Midnight ***er

Chapter 2


When I woke up the pain was lessened although I still felt queasy. Bright sunlight was filtering into the bus and it hurt my eyes so I curled defensively.

“Oh, hey there sleepy head,” Mikey said from outside the bus, alerted by my movements. He stepped onto the bus and walked up to the bunk I was in, “how are you feeling?”

“Light… too bright!” I muttered, unable to look at him quite yet. He closed some curtains without question and beamed at me as he sat down again, “I am feeling better today… well, the pain has gone anyway,” I attempted a smile at him, “what happened?”

“We were hoping you would remember as we found nothing,” he looked at me hopefully then but I shook my head. I remembered nothing of the night before between going outside and Mikey finding me on the floor. He sighed, “you scared us though last night, you looked dreadful. You’re still pale now but you look better. Do you think you could eat?”

The thought of food was enough to make my stomach churn so I shook my head, “I am thirsty though but I can’t put my finger on what it is that I want,” I tried to stand and found my balance easily. I looked back and noticed how stained the sheets were. It was like I had lost all my bodily fluids the night before. I suddenly became conscious that clothes and body alike were sticky from the mess, “I need a shower,” I announced.

Mikey looked where I just had and screwed his face up, “If I didn’t know better I’d say you died last night!” he turned to me, “I’ll take care of this Gee, you just sort yourself out,” he began to strip the bunk.

I padded to the small bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped and stood under the warm and cleansing water. As everything washed away I became aware of a regular thumping sound. It was a familiar sound but I couldn’t place it at all. Curious I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel before going to find the source. As I drew closer to Mikey the sound got louder which was odd and then I noticed a similar sound and turned to see Bob walking past the bus door. That was when I realised that I was hearing heartbeats. Why was I doing that? Was it even possible?

I edged to the door to look outside but the light still hurt my eyes. Not my eyes I thought suddenly but all of me. I was allergic to light? I held my hand outside but snatched it back as I felt the prickle of burning flesh.

Now, the only thing I could think of that died, heard heartbeats and was harmed by sunlight was… no, no way, vampires were a myth, weren’t they? Anyway, I didn’t crave blood or at least I didn’t think I did. I was thirsty though and didn’t know what for. My imagination was running away with me I decided firmly. I was not a vampire.

I dressed quickly, in black obviously and looked in a mirror to see, nothing? I gave a start then and looked again. Nothing. Now I needed a good strong drink and I hadn’t even thought that for a long time. I moved away from the mirror so nobody saw that and went to my brother. His heartbeat was loud in my ears and it remained steady as he turned towards me.

“Thank you,” I said as I hugged him.

“Just don’t do that too often,” he joke warned me.

My eyes focused on his neck and I saw the vein dancing there. All of a sudden I was fighting the urge to bite down and feel that blood gush down my throat. I yelped and pushed Mikey away sharply.

Fuck, I am a vampire!