Midnight ***er

Chapter 14

I heard footsteps running when Frank screamed but I couldn’t look at anybody except him. I had my hand clutched tightly to my chest and I was just staring at him to see what he would do.

His hands were over his mouth which was open almost as if he was still screaming. No sound escaped his parted lips although his eyes were doing a scream of their own. He was hurting as he realised that he hadn’t been mistaken after all and I was everything he had thought. I think I also so the flicker of heartbreak and the pain stemming from it as he worked out why his love was dead.

For the longest time we just sat and stared at each other in silence while people gathered by the bunk to watch. I don’t know what it must have looked like considering those onlookers had no idea what was going on between us. Mikey was the one to break the silence in the end, “what’s going on?”

Frank shook his head and to my horror I saw some tears spill from his eyes and onto his cheeks, “I have just discovered that I don’t know Gerard very much and that what I do know I don’t like,” Frank crawled out of the bunk and glanced at me. His gaze was icy and he swatted away my hand as I tried to grab him, “don’t touch me Gerard and don’t think about speaking to me either,” he stood then he ran away in tears and I am sure I heard him whisper the phrase which sent chills down my spine, “I hate you!”

Mikey looked after him and then at me. I could see he was torn between comforting his brother and going after his friend. As the small bathroom door slammed we both knew that Frank would have locked himself in there and he would not be disturbed. Mikey waved the gathering of band and crew alike away and clambered into the space Frank had just vacated, “Are you all right?”

I gave him a look that said ‘of course not’ and drew my knees to my chest. Yet again I found myself wishing that I could make the tears fall but the vampire in me made that impossible. Instead I let myself softly whimper out my misery. Mikey put his hand on my shoulder and when I looked into his face he just looked confused. He would be more confused when Frank spoke to him and probably also repulsed as well as disappointed. I groaned as I realised more than ever what I had done,. “Mikey, please go away!”

“I am not leaving you like this Gerard,” Mikey put an arm around me as he spoke as if to reinforce what he was saying, “now, what happened?”

I couldn’t tell my little brother that I was not only dead but I was a killer too. I shook my head and sighed in a mix of grief and frustration, “I… I just don’t want to talk about it at the moment.”

“Gee, you can tell me because you know I won’t judge you.”

I barked a laugh and got out of the bunk, “I know you will though and I love you too much to see hatred in your eyes,” I took a step back and realised we had stopped moving, “I can’t be here right now!” I ran to the door of the bus and was about to throw it open when I heard Franks heart beat approaching. I hesitated and looked his way. My heart shattered yet again as I saw those red puffy eyes.

They narrowed as he saw me, “yeah, go outside and let the sunlight kill you as I won’t miss you!” he turned to Mikey and beckoned to him, “let me tell you what happened because I bet he hasn’t told the truth.”

“He told me nothing,” Mikey said, slowly trying to work out the significance of Frank’s first comment.

“Typical of a coward like him,” Frank spat the words out and turned away from me, “get out!”

Not knowing what else to do I jumped out the door and began to run as my skin prickled with heat. I reached a rundown shed and once inside I crouched in a corner and felt my own misery surround me until I fell asleep.