would quicken when I saw Frank just like his had done when he saw Jamia.


Shit, by killing her I was denying him everything that I felt right now. In that second I went from feeling elated by my feelings to crushed as I realised exactly what I had done. I looked into his face, such a beautiful face with its eyes shut and features relaxed, and sighed, “I am so sorry,” I whispered as I touched his cheek lightly.

He frowned in his sleep, although I was about to discover he wasn’t asleep. Frank opened his eyes and stared at me, the flecks of green sparkling within the hazel, “what are you sorry for?”

My breath caught as our eyes met, “I… I…,” I bit my lip, again tasting blood as I struggled to supply an answer, “I am sorry for everything you feel sugar.”

“Why would you be sorry for that?” he asked my with a perplexed look dancing across his face, “I mean it wasn’t your fault that she… that Jamia was stolen from me.”

Oh God, if only you knew! “I am because… ah… I just feel sorry,” I stopped myself blurting out, ‘because I love you,’ and despite the lame reply I had given I was proud of myself.

“Well, there is no need to because unless you killed her you have no reason,” Frank locked hands with me as he spoke “besides you have helped me and stopped me from making a big mistake with you,” he sighed and looked down, “I just hope that this is nothing more than a mistake on my part,” before I could ask him what he meant he lifted our linked hands and pushed them into a beam of sunlight.

I squealed softly and snatched my singed flesh from the light and his grasp, “sorry!” I whimpered as he screamed and then clapped a hand over his mouth.
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